Found 2616 Articles for Java

Which Fields Have More Demand Now, Java or JavaScript?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:13:19

1K+ Views

Java and JavaScript are two programming languages that are often compared and pitted against each other, thanks to their similar names. However, they are fundamentally different languages, with their own unique strengths and applications. Java is a mature language that has been around for over two decades and is widely used for enterprise-level software development. It is known for its stability, security, and cross-platform compatibility. Java's static type checking system makes it a safer option for larger software projects. On the other hand, JavaScript is a dynamic language that is primarily used for front-end web development. It enables developers to ... Read More

What Basic Understanding of Java is Required for Android Programming?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:11:47


With billions of devices running on it worldwide, Android is among the most popular mobile operating systems. You'll need to have a firm grasp of the Java programming language if you're interested in creating mobile apps for Android. We'll examine the fundamental Java ideas required for Android programming in this article. Understanding the Java Language Android apps are created using Java, a high-level programming language, which is used to create a variety of applications. Being an object-oriented language, it groups data into objects with attributes like properties and methods. Java is also platform-independent, thus programmes written in it can ... Read More

What are the Concepts Every Java Programmer Must Know?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:03:09

1K+ Views

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it's extensively used for erecting enterprise- grade operations. As a Java programmer, it's essential to have a strong understanding of the language's core generalities and features. In this composition, we will bandy the abecedarian generalities that every Java programmer must know to make robust and scalable operations. Java Basics Java is an explosively compartmented language, which means that all variables must have a data type. Some of the generally used data types in Java include integers, floats, doubles, Booleans, and strings. In addition, Java has a ... Read More

What are the Best Resources for Programmers to Learn Java at an Advanced Level?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:02:33


Java is a popular programming language used for developing web and mobile applications, games, and enterprise software. Advanced Java programming skills are highly sought after in the industry and can open up many job opportunities. However, learning Java at an advanced level requires dedication, effort, and access to the right resources. In this article, we will explore the best resources for programmers to learn Java at an advanced level and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. Paths to Learn Java at an Advanced Level There are several paths that programmers can take to learn Java at an advanced level. ... Read More

What are the Best Free Resources to Learn Java?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:02:04


Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is a powerful, versatile, and platform-independent programming language used to create a variety of applications such as web applications, mobile apps, and enterprise software. If you want to learn Java, you're in luck because there are numerous free online resources to get you started. We'll look at some of the best free Java learning resources in this article. Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used to develop a wide range of applications. The following are some of the reasons why you ... Read More

What are the Basic Skills I should have to Become a Java Developer?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 16:54:13


Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use today, and it's easy to use. It is adaptable, strong, and has numerous applications in fields such as mobile app development, gaming, and online development. As a result, there is a high demand for knowledgeable Java developers in the technology sector, and many people see it as a lucrative career path. But what qualifications do you need to be a productive Java developer? In this article, we'll look at some of the fundamental skills you'll need to get started in this industry. Understanding the Basics: What is Java and ... Read More

What Are Some Common Beginner Mistakes in Java Programming?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 09:58:04


When we talk about advanced yet programming languages, Java is one of the best. It is a widely used developing program for developing applications & software. For newbies, it's hard to learn Java. Mostly, in the start, the freshers make errors in their programming. In this article, we will concern about some common beginner mistakes in Java programming Some Common Mistakes Not Comprehending the Basics of Java Programming Object-based development is a crucial aspect of Java programming. Newbies often create the error of not fully understanding the basics of Java programming, such as classes, objects & inheritance. It can direct ... Read More

Is Golang the Java Killer?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 09:53:48


In recent times, there has been a debate over whether Java or Golang is better for web development. With the rise in fissionability of Golang, some have claimed that it's the" Java killer" for web development. We’ll give a brief history and overview of both languages, compare their features for web development, bandy the benefits of each language, examine real- world exemplifications of companies that have switched from Java to Golang, and presume on the future of web development with Golang and Java in this composition. Eventually, we will bandy how to elect the stylish literacy coffers for both languages. ... Read More

Java Program for range LCM queries

Rudradev Das
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 12:20:03


Ranging a query is a common database current interest operation present in data structure to restore all the records where the output value lies between an upper and lower boundary. This process works with some input data, to structure them in an efficient manner on any subset of a particular input. The range function, denoted as range(), is used to iterate a for loop over a series. We need to declare the start as 0 at the beginning of a process. If somehow we miss this step, the process will run and iterate the loop until the end (-1). A ... Read More

How Will Java Be Supported in Chrome After Chrome Drops the NPAPI Support?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 16:09:37


Java is a widely utilized & advanced programming language. It has been depended upon for additional web applications. However, because of safety considerations, Chrome has sloped support for the Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI), which has been used to sustain Java applets on web pages. This move by Chrome has raised worries among developers & users about the end of Java in Chrome.  In this article, we will examine how Java will be supported in Chrome after the drop of NPAPI support. How Does NPAPI Help Java to Work on Chrome? NPAPI (Netscape Plugin API) is an application programming interface. It ... Read More
