Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to Toggle an Element Class in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:53:10

5K+ Views

Toggling an element class means adding and removing a particular class from the HTML element based on a certain condition. For example, we want to highlight the HTML div element, and when the mouse enters, we need to add a particular class with a different style in the HTML element. Here, we will learn various approaches to toggle an element class using JavaScript and jQuery. In this tutorial, we will learn to toggle an element class in JavaScript. Using the toggle() method of the classList The toggle() method toggles the class in the element. It checks if ... Read More

How to swap the key and value of JSON element using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:51:52

2K+ Views

Here, we will learn to swap the key and value of the JSON element using JavaScript. In JavaScript, an object stores the key-value pairs. So, we can swap the key and value as we swap two normal variables. In this tutorial, we will learn different approaches to swapping all the key values of JSON elements using JavaScript. Use the for loop We can iterate through the keys of the JSON object using for loop. After that, we can access the value from the object using the key. So, we can swap every key and value in the object. ... Read More

How to store all dates in an array present in between given two dates in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:50:40

3K+ Views

Sometimes, we require to get all the dates between the given date range. In this tutorial, we will take two dates and find all dates between two dates. Also, we will store all dates in the array. Here, we will learn three approaches to storing all dates in an array present between given two dates in JavaScript. Use the while loop and setDate() method We can use the while loop for iteration and the setDate() method to set dates in the date object. On every iteration of the while loop, we can increase the date by one ... Read More

How to store a key => value array in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:49:31

5K+ Views

Sometimes, we require to map keys to particular values using some data structure in JavaScript. For example, storing the user details in the key value pairs in JavaScript is useful. We can use different data structures, such as objects or maps in JavaScript, to store data in the key-value format. Use the objects to store a key => value in JavaScript In JavaScript, objects allow us to store data in the key-value format. We can use the key with the object to get the data from the object. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use ... Read More

How to stop browser's back button using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:47:59

13K+ Views

Stopping the browser’s back button meaning is that preventing users from going to the previous page. Sometimes, we need to prevent users from going to the back of the current page for security purposes. For example, most bank sites don’t allow you to go back when you are doing some transaction from their site using online banking. Because if users go back from the midtransaction, it can create some issues. So, it only allows you to either complete the transaction or cancel the transaction and start it again. Here, we will learn various approaches to prevent users from going ... Read More

How to append data to

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:02:57

18K+ Views

We can append data to an element using JavaScript by using the .innerHTML property to add content to the element. This can be done by using the += operator to add the new content to the existing content within the . We can also use the .appendChild() method to add a new child element to the . is a block-level element that is used to create a division or section in an HTML document. The element is usually used to group elements together, such as paragraphs, headings, or images. The element can also be used to ... Read More

How to align text content into center using JavaScript?

Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:57:00

11K+ Views

We can align text content into the center using JavaScript by manipulating the CSS properties of the element. This can be done by selecting the element and setting the "text-align" property to "center". Additionally, we can also use the "margin" property to adjust the positioning of the element. Approach There are multiple ways to center text content using JavaScript − The most common way is to set the text-align property to “center” in the CSS stylesheet. Another way is to use the tag. Finally, you can use the margin property to center text content. ExampleBelow we will be ... Read More

How to align images on a card with a dynamic title in Javascript?

Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:54:45

1K+ Views

We can align images in a card by using CSS to set the position and margins of the image within the card container. We can also use Flexbox or Grid to align the image and title in a specific way. By using dynamic title, we can change the text displayed in the card title based on user input or data from a database. Approach Start by creating a container for your card. This can be a div or a section element. Within this container, add a div or a header element to hold your dynamic title. Make sure to ... Read More

How to align flexbox container into center using JavaScript?

Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:52:18

2K+ Views

To align a flexbox container into the center using JavaScript, we first need to select the container using a DOM manipulation method such as querySelector. Next, we need to set the container's CSS properties to "display: flex" and "justify-content: center". This will align the items within the container to the center horizontally. Flexbox is a layout mode in CSS3 that lets you align and distribute elements on a page. It can be used for things like creating a main navigation bar or laying out a photo gallery. Flexbox is a powerful tool that can make your web layouts more flexible ... Read More

How to adjust the Width of Input Field Automatically using JavaScript?

Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:50:07

7K+ Views

We can use JavaScript to adjust the width of an input field automatically. This can be done by using the element's style property to set the width based on the input's value. By constantly updating the width as the user types, we can ensure that the input field is always the appropriate size for the input. Here is one approach to adjust the width of an input field automatically using JavaScript − Select the input field using JavaScript, for example, by using the document.querySelector() method − var inputField = document.querySelector("#myInput"); Add an event listener to the ... Read More
