Found 1301 Articles for MCA

Supporting outbound SMTP extensions

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:48:37


Outbound SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) extensions are optional features that can be used to improve the functionality of email messages. These extensions are negotiated between the sending and receiving mail servers during the SMTP conversation, which occurs when an email is sent from one server to another. Outbound SMTP extensions that have been defined, including 8BITMIME − Allows 8-bit data to be transmitted over SMTP, allowing for the use of non-ASCII characters in email messages. BINARYMIME − Allows binary data to be transmitted as part of an email message. CHUNKING − Allows large messages to be sent in ... Read More

SMTP Service Extension Parameters

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:48:06


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transmitting email messages. An SMTP service extension is a feature or capability that can be added to the base SMTP protocol to provide additional functionality. These extensions are defined in the form of parameters that can be included in the SMTP command stream to indicate support for a particular extension or to provide additional information needed to use the extension. List of SMTP Service Extension Parameters Here is a list of some common SMTP service extensions − EHLO (Extended Hello) − This extension allows an SMTP client to negotiate the ... Read More

Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:47:30

1K+ Views

Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP) is a protocol for sending email messages between servers. It is an extension of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which is the standard protocol for sending email messages on the Internet. ESMTP was designed to allow for greater flexibility and functionality in the exchange of email messages. In ESMTP, additional commands and functionality are added to the original SMTP protocol to allow for the exchange of more complex email messages, such as messages with attachments or messages in different character sets. ESMTP also includes mechanisms for negotiating the use of these additional features ... Read More

What is Base64 Encoding

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:45:05

5K+ Views

Base64 encoding is a way to represent binary data in ASCII text format. It is often used for include small images in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, or anything else text based. To encode data in Base64, the data is first converted to binary data and then broken into groups of 6 bits. Each group is then represented by a printable ASCII character. There are 64 characters in the Base64 "alphabet", which is why it is called Base64. The characters used are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /. For example, the letter 'A' in Base64 is represented as 'QQ==', and the ... Read More

RFC 5322 Internet Message Format

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:44:26

4K+ Views

RFC 5322 is a standard that defines the format of internet messages, such as email messages. It specifies the structure and content of email messages, including the headers, body, and attachments. The standard is maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is an important reference for anyone working with email or other internet messages. It is also known as the Internet Message Format Standard. Here are a few more points about RFC 5322 − It replaces an earlier standard called RFC 822, which was published in 1982. It is written in ... Read More

What is a User Agent (UA)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:43:39

5K+ Views

In computing, a user agent is a string that a web browser or other client software sends to a web server along with each request to identify itself and its capabilities. The user agent string contains information about the browser version, operating system, device type, and other details that can be used to identify the client. Web servers use this information to tailor their responses to the specific client, such as by sending back content that is optimized for the client's device type or by modifying the layout of the content to better fit the client's display size. The user ... Read More

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:35:28


Overview The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an international organization that plays a vital role in the functioning of the Internet. It is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the Internet, including domain names and IP addresses. In this article, we will take a closer look at what ICANN is, what it does, and how it impacts the daily use of the Internet. Internet First, it is important to understand the basic structure of the Internet. At its most basic level, the Internet is ... Read More

The DNS Name Space

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:35:05

17K+ Views

The DNS name space is the set of all domain names that are registered in the DNS. These domain names are organized into a tree-like structure, with the top of the tree being the root domain. Below the root domain, there are a number of top-level domains, such as .com, .net, and .org. Below the top-level domains, there are second-level domains, and so on. Each domain name in the DNS name space corresponds to a set of resource records, which contain information about that domain name, such as its IP address, mail servers, and other information. The DNS name space ... Read More

Performance Problems in Computer Networks

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:32:22

3K+ Views

Network performance refers to the quality and speed of a network's transmission of data between devices. It is typically measured by factors such as bandwidth, latency, and throughput. Network performance is important because it determines how well devices can communicate with each other and access the resources they need, such as the internet or shared files. Poor network performance can lead to slow response times, reduced productivity, and other problems. Five Common Potential Issues that can Affect Network Performance Bandwidth bottlenecks − If the network's available bandwidth is inadequate for the number and type of devices and applications using ... Read More

Administrative Distance (AD) and Autonomous System (AS)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 13:39:44


Administrative Distance (AD) and Autonomous System (AS) are two important concepts in the field of computer networking. These concepts are used to determine the trustworthiness and reliability of routing information that is received from different sources. Understanding these concepts is crucial for network administrators as they are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the network and ensuring that data is transmitted efficiently. What is Administrative Distance (AD)? Administrative Distance (AD) is a metric that is used to determine the trustworthiness of routing information that is received from different sources. It is a value that is assigned to each routing protocol, ... Read More

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