Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to display a short hint that describes the expected value of the element in HTML?

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 31-May-2020 00:27:36


Use the placeholder attribute in HTML to display a hint describing the expected value of the element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement placeholder attribute −           Login                                              

How do we set what value is the optimal value for the gauge in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:36:44


In this article we are going to learn about how do we set what value is the optimal value for the gauge in HTML. The optimal value is used to show the range of meters. The value must fall between the minimum and maximum of the range. It is used to specify the scale measurement with a frictional value over a well-defined range. It also goes by the name "gauge." Syntax Following is the syntax for meter. Note − It only contains a floating number to represent the ideal value of the gauge. Let’s look into the following examples ... Read More

How to specify that the details should be visible to the user in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:32:57


The task we are going to perform in this article is how to specify that the details should be visible to the user in HTML. The user can open and close more details by using the tag, which specifies them. Create interactive widgets that the user can open and close by using the tag. The widget's closed state by default. It expands when you open it, revealing the contents. The details tag is a container for any kind of content. Syntax Following is the syntax for tag Text content ... Read More

How to set the name of the element in HTML?

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 03-Mar-2020 10:29:05


Use the name attribute to set the name of the element. You can use this with the following HTML elements: , , , , , , , , , , , ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement name attribute −           Subject:       Add an incorrect spelling for a word above and see what happens.       This is an editable conttent, with a spelling mistake. Click to edit.    

How to specify that the form should not be validated when disabled in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 06-Sep-2022 07:39:45


In HTML, forms for user input are created using the tag. The form tag uses a lot of different elements. When submitting a form, the novalidate attribute of the HTML tag is used to indicate that the form-data should not be validated. This attribute is a Boolean one. Following are the examples… Example In the following example we are using novalidate to make the form disabled after getting submitted. DOCTYPE html> Name: ... Read More

How to set the audio output of the video to mute in HTML?

Updated on 03-Mar-2020 10:27:59


Use the muted attribute to set the audio output of the video to mute. You can try to run the following code to implement muted attribute −Example                                        Your browser does not support the video element.          

Execute a script when an error occurs in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:31:44


In this article we are going to learn about how to execute a script when an error occurs in HTML. If an error happens while loading an external file, the onerror event is started (e.g. a document or an image). Let’s look into the following examples to understand more about how to execute a script when an error occurs in HTML. Using HTML Example In the following example we are using img to get displayed on our webpage using img src. ... Read More

How to specify that a user can enter more than one value in HTML?

Nishtha Thakur
Updated on 31-May-2020 00:19:32


Use the multiple attribute in HTML to specify a user can enter more than one value.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement multiple attribute −           Upload multiple files                                  After uploading multiple files, click Submit.                    

How to specify the HTTP method to use when sending form-data in HTML?

Smita Kapse
Updated on 03-Mar-2020 10:20:50


Use the method attribute to specify the HTTP method to use when sending form-data in HTML.ExampleYou can try the following code to implement method attribute −        HTML option Tag                                     HTML             Ruby                              

How to specify a minimum value in HTML?

Sravani S
Updated on 03-Mar-2020 10:21:41


Use the min attribute to add the minimum value in HTML. You can try to run the following code to implement min attribute −Example                    Rank:                              
