Found 1301 Articles for MCA

What is the role of NAT and PAT in making internet routing more efficient?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:18:50


The two address translations that are helpful to make internet routing more efficient are NAT (Network address translation) and PAT (Port address translation).Let us discuss the two translation schemes.Network Address Translation (NAT)NAT is used to convert a private IP address into a public IP address and also a public IP address into a private IP address. We use NAT due to the shortage of IP addresses.IP Version 4 is a 32- bit address and it has almost 4.3 billion IP addresses, but the population of the world is much higher and it is approximately about 7.8 billion as of the ... Read More

What are network based attacks and network security threats?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:16:04


Let us begin by understanding what network based attacks are.Network based attacksThe different network-based attacks are as follows −SniffingIn this type of network attack, packets of data are captured and monitored by the hacker. These packets flow between server and client. The attacker intercepts the network to read them.This can actually lead to damage to the data in the organization. This is because it may lead to compromise of private information of the employees, etc.EavesdroppingIn this type of attack, passive activities are performed on the network. The attacker starts to listen to the data flowing between various networks and extract ... Read More

What are risks in implementing the RSA algorithm without padding?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:15:02

1K+ Views

The RSA algorithm stands for Rivest-Shamir-Adelman algorithm. RSA algorithm is the most commonly used public key algorithm and this algorithm can be used both for encryption and for signing.RSA uses a variable size encryption block and variable size key. The key pair is derived from a very large number say n that is the product of two large prime numbers selected through special rules.The public key includes n and derives one of the factors of n, an adversary cannot determine the prime factor of n, from this information alone, makes the RSA algorithm so secure.Hence, it is generally considered to ... Read More

What are the ways of security implementation in storage networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:14:01


The different ways of security implementations in storage network includes the following −An overall IT and security risk assessment study has been completed including threat probabilities and overall business impacts.This will set a context and basis to develop a credible storage network security plan.Overall IT security objectives and advised spending levels and budgets are in place so that a storage security plan can be developed in context.Requirements for compliance reporting have been established so that the storage network security implementations can give the overall reporting system.Types of Storage network security implementationsAccordingly, there are three types of storage network security implementations ... Read More

What are issues and solutions related to TCP in networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:12:47


Some the issues and solution related to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) are as follows −Silly window syndrome.Congestion window management.Silly Window SyndromeThis is a problem which arises in TCP flow control. In this the sender window size shrinks to an extremely low value due that the data being sent in each trip is even smaller than the TCP header. Due to which TCP protocol becomes extremely inefficient.CausesThe silly window syndrome can occur due to two main reasons, which are as follows −The application which needs to send the data produces a short amount of data (1 byte), again and again and ... Read More

What is Silly Window Syndrome in TCP?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:11:57

3K+ Views

TCP is a transmission control protocol and a connection-oriented protocol. It provides a flow control and error control facility for information in between the sender and the receiver.A protocol which will be used in the data link layer which will support the reliable and sequential delivery of data frames. This protocol is the sliding window protocol.This sliding window facility is also used with the TCP which helps to transfer multiple frames by a sender at a time before receiving an acknowledgment from the receiver.The TCP will maintain a proper data flow.If the sender data transmitting speed will be high compared ... Read More

What are flooding, static routing and dynamic routing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:10:56


Let us begin by understanding the concept of flooding.FloodingFlooding does not require any network information like topology, load condition and cost of different paths.Here, every incoming packet to a node is sent out on every outgoing line except the one it arrived on.In this case all possible routes between Source and Destination will be tried. If a path exists a packet will always get through.Since routes are tried, we can see at least one route which is the shortest.All nodes that are indirectly or directly connected are visited.Some limitations include generation of large numbers of duplicate packets. Also, we must ... Read More

What are flood routing and random routing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:09:57


Let us begin by understanding what flood routing is.Flood RoutingFlood Routing is the study of flood routing that predicts the potential flood of an area. It is used to determine the time and magnitude of flow.Flood routing is done by using the velocity of water, flow rate and local geology of an area.As all routes are examined, there will be at least one route that is the shortest one. All nodes that are combined directly or indirectly are visited.Limitations of floodingThe limitations of flooding are as follows −Flooding generates a huge number of duplicate packets.A suitable damping mechanism must always ... Read More

What are subnets and subnet masks in computer networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:08:28

11K+ Views

Subnet Mask is used in networking to create multiple sub networks in a network. It divides the IP address into multiple parts which can be assigned to every computer. Subnet Mask is made by setting the network bits to all "1"s and setting host bits to all "0"s. Within a given network, two host addresses are reserved for a special purpose, and cannot be assigned to hosts.The binary "0" in the subnet mask tell us about the host address. It tells us about the IP of the host which has done subnetting.ExampleSuppose we have a subnet address as In ... Read More

What are the most popular wireless internet access technologies?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:06:47

1K+ Views

The two of the most popular wireless Internet access technologies are Wireless LAN and Wide-area wireless access network. Let us understand both of them in detail.WLAN (wireless local area network)WLAN uses locally placed radio transmitters (base stations) to provide Internet technology. The end devices that are equipped with radio transceivers exchange data with these base stations.The range of WLAN is limited to a few tens of meters.Wired Internet is used to connect these base stations to the internet network and thus the base station allows the users of the WLAN to get connected to the worldwide internet.WLAN is used for ... Read More
