Found 2416 Articles for HTML

What is the best way to host a simple HTML Website?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:23:24


All the websites need to be accessible to the community on the internet. For this, the website files are stored on the web servers which are run by different web hosting companies. These hosting providers store and maintain the website and also makes it accessible on the internet. They also provide add-on services like data backup, firewall protection, domain name registration, technical support etc. Types of Hosting Before hosting any website, it is necessary to know what type of hosting is preferred by the user according to their website convenience. The following are the major four types of web hosting. ... Read More

What’s the best method to extract article text from HTML documents?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:19:10


In this age of the Modern world when the Internet is home to infinite knowledge, netizens are sure to make use of the resources and discover its potential. But to make use of the resources and apply to more places than just one, extracting resources is as important as being able to use it in better ways. This article is a roadmap to understand different methods and make most out of the resources in hand. Methods Used Using Libraries Using XPath Using Libraries Developers who depend on web resources for their web scraping project often make use of ... Read More

What is markup in HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:18:05


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the key language that supports every single site page on the web, hangs out in the huge field of web improvement. HTML isn't simply a programming language yet in addition a markup language. Here, we'll analyze the idea of HTML markup, including its motivation, design, and importance in making intelligent and easy to understand website pages. What is Markup Language? As opposed to regular programming dialects, markup dialects are planned to comment on and organize text, giving the data additional background info and construction. A markup language characterizes the design and show of the text by ... Read More

What is a container tag in HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:16:31


Container tags are structural elements used on web pages to gather and arrange similar HTML components or material. Container tags do not display visually on the page, in contrast to other HTML elements that have a direct impact on the visual appearance of the content. They serve as invisible wrappers that specify content chunks or sections instead. The div, span, section, article, header, footer, main, nav, and aside tags are examples of common container tags. These tags are essential for building well-organised and structured web pages because they make it simpler for developers to apply styles, control layouts, and increase ... Read More

What are the pros and cons of HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:15:11


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, has a few pros and cons. On the positive side, HTML is the standard markup dialect for making web pages, guaranteeing compatibility with distinctive browsers and gadgets. It gives an organised and consistent approach to organising substance and encourages a simple route. HTML's effortlessness permits the speedy advancement and upkeep of websites. Besides, HTML bolsters interactive media integration and gives fabulous motor optimisation capabilities. In any case, HTML's confinements incorporate a need for interactivity without extra scripting dialects, restricted control over format and plan, and powerlessness to security dangers. It also requires nonstop overhauls to ... Read More

What are some projects or exercises I can do to practice HTML and CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:13:33


To practice HTML and CSS, you'll embrace different ventures and work outs that improve your abilities and understanding of web advancement. A few ventures incorporate making an individual portfolio site to exhibit your work and aptitudes, planning a responsive landing page with intuitive components, building a web journal or article page with CSS-styled formats, making a basic site for an anecdotal business, or duplicating well-known site plans to memorize progressed CSS methods. Moreover, you'll be able to experiment with CSS animations, transitions, and flexbox/grid formats to improve the visual experience. By working on these ventures and working them out, you ... Read More

Is it beneficial for SEO to end URLs with .html?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:12:35


Every detail counts in the huge world of search engine optimization (SEO) in the effort to raise website ranks and increase organic traffic. The inclusion of file extensions, such as ".html, " at the end of URLs is one topic of discussion. This article examines the pros and cons of include ".html" in URLs as well as how it may affect SEO strategies. Historical Significance of ".html" in URLs Static HTML web pages were commonly identified by the file extension ".html" in the early years of the World Wide Web. Users and search engines both benefited from the inclusion of ... Read More

Is HTML helpful for web designing?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:11:23


Web design is essential to influencing user experiences and delivering information successfully in the dynamic world of the internet. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) known for the development of new domains of artistic creation. Since the introduction of WWW (world wide web) and its evolution, HTML has stayed and evolved to the needs of web development. The legacy follows even with the emergence and development of newer technology. In this article, we’ll talk about the role of HTML in web design, and its contribution. We'll also go through its role in contemporary web design and why its still an indispensable part ... Read More

How to convert HTML to WordPress?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:10:55


HTML and wordpress are similar yet two different tools. HTML is known to provide clear structure, cross platform compatibility, seamless integration, extensibility, and beginner friendly concepts whereas WordPress is known for its user friendly interface, flexibility, customizability and scalability. The application of this article, migrating an HTML file to WordPress could be done for the purpose of easier content management, enhanced functionality or for making the web Page more flexible. Let’s first understand why it is important to know how to convert HTML to wordpress. Benefits of converting HTML file to WordPress WordPress migration has numerous advantages for people, companies, ... Read More

How Many HTML Colors are There?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 15:19:28


Hexadecimal notation is used by HTML to express colours, providing a wide range of options. A staggering 16, 777, 216 different colours can be expressed in total. Three sets of two-digit hexadecimal integers that represent the intensity of the RGB (red, green, and blue) components are combined to create colours in HTML. Examples include pure red (#FF0000), green (#00FF00), and blue (#0000FF). Various RGB values provide a wide range of colour options. This extensive colour palette enables web developers and designers to create aesthetically stunning and varied web sites, enhancing the user experience as a whole. They can captivate users ... Read More
