Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to call a function repeatedly every 5 seconds in JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 12:00:12

24K+ Views

We will use the setInterval() function to repeatedly call a function every 5 seconds. This function takes two arguments, the first being the function to call and the second being the interval time in milliseconds. JavaScript setInterval setInterval() is a JavaScript function that allows you to execute a function repeatedly at a specified interval (in milliseconds). It returns a unique ID that can be used to clear the interval with the clearInterval() method. It can be useful for tasks such as periodically updating a page or creating animations. It takes two arguments, the function to be executed, and the ... Read More

How to calculate the XOR of array elements using JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:57:39

2K+ Views

We will use a for loop to iterate through the array. We will initialize a variable called "result" with the value of the first element in the array. For each subsequent element in the array, we will use the XOR operator to update the value of "result" with that element. This process will continue until all elements in the array have been processed, resulting in the final XOR value of all elements in the array. Let us first understand what XOR is. We will also see how XOR operation on an array works. Array XOR The XOR (exclusive ... Read More

How to calculate the date three months prior using JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:55:16

1K+ Views

To calculate the date three months prior using JavaScript, we will first need to create a new date object, which will represent the current date. We will then use the setMonth() method to subtract 3 from the current month. Finally, we will convert this new date object back to a string using the toString method to display the date three months prior. Basically, we will be writing a dynamic JavaScript function that can take in a number as its input and return the date prior to that number of months from today’s date. For example − calculatePriorDate(4); This ... Read More

How to calculate and print bonus and gross using basic salary by JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:52:32


We will first determine the bonus percentage by multiplying the basic salary by a certain percentage. Next, we will calculate the bonus amount by multiplying the bonus percentage with the basic salary. Finally, we will add the bonus amount to the basic salary to determine the gross salary and print all three values. Here is an example of how to calculate and print the bonus and gross salary using the basic salary in JavaScript − // Declare basic salary variable var basicSalary = 5000; // Calculate bonus (10% of basic salary) var bonus = basicSalary * 0.1; // ... Read More

How to Build a Bounce Ball with HTML and JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:47:00

4K+ Views

We will start by creating a canvas element in our HTML document using the canvas tag. Next, we will use JavaScript to draw a circle on the canvas and set its initial position and velocity. Finally, we can use JavaScript to continuously update the position of the circle based on its velocity and add collision detection to change the velocity when it hits the edges of the canvas. Approach To build a bounce ball using HTML and JavaScript, you will need to do the following − Create an HTML file with a canvas element on which the ball will ... Read More

How to break JavaScript Code into several lines?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:40:27

9K+ Views

We can break JavaScript code into several lines by using the backslash () at the end of the line. This tells the JavaScript interpreter to continue reading the next line as part of the same statement. Additionally, we can also use parentheses, brackets, or curly braces to create multiple lines of code within a single statement. This helps to make the code more readable and easier to maintain. Let us first understand what code splitting is. Code Splitting Code splitting is a technique used in web development to load only the necessary code for a specific page or component, rather ... Read More

How to Become a JavaScript Developer?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:33:29


A web developer is a programmer who specializes in the development of applications and services for the World Wide Web. They are responsible for designing, coding, and building websites and web applications using a variety of programming languages and frameworks. Web developers may also be involved in the maintenance and updates of existing websites and web applications. They typically work alongside web designers to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites. Web development can be divided into front-end development, which focuses on the user-facing side of websites, and back-end development, which focuses on the server-side functionality of websites. To become a ... Read More

How to avoid dropdown menu to close menu items on clicking inside?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:32:03

11K+ Views

We can use the preventDefault() method to prevent the default behavior of the click event on the dropdown menu. By doing this, the menu items will not close when clicked inside. Additionally, we can add a click event listener to the dropdown menu and set the event.stopPropagation() method to stop the event from propagating to parent elements. HTML Dropdown HTML dropdown is a type of form element that allows users to select one option from a list of options. It is created using the "select" and "option" tags in HTML. The "select" tag defines the dropdown container and the "option" ... Read More

How to auto like all the comments on a Facebook post using JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:21:53


We would first need to access the post's comment section through the Facebook API. Then, we would use a loop to iterate through each comment and use the API to like each one. Finally, we would need to implement error handling in case any issues arise during the process. Approach If you want to use JavaScript to automatically like all comments on a Facebook post, here are some requirements you must meet − You would need to use the Facebook Graph API to first get all comments on a post. For each comment, you would need to call the ... Read More

How to append new information and rethrowing errors in nested functions in JavaScript?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 11:12:26


We can append new information to errors by creating a new error object with the original error as its prototype and adding additional properties. This allows us to maintain the original error message while also providing additional context. JavaScript Functions In JavaScript, a function is a block of code that is executed when it is invoked. Functions are declared with the function keyword. Functions can take arguments. The arguments are the values that are passed to the function when it is invoked. Functions can return values. The value that is returned by the function is the value that is assigned ... Read More
