Found 1301 Articles for MCA

Voice Biometric Technique in Network Security

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:30:32


BiometricsBody measurements and computations linked to human traits are referred to as biometrics. Biometric authentication is a type of identification and access control used in computer science. It's also used to track down individuals in groups that are being watched.Individuals are labeled and described using biometric identifiers, which are unique, quantifiable traits. Physiological features, which are connected to the form of the body, are commonly used to classify biometric identifiers. A few examples are Fingerprints, palm veins, facial recognition, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, iris identification, retina, and odor/scent.Customers may "speak on the dotted line" with Vocal Biometrics, which is ... Read More

Various Failures in Distributed Systems

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:29:21

4K+ Views

Restoration failure can be a complicated issue, especially for distributed systems, where there may be multiple participating devices and multiple failure points. It is very instructive to find different roles in the program and ask each one, "What would happen if that part of the program failed?" Designing a reliable system that can recover from failure requires identifying the types of failure the system must deal with.In a distributed system, we need to deal with mainly four types of failures −Transaction failure (abortion), Site (program) failure, Media (disk) failure, andCommunication line failure.Some of these are due to hardware, and some ... Read More

Wraparound Concept and TCP Sequence Number

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:28:07

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What is TCP?The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a network communication protocol that allows data packets to be sent across the Internet.TCP is an OSI transport layer protocol used to connect remote computers by conveying and ensuring message delivery through supporting networks and the Internet.Transmission Control Protocol is a member of the Internet protocol suite, sometimes known as the TCP/IP suite, and is one of the most widely used protocols in digital network communications.TCP is primarily used to assure end-to-end data delivery between different nodes.TCP operates in tandem with Internet Protocol, which determines the logical location of the remote node, ... Read More

What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server- Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:27:05


Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE), and Comet are some of the ways for the client-side to connect with the server-side in real-time. These are discussed in the next paragraphs.Long PollingThis is a technique in which a client asks for information from a server but does not anticipate a response right away. It entails sending an HTTP request to a server and then leaving the connection open to allow the server to reply later. The server enables about 6 simultaneous connections from the browser using extended polling.In comparison to other methods, load balancing is simple in this case. Long polling is ... Read More

Web Caching and Conditional GET Statements

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:25:30

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What is Web Caching?The activity of saving data for reuse, such as a copy of a web page supplied by a web server, is known as web caching.It is cached or saved the first time a user accesses the page, and a cache will deliver the copy the next time a user requests the same page, preventing the origin server from becoming overwhelmed.Web caching techniques dramatically improve page delivery speed and reduce the amount of work required of the backend server.Caching servers can be configured to refresh at predetermined intervals or in response to specified events to guarantee that only ... Read More

What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:24:53


What is Authentication?Authentication is the act of establishing the same claim as users identify on a computer system. As opposed to identification, authenticity is the process of verifying a person's or thing's identification. Personal identification must be validated, the website's validity must be validated with a digital certificate, the relic must be carbon dated, and the product or document must not be counterfeit.The process of determining the claimed user is known as authentication. This is the first stage of the security procedure. Completing the authentication procedure in less than or equal to −The password − The most popular authentication factors ... Read More

XMODEM File Transfer Protocol

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:23:14

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XMODEM is a standard file transfer process developed by Ward Christensen in 1977. It sends data-related data blocks and awaits receipt of block receipt. XModem is used in both hardware and software.XMODEM is a half-dup communication protocol with an effective error detection device.It violates the original data in a series of packets sent to the recipient and other information that allows the recipient to determine whether the packets have been received correctly.Marked files are completed with the end-of-file character sent behind the last block. This character is not in the packet but is sent as a single byte.Since the lengths ... Read More

What is Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:22:05

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WAP is a collection of communication protocols meant to standardise how wireless devices, such as mobile phones and radio transceivers, may access the Internet and its services, such as email and newsgroups. Prior to the advent of WAP, Internet connection was available, but various manufacturers utilised different technologies; WAP promised compatibility across these technologies.WAP was created in 1997 at the WAP Forum by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet (now The WAP Forum was renamed the Open Mobile Alliance in 2002. (OMA).Operation of the WAPWAP is an acronym for a collection of protocols. WAP hardware, such as WAP-enabled web ... Read More

What is E-Governance?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:21:14

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E-governance offers vital opportunities to employ electronic means to push sensible governance. It applies data technology to government processes and functions to attain easy, ethical, accountable, and clear governance. This includes the dissemination of data, and quick and effective communication.With the formation of a lot of comprehensive and multi-stakeholder approaches, e-governance continues to incorporate electronic interactions, particularly interactions from government and non-governmental organizations.Benefits of e-GovernanceFollowing are some of the benefits of applying e-Governance −Reduced corruptionHigh transparencyIncreased convenience Growth of GDPDirect involvement of componentsReduction of total costsParticipating in the scope of the Government of e-overnight, the government plans to increase the ... Read More

WiMax in Computer Network

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:19:57

2K+ Views

What is WiMAX?WiMAX stands for "Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, " a telecommunications standard that describes fixed and fully mobile Internet access services. The protocol follows some aspects of the IEEE 802.16 Standard.WiMAX products and services are most likely to be found in "last mile" applications. WiMAX enables ISPs and carriers to deliver Internet access to homes and businesses without the need for physical cabling (copper, cable, etc.) to reach the customer's location.Difference between WiMAX and WiFiWiMAX is sometimes compared to WiFi because both technologies rely on wireless Internet connectivity and are complementary.Following are some of the major differences between ... Read More
