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What are the most important tags for an HTML Document?

Amit Sharma
Updated on 07-Oct-2019 07:48:26

1K+ Views

HTML has various tags to format content, heading, align content, add sections, etc to a website. The most important tags for an HTML document is doctype, , and .doctypedoctype is the doctype declaration type. It is used for specifying which version of HTML the document is using.The HTML tag is the container for all other HTML elements except for the tag, which is located before the opening tag. All other HTML elements are nested between the and tags.The HTML tag is used for indicating the head section of the HTML document. Tags included inside ... Read More

What are the essential tags for an HTML Document?

Shakira Thasleem
Updated on 17-Aug-2022 13:32:40

1K+ Views

Hyper Text Markup Language which is also known as HTML is used to create web pages and web applications. This application made using HTML are accessible to anyone on the world wide web (internet). The Hydertext and Markup language together help define a basic blueprint of the website or web applications.An HTML tag is used to indicate the beginning and closing for an HTML element of an HTML document. With help to these HTML tags a browser transforms an HTML document into a website or web application. In general, a tag is structured with three components, Opening Tag - Marks ... Read More

How to create an inline frame using the