Found 2617 Articles for Java

How to print pid, info, children, and destroy processes in JShell in Java 9?

Updated on 03-May-2020 09:53:31


JShell is a Java Shell tool used to execute simple java statements like classes, methods, interfaces, enums,  and etc.. evaluates it, and prints the result in a command-line prompt.Java has improved Process API to manage and control operating system processes. ProcessHandle interface identifies and provides control of native processes, methods to check processes liveness, and destroy the process. ProcessHandle.Info interface gives an Information snapshot of a process.In the below code snippet, we can print pid, info, children,  and destroy processes of Process JShell tool.Snippetjshell> ProcessHandle currentProcess = ProcessHandle.current(); currentProcess ==> 3960 jshell> System.out.println("Current Process Id: = " +; Current Process Id: = 3960 jshell> ... Read More

How to get system properties in JShell in Java 9?

Updated on 02-May-2020 11:09:29


JShell is a REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) tool used to execute simple statements, evaluates it, and displays the result without a main() method. We can start it by simply type "jshell" in command-line prompt.We need to get the system properties by using System.getProperty() and System.getProperties() methods.In the below code snippet, we can able to display the system properties in the JShell tool by using static method property() of System class.Snippet-1jshell> System.getProperty("java.class.path") $1 ==> "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\lib;C:\json-jars\json.jar;.;C:\json-jars\json-simple.jar;.;C:\json-jars\gson.jar;.;C:\json-jars\commons-io.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-core.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-databind.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-annotations.jar;.;C:\json jars\flexjson.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-dataformat-xml.jar;.;C:\json-jars\stax2-api.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-dataformat-csv.jar;.;C:\json-jars\javax.json.jar;.;C:\json jars\javax.json-api.jar;.;C:\json-jars\jackson-module-jsonSchema.jar;.;C:\json-jars\json-lib.jar;.;C:\json-jars\commons-lang.jar;.;C:\json-jars\commons-logging.jar;.;"In the below code snippet, we have to use the “properties” object that extends Hashtable. So all properties can be listed as key/value pairs in the JShell tool by using ... Read More

How to implement JShell using JavaFX in Java 9?

Updated on 02-May-2020 09:45:07


JShell is an interactive tool used to implement sample expressions. We can implement JShell programmatically using JavaFX application then we need to import a few packages in the java program listed belowimport jdk.jshell.JShell; import jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent; import jdk.jshell.VarSnippet;In the below example, implemented a sample Java FX application. We will enter different values in the text field and press the "eval" button. It will display values with corresponding data types in a list.Exampleimport javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.stage.Stage; import java.util.List; import jdk.jshell.JShell; import jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent; import jdk.jshell.VarSnippet; public class JShellFXTest extends Application {    @Override    public void start(Stage primaryStage) ... Read More

How to implement HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap in JShell in Java 9?

Updated on 01-May-2020 17:24:58


JShell is a command-line prompt tool introduced in Java 9, and it is also called a REPL tool to evaluate simple statements, executes it, and print the output immediately.A Map interface specifies a contract to implement collections of elements in the form of key/value pairs. Java collection classes that implement the Map interface are HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap.In the below code snippet, the elements of HashMap are not guaranteed to store either in an insertion order or in the sorted order of keys.Snippet-1jshell> HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap ==> {} jshell> hashMap.put("Adithya", 101); $2 ==> null jshell> hashMap.put("Jai", 102); $3 ==> null ... Read More

Differences between CompletableFuture and Future in Java 9?

Updated on 01-May-2020 11:45:14

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CompletableFuture class implements Future interface in Java. CompletableFuture can be used as a Future that has explicitly completed. The Future interface doesn’t provide a lot of features, we need to get the result of asynchronous computation using the get() method, which is blocked, so there is no scope to run multiple dependent tasks in a non-blocking fashion whereas CompleteFuture class can provide the functionality to chain multiple dependent tasks that run asynchronously, so we can create a chain of tasks where the next task is triggered when the result of the current task is available.Syntaxpublic class CompletableFuture extends Object implements Future, CompletionStageExampleimport java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; ... Read More

How to get a snapshot of information about Process API in Java 9?

Updated on 01-May-2020 08:33:51


Java 9 has improved Process API by including new methods and introduced new interfaces ProcessHandle and ProcessHandle.Info to get all the details regarding the process and its information.ProcessHandle interface can identify and provide control of native processes. Each individual process can be monitored for liveness, listed its children, get information about the process, or destroys it. ProcessHandle.Info interface gives information snapshots about a process.SyntaxProcessHandle.Info info()Examplepublic class ProcessSnapShotTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {       ProcessHandle currentProcessHandleImpl = ProcessHandle.current();             // Process snapshot of the current running process with ProcessHandle.Info:       ProcessHandle.Info processInfo = ... Read More

Importance of destroyForcibly() method in Java 9?

Updated on 30-Apr-2020 17:21:25


The destroyForcibly() method can be used to kill a process. It will be needed if the process has finished or has frozen. For instance, the isAlive() method returns true after destroyForcibly() is called. The destroyForcibly() method returns true if the termination successfully requested, otherwise returns false.Syntaxboolean destroyForcibly()In the below example, we will able to launch a notepad application, and it will be terminated after the destroyForcibly() method called.Exampleimport; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder; public class DestroyForciblyTest {    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException {       ProcessBuilder pBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();       pBuilder.command("notepad.exe");       ... Read More

How to implement a Set interface in JShell in Java 9?

Updated on 30-Apr-2020 11:44:59


JShell is a command-line tool in Java 9 that has been used to execute simple statements like expressions, classes, interfaces, methods, and etc.A Set is an interface in Java that specifies a contract for collections having unique elements. If object1.equals(object2) returns true, then only one of object1 and object2 have a place in Set implementation.In the below code snippet, we have to use the Set.of() method. The collection returned by the Set.of() method is immutable, so it doesn't support the add() method. If we trying to add an element, throws UnsupportedOperationException. If we want to create a HashSet collection instead, which supports the ... Read More

Differences between Jdeps and Jdeprscan tools in Java 9?

Updated on 30-Apr-2020 08:23:25


Jdeps tool can be used to analyze the dependencies of our classes. The running of the "jdeps -jdkinternals jararchive.jar" command prints a list of all classes that use Java internal API. Jdeps tool returns a detailed description of the dependencies while Jdeprscan is another useful tool particularly used in combination with the "-for-removal" flag. This tool shows us all uses of deprecated API by a given jar archive, and only deprecated uses of jdk methods can be shown and can't use this tool to check for deprecation in third party jar.Jdeps tool:"jdeps" is a class dependency analyzer tool can be used for package level ... Read More

What is the importance of the jcmd tool in Java 9?

Updated on 29-Apr-2020 14:18:03


The "jcmd" is JVM diagnostic tool, which is a command-line tool to run diagnostic commands against given JVM on the local machine. This tool has been included in the JDK installation since Java 7 version, and it can be represented by the "%java_home%\bin\jcmd.exe" program file. If we have "%java_home%\bin" directory included in "path" the environment variable, we can run "jcmd -h" command to see a complete list of all options as belowC:\Users\User>jcmd -h Usage: jcmd    or: jcmd -l    or: jcmd -h    command must be a valid jcmd command for the selected jvm.    Use the command "help" to ... Read More
