Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to perform a real time search and filter on a HTML table?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 11:35:12

1K+ Views

When developers develop a real-time web application, they need to deal with a large amount of data. For example, we have listed 1000 product data in the table format on the web page. If users want to find any particular product from the table, they need to scan the whole table by scrolling through it, which is a very bad user experience. So, it is necessary to add a search functionality to the table to allow users to search for any specific data in the table. Here, we will learn to add search functionality to the table using JavaScript and ... Read More

How to make Vertical selects using jQuery Mobile?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 15:56:07


Jquery is a popular JavaScript library that is very useful to combine the fluent working of HTML and JavaScript. Jquery provides more features and efficiency to webpages, and this could be beneficial to build dynamic content for making required and useful website. Jquery comes integrated with some major systems like JS questions on StackOverflow and WordPress. Users of Jquery library get advantages when they use various JS functions. Jquery became famous among users because it provides short and clean syntax and in Jquery you can save a lot on development time. One of the main function of Jquery is its ... Read More

How to Move Image in HTML?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 15:48:43

13K+ Views

An image can be included in a web page using the HTML img> tag. The tag has no ending tag, is empty, and simply includes attributes. A web page can have scrollable text or images from left to right or vice versa, or from top to bottom or vice versa, by using the HTML container tag "marquee" . The new HTML version, HTML 5.1, however, deprecates the use of this tag. We can also use simple html properties for the same. We will look on more ways to move the image using the CSS properties as well as various ... Read More

How to select all text in HTML text input when clicked using JavaScript?

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:28:25

4K+ Views

In web development, it is often necessary to provide users with an intuitive and convenient way to select all text within an HTML text input field when they click on it. This feature can greatly enhance user experience, especially when dealing with lengthy or preāˆ’filled input fields. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this functionality using JavaScript. What does Selecting all text in HTML text input means? When a user clicks on an HTML text input field, we want the entire text within that field to be automatically selected, allowing the user to easily modify or ... Read More

How to Search the Parse Tree using BeautifulSoup?

Tapas Kumar Ghosh
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 17:30:05


Finding the tag and the HTML tree's content indicates searching the parse tree using BeautifulSoup. There are other ways to accomplish this, but the find() and find_all() methods are the most popular for searching the parse tree. We can use BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML tree with the help of these techniques. One benefit of applying Beautiful Soup is that even when we are moving from another language, it is simple for beginners to learn. It provides excellent, thorough documentation that makes it easier for us to pick things up quickly. Syntax The following syntax is used in the examples ... Read More

How to design mobile touch slider using Swiper.js Plugin?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 17:23:48


The widespread use of mobile gadgets has transformed the way we interact with online information, thus making it increasingly vital for web developers to devise mobile touch sliders that enable engaging and effortless user interaction. The Swiper.js Plugin is an influential and adaptable JavaScript library that empowers developers to devise mobile touch sliders that are not only aesthetically appealing but also extremely practical. By utilizing the expansive customization features presented by Swiper.js Plugin, developers can fashion sliders that are precisely aligned with the specific requisites of their web-based applications. The present document will expound on the systematic methodology for designing ... Read More

How to autoplay audio on chrome?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 17:21:26

7K+ Views

As the utilization of the internet progresses, the aptitude to initiate auto-execution of audio on web browsers has become a progressively crucial attribute for web designers. Nevertheless, auto-playing of audio on Chrome, which is one of the extensively utilized web browsers, can be a daunting undertaking for those lacking the necessary technical proficiency. However, equipped with the appropriate tools and understanding of the fundamental technologies, the process of executing autoplay of audio on Chrome can be accomplished with reasonable simplicity. In this write-up, we shall delve into the systematic approach of autoplaying audio on Chrome, encompassing the pertinent HTML, JavaScript, ... Read More

Difference Between textContent and innerHTML

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 11:00:14


There are various methods used in web development to change the text or add additional elements to an HTML element's content. TextContent and innerHTML are two frequently used properties for changing an HTML element's content. Although these two qualities might appear to be identical, they have distinct behaviours and applications. The text content of an element and all of its descendants can be set or retrieved using the textContent attribute. Without any HTML tags, it merely provides the text information. In contrast, the innerHTML property sets or retrieves an element's HTML content, including all HTML tags and their associated ... Read More

How to make div with left aligned text and right aligned icon using CSS ?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 18:02:57

2K+ Views

The tag is used to specify a division. It means a container or a section in an HTML page. Sometimes, inside a div container, text and icons are both needed. And sometimes, the need is to align the text on the left while putting the icon on the right in the same line. The CSS or Cascading Style Sheets means style specifications that are used for formatting an HTML document. It is used to give the style to the web page and its elements. In this HTML-CSS article, using three different examples, the ways to show how to ... Read More

Difference between HTML and HTTP

Updated on 07-Jul-2023 13:19:44

1K+ Views

HTML and HTTP are related in the sense that HTML is used to create web pages and HTTP is used to transfer these web pages from a server to a client. The HTML programming language is used to generate Web sites, but the HTTP protocol controls how Web data is transferred across the internet. HTML essentially serves as a description language for information supplied through HTTP. In technological terms, HTML and HTTP are two different topics, but with the help of the web pages created using the HTML language it is executed. HTML and HTTP Definition The Internet has got ... Read More
