Found 2416 Articles for HTML

Which is better for HTML editing, Coda or Espresso?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:05:31


The choice between Coda and Espresso for HTML editing depends on individual inclinations and particular necessities. Coda could be a flexible and feature-rich editor with a smooth interface, advertising a wide range of instruments for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript advancement. It incorporates built-in record administration, FTP support, and collaboration highlights. On the other hand, Espresso is known for its straightforwardness and speed, giving a streamlined altering involvement with centred highlights for web improvement. It offers capable code-altering capabilities and integration with well-known web innovations. Eventually, the superior choice will depend on a person's workflow inclinations, craved highlights, and the level ... Read More

Which is better, a website developed using HTML/CSS/JS or the one developed using WordPress?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:34:56


Since a website created with HTML, CSS, and JS is created entirely from code, it gives greater flexibility and customization choices. Design and functionality are entirely at the developers' hands, which makes it perfect for challenging or distinctive projects. However, WordPress streamlines the procedure with pre-made plugins and templates, making it appropriate for quick installs and non-technical users. However, for highly customised requirements, it could be restrictive. The decision ultimately comes down to the exact requirements, the developers' level of experience, and the degree of control desired over the look and feel of the website. Whats is HTML/CSS/JS? The fundamental ... Read More

Which HTML tags are self-closing?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:32:46

1K+ Views

HTML tags that self-close are ones that don't need additional closing tags. Instead, they end themselves within the opening tag with a following slash. These tags are used to insert items that are empty or solitary content. The br> element for line breaks, img> for images, and input> for form input fields are a few examples. Self-closing tags prevent browsers from having to look for closing tags, resulting in cleaner code and quicker rendering. Keep in mind to add the slash before the final angle bracket (tag />). Maintaining HTML code integrity and ensuring compatibility with various browsers and devices ... Read More

How to Create a Basic Empty HTML Canvas?

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:34:22


HTML canvas is a sophisticated web−based tool for producing interactive and dynamic visuals. Developers may use JavaScript to edit the canvas element to create animations, games, data visualizations, and more. There are alternative methods to create empty HTML Canvas − Fabric.js is a simple JavaScript library for working with the HTML5 canvas element. It offers an object−oriented API for creating and modifying canvas elements. Using Konva.js: Another powerful JavaScript library that provides an easy−to−use API for creating and manipulating canvas elements is Konva.js. It is built on top of the HTML5 canvas element and offers a comprehensive set of tools ... Read More

How to create a Hidden Header using Google AMP Amp-Accordion?

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:27:55


Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open−source framework designed to create fast−loading and mobile−friendly web pages, while amp−accordion is a component in the AMP library that allows for collapsible content sections on a web page. Google offers the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) framework allowing you to make hidden content that the user can toggle open and closed. Algorithm Declare a new HTML5 document using the declaration at the beginning of the file. Inside the element, add the ⚡ attribute to indicate that this is an AMP HTML document. Inside the element, add the meta element with the ... Read More

What should I do after learning HTML and CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:38:27


Web development is a long journey but being fully equipped with HTML and CSS skills means you have won half the battle. These two are very important and fundamental languages for learning web development skills. Now it’s indispensably the next question, What should I do after learning HTML and CSS? The answer to these questions can be divided into 2-3 parts, where you can keep on practicing your HTML and CSS coding, then what new languages you can go for after HTML and CSS, and then even updating on your acquired knowledge. Practicing Now, Just knowing, and being thorough with ... Read More

What is the relationship between HTML, JavaScript, and CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:30:45


In the domain of web improvement, three critical advances expect essential parts in making natural and obviously captivating destinations: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JavaScript, and CSS (Streaming Formats). All of these developments fills a specific need, but they are significantly interconnected and coordinate genially to build the state of the art web understanding. This article researches the association between HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, uncovering understanding into their particular capacities, how they work together with one another, and why their agreeable energy is vital for productive web progression. HTML: The Structure of Web Content Web content is built on HTML (Hypertext ... Read More

What is the difference between HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:27:47


Both HTML and XML sitemaps have uses for search engine optimization and website navigation. A list of website pages with clickable links is presented in an HTML sitemap, which is intended for human visitors and helps with navigation. It enhances user experience and makes it simple for visitors to find pertinent stuff. An XML sitemap, on the other hand, is created specifically for search engines and includes an organized list of all website URLs to aid in crawling and indexing. XML sitemaps improve website ranking and inclusion in search results as well as search engine visibility. While XML sitemaps help ... Read More

What is the difference between HTML elements and tags?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:25:49

3K+ Views

HTML, the stepping stone in the journey of Web Development, has its own share of syntax, rules and coding style. While understanding the difference between HTML elements and tags, we need to brush through these concepts anew. Now while starting with this differentiation, one thing we need to understand is that both HTML elements and HTML tags are closely related. To say in short, Tags have elements in them. Elements are encapsulated in Tags. HTML, is a building block of Web development, creating the skeleton/ structure of a web page. To understand HTML and its capabilities, it is important ... Read More

What is the difference between a .html and a .htm page?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:24:43


With the exception of their file extensions, a.html and a.htm pages are nearly similar. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used to build web pages, is used to create both file types. Prior to.html becoming the standard and most often used extension, .htm was used in earlier systems that had file name restrictions. However, in contemporary web development, modern web servers and browsers equally recognise and support both.html and.htm extensions. As a result, there is no real distinction between the two, and developers are free to utilise any extension without having an impact on the website's functionality or content. Despite ... Read More
