Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to Hide an HTML Element in Mobile View using jQuery?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 16:06:57


Nowadays, creating websites that provide a seamless experience across different devices is very important. Responsive web design plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our websites adapt to various screen sizes and orientations. One common requirement in responsive design is the ability to hide certain HTML elements specifically in mobile views. This is where jQuery steps in. In this article, we will explore how to hide an HTML element in mobile view using jQuery. We will learn how to detect viewport width using jQuery, and leverage this information to conditionally hide elements based on the device's screen size. By the ... Read More

How to Hide an HTML Element by Class using JavaScript?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 16:09:44

5K+ Views

When working with dynamic web pages, it's often necessary to hide certain HTML elements based on specific conditions or user interactions. One common approach is to assign classes to these elements and then dynamically hide them using JavaScript. This provides a flexible and efficient way to control the visibility of elements without modifying the HTML structure. In this article, we will explore how to hide HTML elements by class using JavaScript. We'll discuss the importance of dynamically hiding elements, understand the concept of HTML classes, and learn different methods to select elements by class using JavaScript. We will then dive ... Read More

How to group footer content in form of table using HTML?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 16:08:55


If you have a lot of footer content on your website, it can be helpful to group it together in the form of a table. This can make the content easier to read and navigate, and can also provide a more structured and organized look to your website. In this article, we'll look at how to group footer content in the form of a table using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Grouping Footer Content Using HTML To group footer content in the form of a table using HTML, you can use the element along with the appropriate table-related elements such ... Read More

DOM TableRow insertCell() Method

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 19:10:06


The HTML DOM TableRow.insertCell() method is used to insert a new cell(s) () into a table row () and returns a reference to the cell. This method accepts a single parameter "index" (cell index of the new cell); If the index value is provided as -1 or equal to the number of cells, the new cell will be inserted as the last cell in the row. If the index value is provided as 0, the new cell will be inserted at the first position. If we do not provide the index, by default, it will be -1. Syntax Following is ... Read More

Difference Between HTML, XML and DHTML

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 18:48:18


HTML, XML, and DHTML are web technologies. HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a primary markup language that is used to design web pages. XML or extensible language, is a markup language that focuses on data description that is both human-readable and machine-readable. DHTML or Dynamic HyperText Markup Langauge combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to responsive web pages. These three technologies are essential to design a webpage that is user-engaging and visually appealing. In this article, we will discuss each technology one by one with appropriate examples. HTML HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language ... Read More

Design a Portfolio Webpage using HTML and CSS

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 18:24:22

9K+ Views

A portfolio website serves as a platform to display your work and demonstrate your skills. It has the same purpose as a CV (Curriculum vitae). Most of the CVs are hand-written, whereas the portfolio website will showcase them with engaging visual images and often more detailed than a hand-written CV. It is an effective way to attract companies, hiring managers, and recruiters so that they can notice you. In addition to that, it is one of the best and most modern ways to show and give others an understanding that who you are as a professional. Why Create a Portfolio ... Read More

How do I add a tool tip to a span element?

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 17:44:17

1K+ Views

CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. It is developed by Hakon Wium, Bert Bos, World Wide Web 17 December 1996. CSS is a stylesheet used to specify the styling of the HTML elements present in the web page. It allows web developers to control the layout, colors, fonts, margins, padding, Height, Width, Background images, etc. The latest version of CSS is CSS3. In this article, we are going to learn how to add a tooltip to a span element using HTML and CSS. Creating a Tooltip In HTML, a tooltip can be used to specify additional information about something when ... Read More

Difference between nav and menu tag in HTML5

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 17:41:14


The HTML (navigation section element) represents a section of a page that holds navigation links either within the current document or to other external documents. This tag is commonly used for navigation between sections of the HTML document, table of contents, and indexes. Now, we will discuss both scenarios i.e. navigation between the sections of the same HTML document and navigating to external documents with suitable examples further in this article. Example In the following example, we are specifying navigation links (using tags) to some sections in the same HTML document. nav ... Read More

Design a transparent login/Sign Up webpage using HTML and CSS

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 17:33:36

1K+ Views

In HTML, the login forms are used to collect information about the user and have a button to send the details for server-side operations. The login form contains basic information such as Name, Date of birth, Email, Mobile number, Gender, Address, etc. Nowadays, HTML forms are used in almost every website on the Internet to gather user information. In this article, we are going to design a transparent login form on a webpage using HTML and CSS. Designing a transparent login/Sign Up webpage The following is the approach − Create an element with the class named "login-container". ... Read More

Design a Navigation Bar with Animated Search Box

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 17:27:06

1K+ Views

The Navigation bar HTML is a horizontal bar on top of the webpage where it contains links, dropdowns, and search boxes that links to appropriate sections/pages in the webpage. This may help the users to traverse through the website effortlessly. The navigation bar can be implemented in many ways, but the traditional way of implementing is horizontal and vertical bars. In this article, we are going to design a navigation bar with an Animated search bar using simple HTML and CSS. Creating a Navigation Bar with Animated Search Box The following is the approach − Create an element ... Read More
