Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to add a new list element under a

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 13:20:17

3K+ Views

To add a new list element under a ul element, use the jQuery append() methodSet input type text initiallyValue: Now on the click of a button, add a new list element using the val() and append() methods in jQuery:$('button').click(function() {    var mylist = $('#input').val();    $('#list').append(''+mylist+'');    return false; });You can try to run the following code to learn how to add a new list element using jQuery:Example Live Demo               $(document).ready(function(){          $('button').click(function() {             var mylist = $('#input').val();         ... Read More

How to globally disable an animation using jQuery?

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 21-Jun-2020 12:44:58


To globally disable an animation using jQuery, use the method.To enable animation:$("#enable").click(function(){ = false; });To disable animation, set as true:$("#disable").click(function(){ = true; });You can try to run the following code to globally disable an animation using jQuery:Example Live Demo The jQuery Example               $(document).ready(function() {          $("#enable").click(function(){    = false;          });          $("#disable").click(function(){    = true;          });   ... Read More

How to add easing effect to your animation with jQuery?

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 21-Jun-2020 13:14:24


To add easing effect to your animation, use the animation speed properly to form it a perfect animation for the web page. Do not speed up animation and you should know where to stop it while using animate().Here for our example, we have a button that takes you to a textarea to add an answer:    Add answer Now set the fade out property properly to set easing effect.Example Live Demo               $(document).ready(function(){          $('body').on('click', '#answer', function() {             var container = $('.new-answer');   ... Read More

What is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 16:07:56

2K+ Views

Both JavaScript and jQuery serve the same overarching objective of making the webpages more interactive and dynamic. They give the websites a sense of vibrancy. People may ask why there is a need for two distinct ideas if they serve the same function and are utilised in the same way. Read through this article to find out how jQuery differs from JavaScript.What is JavaScript?JavaScript is a lightweight programming language that is used most often as a component of webpages. Its webpage implementations enable client-side script to interact with the user and create dynamic sites. It is a programming language that ... Read More

How to handle bind an event using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 13:35:20

9K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how to handle bind an event using JavaScript. Events are the actions or occurrences in the system by the browser or users. There are various types of events that represent various activities performed by the browser or users. For example, if a user clicks on a button, it triggers an event named "click." Similarly, if a webpage finished loading, it triggered an event called "load." An Event Listener is a program that continuously listens to or waits for an event to occur. It is one of the most important parts of JavaScript. The ... Read More
