Found 2416 Articles for HTML

HTML DOM Link sizes Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Link sizes property returns the value of the sizes attribute of link element.NOTE − The sizes property is used only when rel property is set to ‘icon’SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning sizes attribute valuelinkObject.sizesExampleLet us see an example for Link rel property − Live Demo Link sizes Link-sizes    var divDisplay = document.getElementById("divDisplay");    var extStyle = document.getElementById("extStyle");    if(extStyle.sizes == '10x10')       divDisplay.textContent = 'The linked icon size: '+extStyle.sizes+' is not compatible';    else       divDisplay.textContent = 'Congrats! The linked icon size is ... Read More

HTML DOM Link rel Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Link rel property sets/returns the relationship between the current and the linked document and is required to mention.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning rel attribute valuelinkObject.relSetting rel to a valueStringlinkObject.rel = valueStringValue StringsHere, “valueString” can be the following −valueStringDescriptionalternateIt providesauthorIt provides a link to the author of the linked documentdnsprefetchIt specifies that the browser should pre-emptively perform DNS resolution for the target resource's originhelpIt provides a link to a help document if anyiconIt imports an icon to represent the documentrelIt sets/returns the relationship between the current and the linked documentlicenseIt provides copyright information for the linked documentnextIt provides ... Read More

HTML DOM Link Object

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Link Object in HTML represents the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Creating a elementvar linkObject = document.createElement(“LINK”)propertiesHere, “LinkObject” can have the following properties −PropertyDescriptioncrossOriginIt sets/returns the the CORS settings of the linked documentdisabledIt sets/returns whether the linked document is disabled, or nothrefIt sets/returns the URL of the linked documenthreflangIt sets/returns the language code of the linked documentmediaIt sets/returns the media type for the link element tagrelIt sets/returns the relationship between the current and the linked documentsizesIt returns the value of the sizes attribute of the linked documenttypeIt sets/returns the content type of the linked documentExampleLet us ... Read More

HTML DOM Link hreflang Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The Link hreflang property sets/returns the language code of a linked document.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning hreflang attribute valuelinkObject.hreflangSetting hreflang to a language codelinkObject.hreflang = langCodeExampleLet us see an example for Link hreflang property − Live Demo Link hreflang Link-hreflang Spanish    var divDisplay = document.getElementById("divDisplay");    var extStyle = document.getElementById("extStyle");    function changeStyle(){       if(extStyle.hreflang === 'en'){          divDisplay.textContent = 'The linked document is written in english';          document.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0].textContent = 'English'       }    } In ... Read More

HTML DOM Link href Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Link href property sets/returns the path/url of a linked document. −SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning href attribute valuelinkObject.hrefSetting href to a stringlinkObject.href = stringBoolean ValuesHere, “string” can be the following −booleanValueDetailspathIt defines the absolute/relative path to a document.urlIt defines the url address of the document to be linked.ExampleLet us see an example for Link href property − Link href Link-href Sales Target Week:    var divDisplay = document.getElementById("divDisplay");    var inputWeek = document.getElementById("WeekSelect");    var extStyle = document.getElementById("extStyle");    divDisplay.textContent = 'Week ... Read More

HTML DOM Link disabled Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Link disabled property sets/returns whether element is enabled or disabled.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning boolean value - true/falselinkObject.disabledSetting disabled to booleanValuelinkObject.disabled = booleanValueBoolean ValuesHere, “booleanValue” can be the following −booleanValueDetailstrueIt defines that the is disabled.falseIt defines that the is not disabled and it is also the default value.ExampleLet us see an example for Link disabled property − Live Demo Link Disabled Link-disabled Sales Target Week:    var divDisplay = document.getElementById("divDisplay");    var inputWeek = document.getElementById("WeekSelect");    var extStyle = document.getElementById("extStyle");    divDisplay.textContent ... Read More

HTML DOM li value Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The Li value property returns/sets the value of the value attribute of a element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning value of the value attributeliObject.valueValue of the attribute value setliObject.value = ‘string’Let us see an example for Li value property −Example Live Demo HTML DOM value    form {       width:70%;       margin: 0 auto;       text-align: center;    }    * {       padding: 2px;       margin:5px;    }    input[type="button"] {       border-radius: 10px;    }    ol{       width: 30%;   ... Read More

HTML DOM li Object

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Li Object in HTML represents the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Creating a elementvar liObject = document.createElement(“LI”)PropertiesHere, “LiObject” can have the following properties −PropertyDescriptionvalueIt returns/sets the value of the value attribute of a elementExampleLet us see an example for Li value property − Live Demo HTML DOM value    form {       width:70%;       margin: 0 auto;       text-align: center;    }    * {       padding: 2px;       margin:5px;    }    input[type="button"] {       border-radius: 10px;    }    ol{ ... Read More

HTML DOM length Property

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM length property returns a number corresponding to the nodes in node list object.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning number of nodes in nodeList Object.nodeList.lengthExampleLet us see an example for HTML DOM length property − Live Demo HTML DOM length    form {       width:70%;       margin: 0 auto;       text-align: center;    }    * {       padding: 2px;       margin:5px;    }    input[type="button"] {       border-radius: 10px;    }    ul{       width: 30%;       margin: 0 auto; ... Read More

HTML DOM Legend Object

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Legend Object in HTML represents the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Creating a elementvar legendObject = document.createElement(“LEGEND”)PropertiesHere, “LegendObject” can have the following properties −PropertyDescriptionformIt returns a reference of enclosing form that contains the legend elementExampleLet us see an example for Legend form property − Live Demo Legend form    form {       width:70%;       margin: 0 auto;       text-align: center;    }    * {       padding: 2px;       margin:5px;    }    input[type="button"] {       border-radius: 10px;    } ... Read More
