Found 2416 Articles for HTML

HTML DOM Input Text autocomplete Property

Updated on 19-Aug-2019 11:37:35


The HTML DOM Input Text autocomplete property is associated with the autocomplete attribute of the element with type=”text”. The autocomplete attribute takes “on” or “off” value. The on value specifies that the web browser must automatically complete user text based on previous input while false states otherwise.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the autocomplete Property −textObject.autocomplete = "on|off"Here, on means the browser will complete the user input automatically based on previous input while false states that it will not complete any of the user input based on previous inputs. It has the value set to on by default.ExampleLet us ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit value Property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:43:04


The HTML DOM Input submit value property is associated with the input element having type=”submit” and the value attribute. It is used to return the value of submit button value attribute or to set it. The value property for submit button changes the text displayed on button as by default the text is “Submit”.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the value property −submitObject.value = text;Here, text is used for specifying the text displayed on the submit button.ExampleLet us look at an example for the input submit value property −Live Demo Input submit Value property UserName: ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit type Property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:45:45


The HTML DOM Input Submit type property is associated with the input element having its type=”submit”. It will always return submit for the input submit element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for submit type property −submitObject.typeExampleLet us look at an example for the submit type property − Input range type Property VOLUME Get the above input element type by clicking the below button GET Type    function rangeType() {       var P=document.getElementById("RANGE1").type;       document.getElementById("Sample").innerHTML = "The type for the input field is: "+P ;    } OutputThis will produce the following output −On clicking the “GET Type” button −

HTML DOM Input Submit object property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:47:18


The HTML DOM Input Submit object is associated with the element with type “submit”. We can create and access an input element with type submit by using the createElement() method and getElementById() method respectively.PropertiesFollowing are the properties for the Input submit object −PropertyDescriptionautofocusTo set or return if the submit button should get focus automatically when the page loads or not.defaultValueTo set or return the submit button default value.disabledTo set or return if the submit button has been disabled, or not.formTo return the reference of the form containing the submit button.formActionTo set to return the formaction attribute value of a ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit name property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:49:16


The HTML DOM Input Submit name property is used for setting or returning the name attribute of a submit button. The name attribute helps in identifying the form data after it has been submitted to the server.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the name property − = nameHere, name is for specifying the submit button name.ExampleLet us look at an example for the Submit name property −Live Demo Input submit name Property UserName: Location: Change the name of the above submit button by clicking the below button CHANGE NAME ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit formTarget property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:50:41


The HTML DOM Input Submit formTarget property is used for setting or returning the formTarget attribute value of a submit button. The HTML DOM Input Submit formTarget property is where the response from server should be displayed after the form data being submitted. The formTarget property overrides the target property of the form element. It introduced in HTML5 for input element with type submit.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the formTarget property −submitObject.formTarget = "_blank|_self|_parent|_top|framename"Here, _blank will open the response in new window;_self will open the response in the same window; parent will open in the parent frame ; _top ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit formNoValidate property

Updated on 19-Aug-2019 11:20:17


The HTML DOM Input Submit formNoValidate property is used for setting or returning the formNoValidate attribute value of a submit button. The formNoValidate property is used for indicating if the form data should be validated or not when submitted to the server. It overrides the novalidate property of the element. This property introduced in HTML5 for input element with type submit.Following is the syntax for −Setting the formNoValidate property −submitObject.formNoValidate = true|falseHere, true specifies the form data should not be validated while false denotes the data must be validated. The default value for this is false.ExampleLet us look at ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit formMethod property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:53:17


The HTML DOM Input Submit formMethod property is used for setting or returning the formMethod attribute value of a submit button. This specifies which HTTP method to be used when sending form data to the server. The formMethod attribute value overrides the method attribute value associated with the element. It introduced in HTML5 for input element with type submit.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the formMethod property −submitObject.formMethod = get|postHere, get is the default method and appends the form-data to the url. Eg: URL?name=value & name=value. It is usually not secure and can be used for data that is ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit formEnctype property

Updated on 19-Feb-2021 05:54:54


The HTML DOM Submit formEnctype property is used for setting or returning the formEnctype attribute value of a submit button. It introduced in HTML5 for input element with type submit. It is used for specifying how the data of the form should be encoded when submitted to the server.This property only works if there is method=”post” property. The formEnctype attribute value overrides the enctype attribute value associated with the elementSyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the submit formEnctype property −submitObject.enctype = encodingHere, encoding can be “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” which means all characters are encoded before sent and this is the default ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Submit formAction property

Updated on 18-Jun-2020 11:10:56


The HTML DOM Submit formAction property is used for setting or getting the formaction attribute value of the form. The formaction property specifies to url where the data is to be sent after clicking on the submit button. The formAction attribute value overrides the action attribute value associated with the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the formAction property −submitObject.formAction = URLHere, the URL can be an absolute url or a relative one.ExampleLet us look at an example for the Submit formAction property − Submit formAction Property UserName: Location: Change ... Read More
