Found 1301 Articles for MCA

What is ADSL?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:25:03


ADSL represents Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. ADSL is a kind of DSL, which is a technique of sharing data over copper mobile lines. While symmetrical DSL (SDSL) transfer and downloads data at a similar speed, ADSL has several maximum data transfer rates for uploading and downloading information.For example, an ADSL connection can enable download costs of 1.5Mbps, while upload speeds can only reach 256Kbps. Because several users download much more data than they upload, this difference generally does not create a noticeable element on Internet access speeds. Still, for Web servers or other computers that send various data upstream, ADSL ... Read More

What is the difference between SONET and DWDM?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:23:13


Let us understand what Synchronous optical networking (SONET) is.SONETSONET stands for Synchronous optical networking. It is a standardized digital connection protocol that can share a huge volume of data over relatively long distances using a fiber optic medium. In SONET, there are various digital data streams are shared simultaneously over optical fiber utilizing LEDs and laser beams.SONET provides multiple data streams at the same time. It was created to support efficient services in telecommunication systems and thus became widely adopted. SONET uses standardized costs so that all types of organizations can be interconnected.In packet-oriented networks, a single packet normally includes ... Read More

What is the difference between URL and Link?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:22:09

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Let us begin by understanding what URL is.URLURL stands for uniform resource identifier. It can indicate the location of a web resource to access the web pages. The URL sends users to a definite resource online including video, webpage, or other resources. When you search for some query on Google, it will show the various URLs of the resource that are all associated with your search query. The URLs which are shown are the hyperlink to create the web pages.A URL is placed in the address bar or search bar at the top of the browser window. The URL is ... Read More

What is the difference between GSM and UMTS?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:21:18


Let us begin by learning about GSM.GSMGSM is a standard set produced by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to represents technologies for second-generation (2G) digital mobile system. The GSM standard is more enhanced after the development of the third-generation (3G) UMTS standard created by the 3GPP.GSM phones can be recognized by the existence of a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). This is a very small object, which is about as broad as a finger, is a removable smart card that includes a user’s subscription data, and some contact entries.This SIM card enables a user to switch from one GSM phone to ... Read More

What is the difference between SHA1 and SHA256?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:20:32


Let us begin by understanding what SHA1 is.SHA1SHA-1 is one of the most broadly used and set up cryptographic hash functions frequently used by SSL certificate authorities to sign certificates. It was the earliest hash algorithm stated for use by the U.S. federal government. It was produced by NIST and the NSA.SHA-1 was written as a federal administration standard in 1995 as an upgrade to the SHA, which was written in 1993. It takes an input and makes a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value called a message digest. It is generally described by a 40-digit long hexadecimal string. The SHA-1 is ... Read More

What is VPN?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:19:28


VPN represents the virtual private network. It is an encrypted connection over the web from a device to a network. The encrypted connection helps provide that sensitive information is safely transmitted. It avoids unauthorized persons from eavesdropping on the traffic and enables the user to manage work remotely. VPN technology is broadly used in corporate environments.A VPN protects your IP address by allowing the network to redirect it through a specially configured remote server run by a VPN host. This defines that if you surf online with a VPN, the VPN server becomes the source of your information. This defines ... Read More

What is the difference between Domain Name and URL?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:18:07


Let us begin by learning about domain names.Domain NameA domain name is the theme interpretation of an IP address. An IP address and its related domain name. As with an IP address, the element of a domain name is removed by periods. The text in the domain name up to the first duration identifies the kind of web server.A domain name is a web resource name that is universally pretended by web servers and online organizations and provides all pertinent destination records. It can access an organization’s internet-based services, website users should understand the precise domain name.The DNS system is ... Read More

What are the SSL Certificates?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:16:48


An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that verifies a website's integrity and enables an encrypted connection. SSL represents Secure Sockets Layer. It is a security protocol that makes an encrypted linked between a web server and a web browser.Companies and organizations required to insert SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and maintain user data private and secure. SSL keeps internet connections secure and avoids criminals from reading or changing data shared between two systems.SSL operates by providing that any data shared between users and websites, or between two systems, remains impossible to read. It facilitates encryption ... Read More

What is the difference between Synchronous TDM and Statistical TDM?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:15:57


Let us understand what synchronous TDM is.Synchronous TDMSynchronous TDM is known as synchronous. It is essential because each time slot is pre-assigned to a constant source. The time slots are sent regardless of whether the sources have some data to send or not. TDM devices can handle the source of several data cost. This is completed by authorizing fewer slots per cycle to the passive input devices than the rapid device.In STDM, the multiplexer authorizes a similar time slot to every device at sometimes, whether or not a device has something to send. Time slot A, for instance, is authorized ... Read More

What is NTP?

Updated on 22-Nov-2021 05:14:57


NTP represents Network Time Protocol. It is a TCP/IP protocol that can synchronize the computer clocks across data networks. NTP was created in the 1980s by D.L. Mills at the University of Delaware to achieve highly efficient time synchronization and to maintain the effects of variable latency over packet-switched data networks through a jitter buffer.NTP allows the synchronization of computer clocks distributed across the network by providing efficient local timekeeping concerning some specific time on the Internet. NTP interacts among users and servers using the User Datagram Protocol on port No.123.The NTP software package contains a background program referred to ... Read More
