Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to create the loop structure in LESS

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:54:20


Overview Loops make our code clean and help to run the same lines of code multiple times. This makes a code to not to write the same lines of code multiple times. So to style the multiple containers and objects the same can be done by writing a line of code and repeating the same styling property several times. So to come up from this problem, Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) provides a looping facility by using which we can make our code readability easy and can save the developer time of developers in writing numbers of lines of styling property ... Read More

How to create list with roman number indexing in HTML

Aman Gupta
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 21:24:34

5K+ Views

Overview Indexing are the numbers which indicate the points or a position of a sentence. In HTML, we can do indexing in two ways: Unordered List (ul) and Ordered List (li). To make a list with a roman number in HTML we use the tag, the roman number is the number which is written in sequence so we use ordered list instead of unordered list. To make the ordered list with a roman number we should define the type of ordered list, that is the indexing in the list should be ‘a’, ’A’, ’I’ or ‘i’. So to make ... Read More

How to create the LESS file and how to compile it

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:47:48


Overview  A Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) is a dynamic preprocessor language the base language of it is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). All the preprocessor languages are the upgraded version of the base language, so the LESS also has many more additional features. The LESS has a feature of variable, parent selector, mixins, nested selector, etc. In java on compiling the source code of “.java” file it produces the output as the “.class” file, same as java the LESS file on compiling the “.less” file produces a new file “.css” as output Approach To create and compile a LESS file we ... Read More

How to create a group of related options in a drop-down list using HTML

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:06:28


Overview A group of related options is a group in which all the items lie under the same category. For example apple, banana, kiwi all lie under the same group called fruits and BMW, Audi, G-Wagon these all lie under a category of cars. So sometimes to give a good user experience we need to define a category under which the other options lie. For this there is a tag in HTML to provide a feature, to group the same options under a category known as “” tag. Syntax The syntax to define the group of related options is ... Read More

How to create a form with custom buttons in HTML

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 13:59:53


Overview Buttons are the components in HTML which perform a certain action when clicked. Various buttons perform various actions. The HTML has some predefined buttons with a certain type of action. In a HTML form when the tag is used by default, the simple button inside the form tag is of type submit. So when you click on a button inside the form tag it will submit the form on your desired path and depends on the GET and POST request. The submit location is defined in the action attribute of the form. The HTML form by default is ... Read More

How to create div that contains the multiple fixed-size images

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 13:49:16


Overview To make the images of the fixed size can be done by styling the tag. We can style each tag and set its width and height by its tag name, class name or id name. The only thing is that while styling we have to carefully use the “.”, “#”, “tag”. As because tag name can be directly used styled but class name and id name cannot be directly used they are written followed by “.className”, “#idName” respectively. Approach The main approach to attain this task is to style the tag only once in the ... Read More

How to the count text lines inside of DOM element

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 13:47:54


Overview The number of the text lines inside the Document Object Model (DOM) element whether it would be any element that is , or can be deliberate mainly in two approaches. In the first approach we will be dividing the “offsetHeight” that is height of the DOM element with the line height in output which will give the total number of lines. In the second approach we will be using the split() method of an array in which we will be passing the line break literal as argument. So the array will be created of the elements ... Read More

Best HTML & CSS Code Editors for Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:39:51


HTML and CSS are building blocks of web development. They are primary languages used for creating beautiful and responsive websites. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, having right tools can make your coding experience smoother and more efficient. In this article, we'll take a look at some of best HTML and CSS code editors for Linux. What is a Code Editor? A code editor is a software application that allows developers to write, edit, and manage code. It provides a user-friendly interface with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging tools. Code editors are available for different ... Read More

How to take HTML form data as text and send them to html2pdf?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 13:08:46

1K+ Views

The html2pdf is a JavaScript package that allows developers to convert the html to canvas, pdf, image, etc. It takes html as a parameter and adds that to the pdf or required document. Furthermore, it also allows users to download the document after adding the html content to that. Here, we will access the form and add it to the pdf using the html2pdf npm package. We will see different examples of adding form data to pdf. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to take html form data as text and send them to html2pdf. var element = document.getElementById('form'); ... Read More

Image Alt Text: All that You Want to Know

Biswaindu Parida
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 13:58:26


We've all seen them before—those curious, two- or three-word descriptions that appear when an image can't be displayed on a website. They're called alt text (or "alt tags"). They might seem like small details, but they actually serve an important purpose! If you want visitors to your website to have the best experience possible, then it's important to understand what alt text is and how to write it effectively. In this blog post, we'll discuss why utilizing alt text is so important and provide tips for making sure yours is as descriptive and helpful as possible. Whether you're already familiar ... Read More
