Found 2616 Articles for Java

Understanding actionPerformed and ActionListener

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:50:06


In the realm of Java programming, the actionPerformed method is a central aspect of handling event-driven programming concepts. It is part of the ActionListener interface and helps manage user interactions with GUI components. In this article, we will explore how to utilize the actionPerformed method from another Java class, enhancing the modularity and readability of your code. Understanding actionPerformed and ActionListener Before we proceed, let's delve into what action Performed and Action Listener are. The Action Listener interface is part of the java.awt.event package. It includes the action Performed method, which is triggered when an action event occurs, such as ... Read More

Java Program to Swap the Elements of Vector

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:05:56


The realm of computer programming necessitates proficient organization and preservation of data for streamlined access and manipulation. The Vector, a versatile array that can expand or contract as required, serves as a pivotal data structure in this pursuit. Java, in particular, benefits greatly from the utilization of Vectors as it offers a means to store objects of varying natures. In this discourse, we shall delve into the intricacies of exchanging the components of a Vector in Java. Interchanging elements is a frequent procedure, particularly during the sorting or rearranging of data. We shall furnish two divergent methodologies to achieve this ... Read More

Converting Integer Data Type to Byte Data Type using Typecasting in Java

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 15:56:44


In the Java programming language, the process of converting one data type to another is known as typecasting. At times, it becomes necessary to convert an integer data type to a byte data type. However, it is crucial to have an understanding of the byte data type's range. The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer that has a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127. If the integer value falls within this range, then it can be directly typecast to a byte variable. However, if the integer value is not within this range, ... Read More

Convert String to Byte Array in Java using getBytes (encoding) Method

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 15:54:54


By using the 'getBytes()' function, one may convert a string into a byte array in the world of Java programming. The end result of this procedure is the acquisition of the starting string's representation as a byte array, with the method's specifications dictating the encoding. By using the 'getBytes()' function, there are two different ways to convert a string to a byte array in Java. The first strategy involves using the JVM's default charset encoding, which is an encoding technique. The second method depends on a specific charset encoding being supplied, with the requirements of the application in question determining ... Read More

Convert String to Byte Array in Java using getBytes (Charset) method

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 15:52:43


Java programming involves the conversion of String to byte array, a handy technique for a multitude of purposes including network communication or data encryption. To achieve this, the String class provides an array of methods for such conversion, with the getBytes() method being one of them. It is crucial to note that choosing the appropriate encoding is crucial since each encoding utilizes different regulations when it comes to character to byte value mapping. In this article, we will delve into two techniques for converting a String to a byte array using Java's getBytes() method. Additionally, we will provide an ... Read More

Java Program to traverse in a Directory

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 15:41:21


Traversing a directory, a common task in various programming applications, involves navigating through the files and subdirectories in a folder. In Java, there exist different strategies for directory traversal, with recursion and iteration employing a stack being two common approaches. Recursion necessitates a function repeatedly calling itself to solve a problem, whereas iteration utilizing a stack requires a data structure to track the program's state. Both methods possess their own advantages and disadvantages, and the optimal approach hinges on the particular needs of the program. This article delves into both methods, presenting sample code to exemplify their use in Java. ... Read More

Print Binary Equivalent of an Integer using Recursion in Java

Updated on 07-Nov-2023 10:28:11


Recursion, a potent programming technique, entails the resolution of a problem by decomposing it into smaller, more manageable sub problems and applying the same algorithm to solve them. In the realm of Java programming, recursion proves to be an invaluable tool when it comes to printing the binary representation of an integer. The binary equivalent, expressed in a base-2 numeral system that employs only two digits, 0 and 1, poses a common challenge in the field. In this article, we shall embark to unravel the intricacies of printing the binary equivalent of an integer using recursion in Java. Our ... Read More

XSL Processor in Java

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 15:22:43


The XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) Processor is a piece of software that processes XML documents and applies transformation rules to create new XML documents or other output formats like HTML, plain text, or PDF. With the use of templates, element selection and manipulation, and operations like sorting and filtering, developers can build rules for converting XML documents into various formats using the powerful language known as XSLT. An XSL processor that can be used to implement XSLT transformations is built into the popular programming language Java for processing XML documents. Developers can read, parse, and process XML documents, apply ... Read More

Merging PDFs using Java

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 14:20:12

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PDFMergerUtility class is used for merging multiple PDF documents into a single PDF document. PDFMergerUtility class will take a number of PDF files and merge them, and save the result as a new document. To merge PDFs using java will require the installation of apache library. There may be different approches to merge PDF files using java. Definition: Merging PDFs using java Example Input − PDF1 = Alice.pdf, PDF2 = Bob.pdf Output − newMerged.pdf // merged pdf of pdf1 and pdf2 Program code// Merging two pdf documents here import org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.PDFMergerUtility; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import; ... Read More

Asymmetric encryption cryptography in Java

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 14:03:29


Cryptography is the study and practice of different techniques to secure communication from third party. It is used for cyber security. We try to develop approaches and practices for protecting sensitive data. The sole objective of cryptography is to secure data from the attacker. Asymmetric Encryption is also referred as public/private key. Private key as goes as its name, it will be private while the public key can be distributed. Encryption is a mathematical correlation between two keys, one for encryption and the other for decryption. For example, if there are two keys “A1” and “A2”, then if key “A1” ... Read More
