Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

7 Best JavaScript IDE or Code Editors

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:00:00


In this tutorial, we can discover the best software for Java Scripting. JavaScript makes your websites interactive and dynamic. You must pick a good JavaScript editor to write your code with ease. This article will give you a short introduction to the available JavaScript software with its pros and cons. There are JavaScript editors and IDEs. Editors are just text tools that allow you to write anything. You can choose the right JavaScript software after checking the reviews and descriptions. JavaScript Code Editors A code editor is not a coding tool. Code editors are lighter text editors and work well ... Read More

JavaScript vs. PHP: Which is Easier?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:55:46


In this tutorial, let us compare Javascript and PHP to find which is easy. PHP is an object-oriented server coding language that came up in 1994. PHP is secure, synchronous, and scalable. PHP develops dynamic webpages. Javascript is also an object-oriented client-side programming language released in 1995. Humans can read Javascript source code. Javascript is asynchronous, develops user-friendly websites, and never gives any server load. Let us analyze JavaScript and PHP to find the easy one by comparing some particular aspects. Factors of Comparison PHP Javascript Flexibility Yes Yes GitHub Rank 8th rank 1st ... Read More

Which Android Browser Has The Best JavaScript Support?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:46:33


In this tutorial, we find which browser has the best JavaScript support. Most browsers support JavaScript because of its popularity and simplicity. Like web browsers, Android browsers also provide support for JavaScript. The best JavaScript-supporting browsers are Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. On Android device, Chrome is the primary browser that a developer use. If you are working on an android device, you should first enable JavaScript in the device and the browser if JavaScript is off by default. Code to Test JavaScript State To test whether JavaScript is active in a browser, you can run the HTML ... Read More

How To Run JavaScript Online?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:41:27

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, let us discuss the best way to run Javascript online. As we know, Javascript is a popular language. There are many options to run Javascript online. Optimizing runtime and memory usage is the challenge all these tools face. A simple way to run Javascript is the browser console. The browser console comes up when you press the F12 key. You can add the Javascript code within the script tag or load an external JavaScript file. Let us look into the available options to run Javascript online. Codepen To run Javascript using codepen, only enter the Javascript code ... Read More

Game Development Using JavaScript

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:39:42

3K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn about whether we can create games using JavaScript or not. We can, of course. JavaScript games are entertaining, simple, and a fantastic method for youngsters to learn how to code. Nearly all internet websites employ the popular programming language known as JavaScript. A web application can be enhanced using JavaScript by adding animations and interactivity that improve gaming and web browsing. JavaScript's capacity to create games that can be played readily online is a common topic that draws young people to learn how to program. It makes sense that more game developers have been ... Read More

Best Online Sources To Learn JavaScript

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:32:15

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, we shall discover the best online source to learn JavaScript. JavaScript is a client-side language for website development. JavaScript is handy for responsive website development. Learning JavaScript is essential because of the increased resource requirements. There are many free resources available to learn Javascript online. Let us look into this in brief. Online Sources to Learn JavaScript Tutorials Point Tutorials Point offers an online tutorials library for the best content on the latest technologies including C, C++, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP, Machine Learning, Data Science, AppML, etc. Tutorials Point also offers numerous Q&A articles on different technologies ... Read More

Role of Canvas Javascript API in Major Browsers

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:25:25


The canvas JavaScript API is a powerful tool for creating and manipulating graphics on the web. It allows you to draw 2D graphics using JavaScript code and is supported by most modern web browsers. Game manipulation, animation, video processing, and many more are there from Canvas API. The canvas API is implemented in the form of a canvas element, which is an HTML element that can be placed in an HTML document. The canvas element is used as a drawing surface and can be styled and positioned using CSS. To draw graphics on the canvas, you can use the canvas ... Read More

How to show images with a click in JavaScript using HTML?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 14-Sep-2023 01:19:28

32K+ Views

Showing images with a click in JavaScript is a common technique used in web development to create image galleries, slideshows, and other types of image−based applications. It allows users to navigate between images by clicking on buttons or other elements in the user interface, rather than using a static set of images that are always visible. To show images with a click in JavaScript, you can use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to define the structure and appearance of the image elements, and to specify the behavior of the buttons or other elements that will be used to ... Read More

How to disable right-clicking on a website using JavaScript?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 11:45:32

20K+ Views

To disable right-clicking on a website using JavaScript, you can use the contextmenu event to cancel the default behavior of the right−click. The contextmenu event is a DOM event that is triggered when a user right-clicks on an element in a user interface. It is a type of mouse event, similar to the click event, but it is specific to right-clicks. In JavaScript, you can use the addEventListener method to attach a contextmenu event listener to an element. The event listener function will be called whenever the contextmenu event is triggered on the element. Here's an example of how you ... Read More

Role of JavaScript in Software Companies?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 11:43:54


In this article, you will learn about the importance and role of the JavaScript language in the software industry. Where do we use the language and how it helps in production in the software companies everything we will get to know. JavaScript is one of the web development languages used to add functionality to the website. It makes the website interactive, robust, faster, and prettier. It's a scripting, interpreted language that can be directly compiled in a web browser like C, or CPP; it doesn't need a compiler to compile. Basically, to develop a website we need three basic languages: ... Read More
