Found 6683 Articles for Javascript

Transforming array to object JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:24:35


Suppose we have an array of strings like this −const arr = [ 'type=A', 'day=45' ];We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in one such array. The function should construct an object based on this array. The object should contain a key/value pair for each string in the array.For any string, the part before '=' becomes the key and the part after it becomes the value.Exampleconst arr = [ 'type=A', 'day=45' ]; const arrayToObject = (arr = []) => {    const obj = {};    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {   ... Read More

Finding the majority element of an array JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:23:38


We are given an array of size n, and we are required to find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than [ n/2 ] times.Exampleconst arr = [2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 5, 2]; const majorityElement = (arr = []) => {    const threshold = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);    const map = {};    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {       const value = arr[i];       map[value] = map[value] + 1 || 1;       if (map[value] > threshold)          return value    };    return false; }; console.log(majorityElement(arr));OutputAnd the output in the console will be −2

Finding sum of a range in an array JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:22:36


We are required to write an Array function (functions that lives on Array.prototype object). The function should take in a start index and an end index and it should sum all the elements from start index to end index in the array (including both start and end)Exampleconst arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; const sumRange = function(start = 0, end = 1){    const res = [];    if(start > end){       return res;    };    for(let i = start; i

Dynamic Programming: Is second string subsequence of first JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:21:11


We are given two strings str1 and str2, we are required to write a function that checks if str1 is a subsequence of str2.A subsequence of a string is a new string which is formed from the original string by deleting some (can be none) of the characters without disturbing the relative positions of the remaining characters.For example, "ace" is a subsequence of "abcde" while "aec" is notExampleconst str1 = 'ace'; const str2 = 'abcde'; const isSubsequence = (str1, str2) => {    let i=0;    let j=0;    while(i

Sort array according to the date property of the objects JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:19:37


We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an array of objects of dates like this −const arr = [    {date: "2016-06-08 18:10:00"},    {date: "2016-04-26 20:01:00"},    {date: "2017-02-06 14:38:00"},    {date: "2017-01-18 17:30:21"},    {date: "2017-01-18 17:24:00"} ];We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in one such array. The function should then sort the array according to the date property of the objects.Exampleconst arr = [    {date: "2016-06-08 18:10:00"},    {date: "2016-04-26 20:01:00"},    {date: "2017-02-06 14:38:00"},    {date: "2017-01-18 17:30:21"},    {date: "2017-01-18 17:24:00"} ]; const sortByTime = (arr ... Read More

JavaScript Sum of two objects with same properties

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:17:52

2K+ Views

Suppose, we have two objects like these −const obj1 = {    a:12, b:8, c:17 }; const obj2 = {    a:2, b:4, c:1 };We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in two such object.The function should sum the values of identical properties into a single property. Therefore, the final object should look something like this −const output = {    a:14, b:12, c:18 };Note − For the sake of simplicity, we have just used two objects, but we are required to write our function such that it can take in any number of objects and add ... Read More

Merge JSON array date based JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:16:25


Suppose, we have the following array of objects −const arr = [    {       "date" : "2010-01-01",       "price" : 30    },    {       "date" : "2010-02-01",       "price" : 40    },    {       "date" : "2010-03-01",       "price" : 50    },    {       "date" : "2010-01-01",       "price2" : 45    },    {       "date" : "2010-05-01",       "price2" : 40    },    {       "date" : "2010-10-01", ... Read More

Merge JavaScript objects with the same key value and count them

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:13:05

4K+ Views

Suppose, we have an array of objects like this −const arr = [{    "value": 10,    "id": "111",    "name": "BlackCat", }, {    "value": 10,    "id": "111",    "name":    "BlackCat", }, {    "value": 15,    "id": "777",    "name": "WhiteCat", }];We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in one such array.The function should then merge all those objects together that have the common value for "id" property.Therefore, for the above array, the output should look like −const output = [{    "value": 10,    "id": "111",    "name": "BlackCat",    "count": 2, ... Read More

Is the second string a rotated version of the first string JavaScript

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:11:27


We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in two strings, say str1 and str2. We are required to determine whether or not the second string is a rotated version of the first string.For example− If the input strings are −const str1 = 'abcde'; const str2 = 'cdeab';Then the output should be true because str2 is indeed made by shifting 'ab' to the end of string in str1.Exampleconst str1 = 'abcde'; const str2 = 'cdeab'; const isRotated = (str1, str2) => {    if(str1.length !== str2.length){       return false    };    if( (str1.length || str2.length) ... Read More

Implementing binary search in JavaScript to return the index if the searched number exist

Updated on 21-Nov-2020 06:09:41


We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in a sorted array of numbers as the first argument and a search number as the second argument.If the search number exists in the array, we need to return its index in the array, otherwise we need to return -1.We have to do this making use of the binary search algorithm. The binary search algorithm is basically a divide and conquer algorithm which recursive divides the array into halves until it converses to a singleton element.The sorting of array is necessary of binary search algorithm in this case, as it ... Read More
