Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to create image bullets in HTML

Aman Gupta
Updated on 09-May-2023 16:39:34

1K+ Views

Overview In HTML we can create the list in two types which are of ordered list and unordered list. So when the lists are created these are followed up with the numbering, alphabet or roman numbers in the ordered list and in the unordered list as dots. So sometimes we need to change these bullets with an image. This can be achieved using the Cascading Styles Sheet (CSS) styling property list-style-image. By using any image url or an image address we can set it to the value of list-style-image which will show as a bullet before the list items. Syntax ... Read More

How to Create the Animated Loader Ring using HTML and CSS?

Aman Gupta
Updated on 09-May-2023 16:37:27


Overview A loader is a web component which is used by almost all of the web applications. To build a loader ring we should have some prior knowledge about Cascading Styles Sheet (CSS) as the CSS involves the styling and animating part of the loader ring. As the loader component is loaded before the original content loads to the web page. The main styling properties that will be used to build this feature are animation, transition and keyframes. These three CSS properties will make a simple static animation loading ring to the animated loader ring. Algorithm Step 1 − Create ... Read More

How to create an Animated bars using HTML and CSS?

Aman Gupta
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:56:17


Overview Animated bars are the graphically animated bars which are created using HTML and CSS. The layout of the animated bars are created using HTML and the styling of the bars are made using CSS. The normal bars can be created normally but we have to create the bars with animation so we will be using the CSS transition animation properties to make it animated. We will be building an animated bar same as the music animated bars synchronizer. Algorithm Step 1 − Create a HTML file in your text editor and add the HTML boilerplate in it. Step 2 − Now ... Read More

How to create a working slider using HTML and CSS?

Aman Gupta
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:54:33

3K+ Views

Overview A slider is a component which makes a slideshow like animation when the forward and backward navigation buttons are clicked. A slider consists of different images in an order one after another. We can create this working slider using HTML and CSS. So in the CSS we will be using the nth child selector to make the slider working. The nth child selector will select the particular child from the parent div and will make the image display on the front page. Algorithm Step 1 − Create an index.html file in a folder and open it in a text ... Read More

How to Create Wave Image for a Background using HTML and CSS

Aman Gupta
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:52:15

2K+ Views

Overview To build the wave image background, here the main role play is of Cascading Styles Sheet (CSS) as without any use of svg or png image we will be going to create a wave image background that can be used for the web pages background. So to build this component you should have a good understanding of CSS as to build this component we are going to use the CSS position property and the before and after selector. So using these properties and selector we can achieve the deployment of the wave image background. Algorithm Step 1 − Create a HTML ... Read More

Neon Text Display Using HTML & CSS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 05-May-2023 15:49:30


Nowadays, creating Neon text on the web page is a trend to make it attractive. We can create a Neon text on the web page to generate an eye-catching effect and draw a user’s attention towards the important information that the web page contains. We can use neon texts with logos, heading, advertisements, etc., to highlight them. In this tutorial, we will customize the values of the text-shadow CSS property to create neon text. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to create neon text using HTML and CSS. text-shadow: 0 0 1.5rem white; We used the ‘text-shadow’ CSS ... Read More

How to define two column layout using flexbox?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 16:54:55

3K+ Views

To create a two column layout using flexbox can be so easy if you have the knowledge of CSS display property. Flexbox is a layout model in CSS that provides an efficient and flexible way to arrange and distribute space between items within a container. It arranges elements in a single dimension, either horizontally or vertically, within a container. To know more about the CSS Flexbox Layout visit the attached link. Imagine we have parent div and inside that div we have two child div all we have to do is place those child div side by horizontally. Ways to ... Read More

How to define terms with HTML?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 05-May-2023 15:32:00


In the realm of web development, defining terms is a crucial component of creating informative and accessible content. By properly defining terms within a webpage, developers can provide clarity and context to their readers, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience. One effective way to define terms is by utilizing the tag in HTML. While some may find this process confusing or intimidating, understanding how to define terms with HTML is an essential skill for web developers looking to create high-quality, professional-grade websites. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step approach to defining terms with HTML, outlining the various ... Read More

What are the Materialize Classes of Dropdowns?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:35:00


Materialize is a front-end development framework that developers can use to style web pages, and it follows Google’s material design guidelines. It contains the different HTML components, which are pre-designed with CSS and pre-functional with JavaScript, and one of them is the dropdown. The dropdown is useful whenever developers want to allow application users to select either single or multiple options from all options available. It provides a Basic pre-styled dropdown menu; however, we can customize it. Also, some properties are available for dropdowns which we can use to customize. For example, the ‘isOpen’ property returns a boolean value based ... Read More

How to specify that the form should not be validated when submitted in HTML?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 02-May-2023 13:44:39


The element is an essential component available in HTML that enables us to create interactive sections on websites like Contact forms, Login forms, etc. Through the form element, users can input and submit data to web servers. The element is versatile and may include a number of different input fields such as text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down menus, and buttons. Also, the element consists of multiple attributes such as "action" and "method" that are used in determining the destination of the data submitted and the method of processing. Form validation is one of the key parts ... Read More
