Found 2616 Articles for Java

Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals Using Function

Updated on 22-Feb-2022 07:59:51


In this article, we will understand how to display prime numbers between intervals using function. Prime numbers are special numbers who have only two factors 1 and itself and cannot be divided by any other number.A number is a prime number if its only factors are 1 and itself. 11 is a prime number. Its factors are 1 and 11 itself. Some examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and so on. 2 is the only even prime number. All other prime numbers are odd numbers.Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is ... Read More

Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals

Updated on 22-Feb-2022 07:50:11

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In this article, we will understand how to display prime numbers between two intervals. Prime numbers are special numbers who have only two factors 1 and itself and cannot be divided by any other number.A number is a prime number if its only factors are 1 and itself. 11 is a prime number. Its factors are 1 and 11 itself. Some examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and so on. 2 is the only even prime number. All other prime numbers are odd numbers.Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Starting ... Read More

Java Program to Find the Area of a Parallelogram

Updated on 22-Feb-2022 07:40:07


In this article, we will understand how to find the area of a parallelogramA parallelogram has two pairs of parallel equal opposite sides. It has a base and a height which is the perpendicular distance between the base and its opposite parallel side.The area of a parallelogram is calculated using the formula −base * height i.e. b x hBelow is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Base : 6 Height : 8OutputThe desired output would be −Area parallelogram is : 48 AlgorithmStep 1 - START Step 2 - Declare three integer values values namely Step 3 - ... Read More

Java Program to Perform nCr (rcombinations)

Updated on 22-Feb-2022 07:35:09


In this article, we will understand how to compute the combination using n and r values. The nCr is calculated using the formula −(factorial of n) / (factorial of (n-r))Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Value of n : 6 Value of r : 4OutputThe desired output would be −The nCr value is : 15AlgorithmStep 1 - START Step 2 - Declare two integer values namely n and r. Step 3 - Read the required values from the user/ define the values Step 4 - Define two functions, one function to calculate the factorial of n and ... Read More

Java Program to Find the Surface area and Volume of Cuboid

Updated on 22-Feb-2022 07:28:57


In this article, we will understand how to compute the surface area and volume the cuboid. Cuboid is a three-dimensional object with six faces of rectangle shape which means it has sides of different length and breadth. The difference between a cube and cuboid is that a cube has equal length, height and breadth whereas in cuboids these three are not sameThe surface area of cuboid is calculated using the formula −2*( length *width + width* height + height*length)The area of the cuboid is calculated using the formula −length*width*heightBelow is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Length= ... Read More

Java Program to Find the Perimeter of a Circle

Updated on 21-Feb-2022 13:18:08


In this article, we will understand how to find the perimeter of a circle. The circumference is the perimeter of a circle. It's the distance around a circle.Circumference is given by the formula C = 2𝜋\pi r where, \pi𝜋 = 3.14 and r is the radius of the circle −Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Radius of the circle : 5OutputThe desired output would be −Perimeter of Circle is: 31.428571428571427 AlgorithmStep 1 - START Step 2 - Declare 2 double values namely my_radius and my_perimeter Step 3 - Read the required values from the user/ ... Read More

Java Program to Find the Area of a Trapezium

Updated on 21-Feb-2022 13:14:53


In this article, we will understand how to find the area of a trapezium. Trapezium is a type of quadrilateral that has at least one pair of side parallel to each other. The parallel sides of a trapezium are called bases and the non-parallel sides of a trapezium are called legs. It is also called a trapezoid.The area of a trapezium is calculated using the formula −(height/2 * (side_1 + side_2). i.e. Area = ½ x (sum of the lengths of the parallel sides) x perpendicular distance between parallel sidesBelow is a demonstration of the same. Area of a trapezium ... Read More

Java Program to Reverse a Number

Updated on 21-Feb-2022 13:04:36


In this article, we will understand how to print an integer in Java. The reverse of a number is computed using a loop and arithmetic operator % and /.Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −The number : 123456OutputThe desired output would be −The result is 654321 AlgorithmStep 1 - START Step 2 - Declare three integer values namely my_input, reverse_input and remainder. Step 3 - Read the required values from the user/ define the values Step 4 – Run a while loop Step 5- Use modulus of 10 and get remainder for ‘my_remainder’ . Step ... Read More

Java Program to Print the Multiplication Table in Triangular Form

Updated on 21-Feb-2022 12:52:45


In this article, we will understand how to print multiplication table in triangular form. Printing multiplication table in triangular form is achieved using a loop.Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Input : 7OutputThe desired output would be −The result is : 1 2 4 3 6 9 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 25 6 12 18 24 30 36 7 14 21 28 35 42 49AlgorithmStep 1 - START Step 2 - Declare 3 integer values namely my_input, I and j Step 3 - Read the required values from the user/ define ... Read More

Java Program to Generate Multiplication Table

Updated on 21-Feb-2022 12:43:21


In this article, we will understand how to print a multiplication table. Multiplication table is created by iterating the required input 10 times using a for loop and multiplying the input value with numbers from 1 to 10 in each iteration.Below is a demonstration of the same −InputSuppose our input is −Input : 16OutputThe desired output would be −The multiplication table of 16 is : 16 * 1 = 16 16 * 2 = 32 16 * 3 = 48 16 * 4 = 64 16 * 5 = 80 16 * 6 = 96 16 * 7 = 112 ... Read More
