Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How do I develop a webpage using HTML and CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:58:00


Web pages available on the internet are built with the help of HTML and made to match the aesthetics with the help of CSS. HTML offers websites a skeleton for their content. Content here could include images, urls and links whereas CSS is responsible for the visuals of a web page. But saying it and practicing it to make a real time web page are two different things. HTML, the standard markup language, uses a hierarchical structure meaning it lets tags mark the content, even in nested form and then structurally puts it together. With the introduction of its new ... Read More

How do I connect an HTML web page to a database?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:54:18

7K+ Views

HTML, Hypertext markup language and databases are often used for different domains, but for the purpose of this article, we'll try to connect them. Before we get started with the methods and how we can connect them, it's necessary to understand what this can help us achieve. HTML or hypertext markup language is known for building frameworks of a web page whereas Databases are known for storing data, along with retrieval and manipulation of the stored information. By connecting both of them we'll be able to store HTML web pages more efficiently. Now that we know this, let's look ... Read More

How do I change the background color of a frame in HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:51:50


Introduction To give each frame a distinctive appearance, you might want to change the color of the background when working with them. This article will lead you through the process of changing the background color of a frame in HTML, with straightforward steps and examples, to help you achieve the desired visual effect. Understanding HTML Frames What are HTML frames and what do they do? Deprecated HTML frames allowed for the segmentation of a webpage into numerous portions. A unique HTML document was presented in each frame, allowing for independent content modifications without requiring a page reload. Frames are prohibited ... Read More

How do I add my own HTML files to WordPress?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:49:11


With growing popularity of both the Web development apps, the conversion from each is a useful skill to learn. But for the purpose of the article, we'll stick to adding HTML files to Wordpress. The flexible content management system (CMS) known as WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface and myriad customization possibilities. Despite the fact that WordPress has a variety of themes and layouts, you could wish to include particular HTML files or designs into your WordPress website. Methods Used Creating Custom page templates Using a Plug-in Modifying the WordPress Theme files Creating Custom Page Template If ... Read More

How difficult is it to learn HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:45:25


Aspiring Web developers often stumble upon this question and the answer may vary person to person. No matter the answer, HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is one of the most important languages to get started with Web Development. The commonly used browsers and web pages make use of such languages and to get into the domain, HTML remains a compulsion. For the answer, Coders who have prior experience with languages can find it to be easier than any other language but first timers may need to get attuned to it. Although the language demands time and practice, it is pretty ... Read More

How can one start writing HTML code?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:43:23


A text editor like Notepad or Sublime Text is required to start writing HTML code in order to create and save HTML files. Opening a new file with the "html" extension is necessary to use the HTML standard for organising web page content. To specify website components like headings, paragraphs, links, and graphics, use tags within the file. With the exception of self-closing tags, tags that are enclosed in angle brackets always have an opening and a closing tag. Attributes allow for the addition of additional functionality and data. The file must be saved with the ".html" extension and opened ... Read More

How can I get the HTML/CSS/JavaScript source code of a website?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:42:37

1K+ Views

The Internet, which gives a colossal determination of sites going from direct static pages to unpredictable web applications, has changed how we communicate with data and administrations. Behind the stylishly lovely UIs and intuitive components are three fundamental web innovations: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For those inquisitive about how these innovative marvels work, getting to a site's source code can be a tomfoolery experience. We'll walk you through each move toward this instructional exercise on the most proficient method to get to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript source code utilizing the implicit designer apparatuses in your internet browser. Methods Used ... Read More

How can I add an image from my PC to my HTML page?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:41:26

9K+ Views

By following these instructions to add a picture from your computer to an HTML page. In your project directory create a new folder, then put the image inside of it. Insert a photo by setting the src> property of the HTML img> tag to the image's file location, like "folder/image.jpg." Verify that the allowed image format (JPEG, PNG, etc.) is. The 'alt' parameter can be optionally filled in with a useful caption or left empty to display the image. Before viewing the page online, you must upload both the HTML file and the image to your web server in order ... Read More

Can you make a website with HTML only, without CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:39:23

1K+ Views

HTML or hypertext markup language is used to create frameworks/skeleton for a web page but is it enough for making a full website? To answer this question you need to understand the scope of HTML and CSS, and understand if we were to create a website solely with HTML, how would it look like. While HTML is used to build a web page, including the content, images, hyperlinks but CSS is used to progress this HTML content to visually appealing web pages. Let's look at the scopes of these languages now. HTML HTML offers websites a skeleton for their content. ... Read More

Can you copy HTML code from a website?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:37:59

7K+ Views

You can copy HTML code from a website, yes. Through the "Inspect Element" function in web browsers, users can examine and copy the HTML structure of a webpage. Access to the website's source code, which includes the design, text, and other components, is made possible by this. However, it is crucial to respect copyright and intellectual property laws as certain websites forbid material re-use without authorization. Respect for these guidelines guarantees that copied HTML code is used responsibly. To avoid legal problems, always make sure you have permission to utilize HTML code that has been copied for your intended use. ... Read More
