Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to use tables to structurize forms in HTML?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 08:12:52


The tables can be used to create and structurize forms in HTML. But, before that let us see how to create a form in HTML. Create a Form in HTML Example Let us see how to create a form using the tags. We have set three input type radio with individual labels − DOCTYPE html> HTML Form Details Select the subject you want to choose: ... Read More

How wide is the default margin?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 08:05:28

2K+ Views

The default margin is 8px in HTML. It is defined in pixels by the user-agent-stylesheet your browser provides. Some browsers allow you to create and use your own user-agent-stylesheet, but if you are developing a website, keep it the same. Default Margin in HTML Example Let us see a simple example. Here, since the default margin is 8px, we won’t try to change it − DOCTYPE html> Example body { background: orange; ... Read More

What does enctype='multipart/form-data' mean in HTML?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 08:00:13

2K+ Views

Use the enctype attribute to specify how the browser encodes the data before it sends it to the server. Possible values are − application/x-www-form-urlencoded − This is the standard method most forms use in simple scenarios. mutlipart/form-data − This is used when you want to upload binary data in the form of files like image, word file etc. Example Let us now see an example − DOCTYPE html> HTML enctype attribute form { ... Read More

Make container shrink-to-fit child elements as they wrap in HTML

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:05:55


We can easily make container shrink-to-fit child elements as they wrap. First, we will set the flex container flexible − display: flex; We will set the flex items to wrap − flex-wrap: wrap; Set the text center aligned using the text-align property − text-align: center; The list-style-type property is set to None to display no marker − list-style-type: none; Example Let us now see the complete example − DOCTYPE html> Flex Example ul { ... Read More

Center one and right/left align other flexbox element in HTML

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 07:42:14

7K+ Views

Let’s say we have P, Q, R, S, T aligned in the center of a web page − P Q R S T We want the above to remain same, except the rightmost i.e. the T to shift on the right, like this − ... Read More

How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page in HTML?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 07:34:35


The footer as the name suggest remains fixed in the bottom of the web page. For example, in the following page, we have a fixed footer in the bottom i.e. the footer remains even when the page is scrolled above − To create a footer that stays in the bottom and fixed, we will use CSS. Set the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page using the position property Set the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page using the position CSS property. The footer height, background color, and text color is set ... Read More

How to affect other elements when one element is hovered in HTML?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 07:29:50

19K+ Views

To affect other elements when one element is hovered, an element should be inside another element i.e. parent-child or sibling. On placing the mouse cursor on one element, the other’s property should change i.e. the hover affect is then visible. Change the color of another element when one element is hovered Example In this example, we will change the color of two boxes inside a div on mouse hover − DOCTYPE html> .parent { width: 500px; ... Read More

What is a clearfix?

Updated on 18-Oct-2022 07:15:40


The clearfix, as the name suggests, is used to clear floats. It is generally used in float layouts. The clearfix is considered a hack to clear floats. Overflow Issue Example Let us see the problem first before moving towards the solution. We have an image here, floated to the right. It overflows outside its container since it is way taller than the element belonging to it − DOCTYPE html> div { border: 2px solid blue; ... Read More

How can I center text (horizontally and vertically) inside a div block?

Updated on 17-Oct-2022 14:06:54

8K+ Views

We can easily center text inside a div both horizontally and vertically. Let us see them one by one. Center Text in Div Horizontally using the text-align property To center text in div horizontally, use the text-align property. The text-align property determines the way in which line boxes are aligned within a block-level element. Here are the possible values − left − The left edge of each line box is aligned with the left edge of the block-level element's content area. right − The right edge of each line box is aligned with the right edge of the block-level ... Read More

How to remove extra space below the image inside div?

Updated on 17-Oct-2022 14:00:51

4K+ Views

To remove extra space below the image inside div, we can use CSS. The following CSS properties can be used to get rid of the space − The vertical-align property The line-height property The display property Before moving further, let us see how the extra space below an image looks like − The image in a div can have an extra space below. It looks annoying and should be removed as shown below. We have marked the space as extra space below − Let us now see the fix − Clear the extra space below an image ... Read More
