Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to format a number with two decimals in JavaScript?

Kumar Ishan
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 13:02:35

91K+ Views

This tutorial will teach us how to format a number with two decimals using JavaScript. Formatting a number means rounding the number up to a specified decimal place. In JavaScript, we can apply many methods to perform the formatting. Some of them are listed as follows − The toFixed() Method Math.round() Method Math.floor() Method Math.ceil() Method The toFixed() Method The toFixed() method formats a number with a specific number of digits to the right of the decimal. it returns a string representation of the number that does not use exponential notation and has the exact number of digits after ... Read More

How to perform integer division and get the remainder in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 14-Sep-2022 13:38:18

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform integer division and get the remainder in JavaScript. The division operator (/) returns the quotient of its operands, where the dividend is on the left, and the divisor is on the right. When another splits one operand, the remainder operator (%) returns the residual. It always takes the dividend sign. In the operation x% y, x is known as the dividend, and y is known as the divisor. If one of the operands is NaN, x is Infinity, or y is 0, the operation returns NaN. Otherwise, the dividend x is ... Read More

How do I get the number of days between two dates in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 20-Jul-2022 08:47:50

7K+ Views

This tutorial teaches us to find the number of days between the two dates in JavaScript. If you are a developer, sometimes you face the scenario where you need to find the number of days between 2 dates.For example, if you are building a software application to keep track of employees' attendance and salary. If an employee leaves without completing the month, you need to count the number of days the employee attended in the current month to give the salary. Furthermore, there can be many scenarios like the above example.In this tutorial, we will see the different methods to ... Read More

What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookies value?

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 12:04:38

4K+ Views

The following are the details of the maximum size of web browser’s cookies value −Web BrowserMaximum cookiesMaximum size per cookieGoogle Chrome1804096 bytesFirefox1504097 bytesOpera1804096 bytesAndroid504096 bytes

How to calculate the difference between two dates in JavaScript?

Jennifer Nicholas
Updated on 17-Jun-2020 06:27:09

1K+ Views

To get dates in JavaScript, use the getTime() method. Forgetting the difference between two dates, calculate the difference between date and time.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to calculate a difference between two dates −Live Demo                    var dateFirst = new Date("11/25/2017");          var dateSecond = new Date("11/28/2017");          // time difference          var timeDiff = Math.abs(dateSecond.getTime() - dateFirst.getTime());          // days difference          var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));          // difference          alert(diffDays);          

What is the shortest function of reading a cookie by name in JavaScript?

Rishi Rathor
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 12:11:58


Here’s the best way to read cookies by name in JavaScript. The following is the function −function ReadCookie() {    var allcookies = document.cookie;    document.write ("All Cookies : " + allcookies );    // Get all the cookies pairs in an array    cookiearray = allcookies.split(';');    // Now take key value pair out of this array    for(var i = 0; i < cookiearray.length; i++) {       name = cookiearray[i].split('=')[0];       value = cookiearray[i].split('=')[1];       document.write ("Key is : " + name + " and Value is : " + value);    } }

How to generate random numbers between two numbers in JavaScript?

Kumar Ishan
Updated on 05-Sep-2022 07:19:27

10K+ Views

To generate a random number, we use the Math.random() function. This method returns a floating-point number in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). To generate random numbers in different range, we should define the minimum and maximum limits of the range. Please follow the second syntax below for this. To generate random integers, you can follow the third and fourth syntax discussed below. As the Math.random() method gives us a random floating point number so to convert the result into an integer, we need to apply some basic math. Please follow the below syntaxes. Syntax Following is the syntax ... Read More

How to get time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch in JavaScript?

Krantik Chavan
Updated on 24-Sep-2019 08:30:59


The standard Unix epoch is an expression in seconds. The Unix epoch or Unix time is the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.The getTime() method is used to return the millisecond representation of the Date object.To get time in milliseconds, use the following:var milliseconds = (new Date).getTime();

How to get a number value of a string in Javascript?

Nancy Den
Updated on 17-Jun-2020 06:24:14


To get an integer in the string “abcde 30”, use the following regex in JavaScript, else it will return NaN. With that, use parseInt() to get the numbers with regex under String match() method −ExampleLive Demo                    var myStr = "abcdef 30";          var num = parseInt(myStr.match(/\d+/))          alert(num);          

How to get a string representation of a number in JavaScript?

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 17-Jun-2020 06:23:34


Use the toString() method to get the string representation of a number. You can try to run the following code to print a string representation of numbers like 20, -40, 15.5 −ExampleLive Demo                    var num1 = 25;          document.write(num1.toString()+"");          document.write((30.2).toString()+"");          var num2 = 3;          document.write(num2.toString(2)+"");          document.write((-0xff).toString(2));           Output25 30.2 11 -11111111Above, you can see we added a parameter to the toString() method. This is an optional parameter, which allows you to add an integer between 2 and 36, which is the base for representing numeric values.
