Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to integrate Google AdSense into your webpage?

Updated on 10-Jan-2020 11:10:20


If your website is having a sufficient content and a good number of page views, then start adding some advertisements to earn money. Google AdSense is a free and easy way to earn money by placing ads on your website.Integrating Google AdSense on a website is quite easy. Let’s see the steps:Go to the official website and SIGN IN with the Google Account, which you want to use for AdSense.Setup the account will all the details i.e. website information, content language, etc.Read the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions and follow the Google rules. Also, read the Google Program Policies and do ... Read More

How to call a JavaScript function on a click event?

Saurabh Jaiswal
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 14:26:11

18K+ Views

To call a function on click event in JavaScript, you can use either the addEventListener method or the onclick event attribute. The addEventListener method is a general way to attach an event handler to a DOM element, and it allows you to specify the event and the callback function to be called when the event occurs. The onclick attribute is a specific event attribute that allows you to specify a JavaScript function to be called when the element is clicked. Both methods allow you to specify a function to be called when the element is clicked, but the addEventListener method ... Read More

How to include inline JavaScript inside an HTML page?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 14-Sep-2022 13:45:03

7K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how to include inline JavaScript inside an HTML page. Include inline JavaScript using onclick Event Just like an alert message showing up from the inline JavaScript inside an HTML page, we can also declare a function and call it. This method enabled us to write multiline code inside of a JavaScript function to do more tasks than just an alert message showing. In this example, we will change an element's text and background color by invoking a function from inline JavaScript code. Users can follow the syntax below to include inline JavaScript inside an ... Read More

How to include an external JavaScript inside an HTML page?

Rahul Sharma
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 11:48:03

2K+ Views

The HTML tag is used for declaring a script within your HTML document. Through this, you can define client-side JavaScript. But, what if you want to add external JavaScript inside an HTML Page? Well, you can easily do that too using the src attribute of the tag.The following are the attributes of the tag −AttributeValueDescriptionasyncasyncSpecifies that the script is executed asynchronously.charsetcharsetDefines the character encoding that the script uses.deferdeferDeclares that the script will not generate any content. Therefore, the browser/user agent can continue parsing and rendering the rest of the page.srcURLSpecifies a URI/URL of an external script.typetext/JavaScript application/ecmascript ... Read More

How to use the

How to create a valid HTML document with no element?

Amit Sharma
Updated on 04-Oct-2019 11:58:09


With HTML, the essentials are doctype declaration, and . But, you will be amazed to know that a valid HTML document can work without the element. The doctype declaration will come always since it tells and instructs the browser about what the page is about.Let’s see an example; here we won’t use the tag. Still, the HTML Document is valid and will work correctly like any other valid HTML DocumentExampleLive Demo    Title of the document           This is heading 1       This is demo text.    

What is the basic minimal structure of HTML document?

Updated on 07-Oct-2019 07:52:39

1K+ Views

HTML document is a web page, which helps you in showing content on the website. It consists of tags, which has an opening as well as closing tags. However, some tags do not come in pairs i.e. they do not have a closing tag. The basic minimal structure also has some tags, which you need to add.doctypeThis is a doctype declaration, which begins the HTML program and gets added as . It is added to tell and instruct the browser about the document.

How to use the