Found 2617 Articles for Java

Java Concurrency – join() method

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 09:03:02


The join functionThis function is used to join the beginning of the execution of a thread to the end of the execution of another thread. This way, it is ensured that the first thread won’t run until the second thread has stopped executing. This function waits for a specific number of milliseconds for the thread to terminate.Let us see an example −Example Live Demoimport java.lang.*; public class Demo implements Runnable{    public void run(){       Thread my_t = Thread.currentThread();       System.out.println("The name of the current thread is " + my_t.getName());       System.out.println("Is the current thread ... Read More

Java Concurrency – sleep() method

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 09:01:30


The sleep functionThis sleep function is used to ensure that the currently executing thread goes to sleep for a specific amount of milliseconds which is passed as a parameter to the function. The thread stops executing for that number of milliseconds.Let us see an exampleExample Live Demoimport java.lang.*; public class Demo implements Runnable{    Thread my_t;    public void run(){       for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){          System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ " " + i);          try{             Thread.sleep(100);          }       ... Read More

Java Concurrency – yield() method

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:59:03


The yield functionThe function tries to ensure that the thread that is more important runs first rather than a thread that is taking too much time to get executed and is not important too.When thread calls the java.lang.Thread.yield method, it is an indication for the thread scheduler to pause its execution. The thread scheduler chooses to accept or ignore this indication.If the thread executes the ‘yield’ function, the scheduler checks to see if a thread with same or higher priority is present. If so, the current thread is moved to runnable or ready state and that thread is given processor ... Read More

Jar files in Java

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:55:10


JAR is a file format that helps in aggregating Java class file, along with its associated metadata and resources into a single file.Creation of a JAR file − The jar cf command can be used, where ‘cf’ means creating the file.jar cf jar_file_name files_to_compressOnce a jar file has been created, a default manifest file is also created. Only one manifest file is present in a specific archive, and it will have the extension ‘mf’ and will be in the pathname. Thismanifest file helps give information about the files that have been compressed/present in the package.Viewing a JAR file − The ... Read More

Iterator vs Collection in Java

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:53:41


IteratorIt is used in Collection Framework so as to retrieve elements as and when they are required.public interface IteratorIt can be used with the ‘next’ function to move and access the next elements. The ‘remove’ function can be used to remove an element from the data structure.It is quicker in comparison to Collections, since the number of operations associated with Iterator is less.Below is an example of an iterator working with a list −Example Live Demomport*; import java.util.*; public class Demo{    public static void main(String[] args){       ArrayList my_list = new ArrayList();       my_list.add("Its");   ... Read More

Island of Isolation in Java

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:51:19


After an object has been used, it is deallocated from the memory using the Garbage Collector class. The objects are destroyed based on the fact that no reference to that object is present. The Garbage Collector class calls the ‘finalize’ function on the object that needs to be destroyed.What is island of isolation?When two objects ‘a’, and ‘b’ reference each other, and they are not referenced by any other object, it is known as island of isolation.It is a group of objects which reference each other but they are not referenced but other objects of other applications at all.Note − ... Read More

Is an array a primitive type or an object in Java?

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:45:15

1K+ Views

Array is considered to be an object in Java. The reason behind this is that an array can be created using the ‘new’ keyword. The ‘new’ keyword/operator is always used to create an object. This is how an array is perceived as an object.The direct parent class or super class of any array is the ‘Object’ class. Every array type in Java belongs to a certain class. This indicates that there are explicit classes for integer array types, float array types, double array types, and so on.Arrays can be dynamically created, and be assigned variables as well.Let us see an ... Read More

IntUnaryOperator Interface in Java

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 11:56:18


IntUnaryOperator Interface, a functional interface of Java that performs an operation on a single integer-valued operand and also returns an integer value as a result. Since it is a functional interface, we can use it as an assignment target for the lambda expressions or method references. Here, the functional interface means an interface that contains only a single abstract method and exhibits single functionality. Some examples of functional interfaces are Predicate, Runnable, and Comparable interfaces. The IntUnaryOperator interface is defined in the 'java.util.function' package. In this article, we are going to explore the IntUnaryOperator Interface and its built-in methods with ... Read More

Interning of String in Java

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:42:01


String interning is a process wherein a single copy of every distinct string value is stored. In addition to this, the strings can’t be changed too. This way, strings can contain the same data as well as share the same memory. This way, the memory required would be greatly reduced.When the ‘intern’ function is called −It checks the equality between two strings- whether the string object is present in the String Constant pool (SCP) or not.If available, the string is returned by fetching it from the pool. Otherwise, a new String object is created and added to the pool. A ... Read More

Internal working of Set/HashSet in Java

Updated on 04-Jul-2020 08:40:41

5K+ Views

Set data structure is used to store unique values only, meaning no duplicate values would be stored in a set. When a HashSet is created, it internally implements a HashMap. An element can be inserted into the HashSet using the ‘add’ function. This internally calls the ‘put’ function since a HashMap would have been internally created. Hence, Set takes in unique values with the help of HashMap.HashMap contains unique key and value pairs, wherein the key and value pairs are inserted using the ‘put’ function. Upon calling the ‘put’ function, a previous value associated with the key or null is ... Read More
