Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to check whether an object exists in JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:54:11

5K+ Views

The object contains the properties and their values in JavaScript. We can create an object using the curly ({}) braces. It’s similar to the variables, but we assign an object value rather than assigning the number, string, or boolean value to the variable. So, here we will learn to check if the object exists in JavaScript in this tutorial. In short, we have to learn ways to check the existence of object variables. Using the try-catch statement Generally, we use the try-catch statement to handle errors in JavaScript. We can try to access the object or its properties in the ... Read More

How to check whether an array is a subset of another array using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:50:04

8K+ Views

The first array is the subset of the second array if the second array contains all elements of the first array. So, sometimes we may be required to check if one array is the subset of another. In this tutorial, we will learn to check if one array is a subset of another array using three different approaches. Use the for loop and array.includes() method Users can use the for loop to iterate through every element of the first array. After that, they can use the includes() method to check if the second array contains every element of the first ... Read More

How to check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 07-Oct-2023 01:02:59

31K+ Views

In the HTML, the radio buttons allow developers to create multiple options for a choice. Users can select any option, and we can get its value and know which option users have selected from the multiple options. So, it is important to check which radio button the user selects to know their choice from multiple options. Let’s understand it via real-life examples. When you fill out any form and ask to choose a gender, you can see they give you three options, and you can select only one. In this tutorial, we will learn two approaches to checking whether a ... Read More

How to check two elements are the same using jQuery/JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 10:08:23

2K+ Views

We can access the HTML element using various methods in vanilla JavaScript or jQuery, a featured library of JavaScript. Sometimes, after accessing the DOM elements, developers may require to check if both accessed elements are the same or not. In this tutorial, we will learn to use the strict equality operator of JavaScript and a method of jQuery to check the equality of two HTML elements. Using the equality operator (==) in JavaScript We can access the HTML element by getElemenetById, querySelector, getElementByClassName, etc. methods. After that, we can store it in the JavaScript variable, and we can compare those ... Read More

How to compare two JavaScript array objects using jQuery/JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 10:07:37

4K+ Views

In JavaScript, an array is an object with an index as a key and array values as a value of a particular key of an array object. Sometimes, we require to check if two arrays are the same or not. The first solution that comes to mind is using the equality operator and comparing them like array1 == array2. Oops! It will not work as the array is an object, and we can’t compare two objects directly in JavaScript. So, we have to compare every element of the array. In this tutorial, we will learn to compare two JavaScript array ... Read More

How to combine multiple elements and append the result into a div using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:22:51

6K+ Views

Sometimes, we require to manipulate the HTML elements using JavaScript. So, we can use JavaScript to add or remove HTML elements. This tutorial will teach us to combine multiple HTML elements in a single shot using JavaScript. Sometimes we need to show some HTML elements to users when they click the button or particular event triggers. So, we can use the approaches below to combine multiple elements and append the result into a div element using JavaScript. Use the innerHTML Property The innerHTML, as the name suggests, allows us to set the HTML for any particular element using JavaScript. Using ... Read More

How to close a current tab in a browser window using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:19:02

6K+ Views

We will learn to close the browser window using JavaScript in this tutorial. Suppose users have opened your website in 2 tabs and don’t want to allow it, then you can close one tab automatically using JavaScript. Also, if you have noticed that some web apps automatically open the browser window to capture a face, it closes automatically when you capture the image by clicking the button. It’s all we can do using JavaScript. This tutorial will teach different examples of closing the current tab in a browser window using JavaScript. Note − JavaScript never allows developers to close the ... Read More

How to clone an array in ES6?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:16:08


In ES5, we used the concat method to make a copy of the array. Also, some developers used the slice() method by passing 0 as a parameter to slice all elements of the referenced array and create a new array. Example Users can follow the example below to clone the array using the slice() method. We have created array1, which contains the values of different data types. After that, we used the slice() method to make a copy of array1 and store it in the ‘clone’ variable. Using the slice() method to clone the array ... Read More

How to check if the input date is equal to today’s date or not using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:05:43

1K+ Views

We learn to check if the input date is equal to today’s date or not using JavaScript in this tutorial. Sometimes, we need to take the date from users in the input field in various formats and check if input date and today’s date match. Here, we will learn two approaches to check the equality of the input date with today’s date. By comparing the year, month, and date separately Users can get the full year, month, and date from the timestamp of the Date object using various methods such as getFullYear(), getMonth(), and getDate(). Also, we can get the ... Read More

How to clear the content of a div using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 09:02:54

13K+ Views

We will learn to remove all child elements or content of a div element using JavaScript. However, whatever method we learn to clear the div element's content will work with any HTML element. Removing the content of the div element is useful when users want to display some HTML content based on a particular condition or want to replace HTML content. Here, we will explore three approaches to clear the content of a div using JavaScript. Using the replaceChildren() Method The replaceChilderen() method allows developers to replace child elements of a particular HTML element. So, we can create new child ... Read More
