Found 2616 Articles for Java

Java Program to Create a Matrix and Fill it With Prime Numbers

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:29:42


In Java, a matrix can be represented using a two-dimensional array. Matrices are used for storing and manipulating data that have a tabular structure. Matrices have several properties and operations associated with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, and determinant calculation. As per the problem statement we have to create an empty matrix and fill that matrix with the prime numbers starting from the smallest prime number i.e. 2. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. In simpler terms, a prime number is a ... Read More

Java Program to Create a Matrix and Fill it With Palindrome Number

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:27:34


In Java, a matrix can be represented using a two-dimensional array. Matrices are used for storing and manipulating data that have a tabular structure. Matrices have several properties and operations associated with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, and determinant calculation. As per the problem statement we have to Create a Matrix and Fill it with Palindrome Number. Let's start! For instance Suppose we have 4*5 matrix: After performing the operation on matrix, the result will be: Enter the number of rows: 4 Enter the number of columns: 5 Matrix with Palindrome ... Read More

Java Program to Create a Matrix and Fill it With Armstrong Number

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:25:59


In Java, a matrix can be represented using a two-dimensional array. Matrices are used for storing and manipulating data that have a tabular structure. Matrices have several properties and operations associated with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, and determinant calculation. As per the problem statement we have to Create a Matrix and Fill it with Armstrong Number. Let's start! For instance Suppose we have 4*3 matrix: After performing the operation on matrix, the result will be: Enter the number of rows: 4 Enter the number of columns: 3 Armstrong Matrix: ... Read More

Java Program for Arithmetic Operations Between BigDecimal and Primitive Data Types

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:24:04


BigDecimal is a class in Java's java.math package that provides arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic. It allows precise decimal calculations without the loss of precision that can occur with floating-point arithmetic. BigDecimal objects are immutable, so any arithmetic operation on them creates a new object with the result of the operation. Primitive data types in Java are the basic building blocks of data in the language. They include int, double, Boolean, char, and others, and represent simple values like integers, floating-point numbers, and boolean values. They are stored directly in memory and are not objects, so they have lower memory overhead ... Read More

Find Difference Between Sum of All Rows and All Columns in Java

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:21:36


In Java, a matrix can be represented using a two-dimensional array. Matrices are used for storing and manipulating data that have a tabular structure. Matrices have several properties and operations associated with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, and determinant calculation. As per the problem statement we have to add sum of all individual rows and columns. Then we need to perform the difference between these added rows and columns and display the result. Let's start! For instance Suppose the original matrix is: {4, 2, 1}, {3, 5, 6}, {8, 9, 7} After performing ... Read More

Get Interior & Exterior Angle of Regular Polygon When Numbers of Sides of Polygon is Given in Java

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:17:31


A polygon is a 2-dimensional closed shape that has at least 3 sides. Depending on the number of sides, relationships of the sides and angles, and other characteristics, polygons can be classified under different names like triangles, squares, and quadrilaterals. An interior angle of a polygon is an angle formed inside the two adjacent sides of a polygon. Exterior angle is defined as the angle formed between a side of triangle and an adjacent side extending outward. In this article, we will find interior and exterior angle of regular polygon when numbers of sides of polygon is ... Read More

How to Know the Separator for a Particular File System in Java

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:13:07


In Java, the file separator is a character that separates the components of a file path. The file separator varies depending on the operating system on which the Java program is running. On Windows systems, the file separator is backslash (\). On Unix-based systems (such as Linux and macOS), the file separator is forward slash (/). Let's start! For instance Suppose that we running the code on windows system After performing the operation to get the separator, the result will be: Separator for this file system is: \ Algorithm Step-1: Import the necessary libraries. ... Read More

Check If a Particular File System is Open or Not in Java

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 09:15:39


In Java, a file system is a hierarchical structure used to organize and store files and directories on a storage device. It provides a standard way to access and manipulate files and directories, regardless of the underlying storage device, such as a hard disk, USB drive, or cloud storage. Java provides the java.nio.file package, which contains classes and interfaces for working with file systems. The FileSystem interface represents a file system, and its FileSystems class provides factory methods for creating instances of FileSystem. You can check if a particular file system is open or not by using the FileSystem ... Read More

How to Know the File Store Type in Java?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:09:04


In Java, the java.nio.file.FileStore class represents a storage pool, device, partition, volume, or other implementation-specific means of file storage. The FileStore class provides methods for querying information about the storage device, such as its total and available space, its file system type, and whether it supports certain features like file attributes or symbolic links. The type() method of the FileStore class returns a string representing the file store type. The file store type is a string that identifies the type of file system used by the file store. Examples of file system types include "NTFS" for the Windows NT ... Read More

How to Know Where the Actual File is Getting Stored in Java?

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 17:03:44


In Java, you can use the File class to represent and manipulate file and directory paths. You can also use the File class to create, delete, and manipulate files and directories. To know where the actual file is getting stored in Java, you can use the getAbsolutePath() method of the File class. This method returns a string representation of the absolute path of the file, which includes the full path from the root directory to the file. Let's deep dive into the article to see where the actual file is getting saved in Java. For instance ... Read More
