Found 1301 Articles for MCA

Difference between DNS and DHCP

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 16-Jun-2022 12:23:23

11K+ Views

A Domain Name System (DNS) server is used to translate domain names to IP Addresses and vice versa. DHCP is a client/server protocol that automatically assigns an IP address and other configuration information to an Internet Protocol (IP) host.Read through this article to find out more about DNS and DHCP and how they are different from each other.What is DNS?DNS is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, and other resources that are connected to a private network or the Internet. It connects a variety of bits of data to domain names assigned to each of the participants.DNS transforms ... Read More

Difference between UMA and NUMA

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 26-Nov-2019 12:20:48

9K+ Views

UMA and NUMA are shared memory models. Multiprocessors are divided among these type of categories. In UMA, Uniform Memory Access, a single memory controller is used and it is applicable for general purpose applications and time sharing applications. In NUMA, Non-Uniform Memory Access, multi memory controllers are used. NUMA is suitable for real-time applications and time critical applications.Following are the important differences between UMA and NUMA.Sr. No.KeyUMANUMA1DefinitionUMA stands for Uniform Memory Access.NUMA stands for Non Uniform Memory Access.2Memory ControllerUMA has single memory controller.NUMA has multiple memory controllers.3Memory AccessUMA memory access is slow.NUMA memory accsss is faster than UMA memory.4BandwidthUMA has ... Read More

Difference between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:38:40

8K+ Views

In case of a computer system, memory is one of the most important parts of the system. Computer memory is entirely responsible for storing data, information, instructions, etc. in the system and it also defines the performance of the system. There are several types of computer memories available. But in this article, we only discuss about cache memory and virtual memory, and the important differences between them. What is Virtual Memory? Virtual Memory is a technique to increase the main memory capacity. It uses data swap technology and hard disk area is used as virtual memory. As its name ... Read More

Difference between RAM and ROM

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 02:49:10

74K+ Views

In computer systems, memory is a hardware component of the system that stores data and information in the computer. The computer memory can be classified into two main types namely – primary memory and secondary memory. The primary memory is further divided into two main types – RAM and ROM. Read through this article to find out more about RAM and ROM and how they are different from each other. Let's start with some basics of RAM and ROM. What is RAM? RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is a type of primary memory of a computer system. ... Read More

Difference between Private and Public IP addresses

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 14-Sep-2023 15:45:32

23K+ Views

What is an IP Address? An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a numerical identifier, such as, that is associated with a computer network that communicates using the Internet Protocol. An IP address is used for two purposes: identifying a host or network interface, and addressing a specific location. An IP address has two primary functions: it identifies the host, or more particularly its network interface; and it indicates the host's position in the network, allowing a path to be established to that host. IP addresses can be either Public or Private. Read through this article to ... Read More

Difference between MAC Address and IP Address

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 19-Aug-2022 12:38:43

8K+ Views

Both MAC Address and IP Address are used to uniquely identify a machine on the internet. MAC address is provided by the chip maker while IP Address is provided by the Internet Service Provider. Mac Address Media Access Control (MAC) address is a physical address that works at the data link layer of the OSI model. A MAC address is a 48 or 64-bit address associated with a network adapter. MAC addresses are linked to the hardware of the network adapters, hence they are also known as the "hardware address" or "physical address." MAC addresses uniquely identify the adapter ... Read More

Difference between Connection-oriented and Connection-less Services

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 11:29:57

2K+ Views

Connection-oriented and Connection-less Services are used to establish connections between two or more devices. Connection-oriented Services A connection-oriented service is one that establishes a dedicated connection between the communicating entities before data communication commences. It is modeled after the telephone system. To use a connection-oriented service, the user first establishes a connection, uses it and then releases it. In connection-oriented services, the data streams/packets are delivered to the receiver in the same order in which they have been sent by the sender. Connection-oriented services may be done in either of the following ways − Circuit-switched connection: In circuit ... Read More

Difference between MAN and WAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 08:51:54

6K+ Views

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a medium-sized network but it covers a larger area than a LAN. It often covers multiple cities or towns. In contrast, a Wide Area Network (WAN) is a much larger network than LAN and MAN. A WAN in general is a network of local area networks (LANs) that link to other LANs via telephone lines and radio waves. Go through this article to find out more about MAN and WAN and how they are different from each other. What is a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)? A MAN is comparable to a ... Read More

Difference between LAN and MAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 12:30:08

4K+ Views

Both LAN and MAN are computer networks that differ in terms of the geographical area they cover. LANs are private networks limited to a particular geographical area in the range of a few kilometers, while MANs cover a larger area that can span multiple cities and towns.Read through this article to find out the major differences between a LAN and a MAN.Local Area Network (LAN)A Local Area Network is a private network that connects computers and devices within a limited area like an office, a building, or a campus. On a small scale, LANs are used to connect personal computers ... Read More

Difference between LAN, MAN and WAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 21:49:14

23K+ Views

When several computers are connected together and are able to communicate with one another, it is called a computer network. Computer networks are designed to share data and information among the computers of the network. Depending on the operating geographical area, computer networks are of the three major types, namely LAN, MAN, and WAN. All the three computer networks are designed for the same purpose, i.e., for sharing information among the computers. But, they are different in many ways, which we are going to highlight in this article. Let's start with some basics of LAN, MAN, and WAN. What ... Read More
