Found 2416 Articles for HTML

HTML DOM Button disabled Property

Updated on 07-Aug-2019 11:47:41


The HTML DOM Button disabled property is associated with disabled attribute of the element .The button disabled property is used to set or return whether a given button is disabled or not. It is used to disable the button so that the user can no longer interact with the specified element. Setting the disabled property will grey the button by default in the web browsers.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the disabled property −buttonObject.disabled = true|falseHere, the true|false specifies if the given input button should be disabled or not.True − The button gets disabled.False − The button won’t get disabled.Let us ... Read More

HTML DOM Button autofocus Property

Updated on 06-Aug-2019 14:12:45


The HTML DOM Button autofocus property is associated with autofocus property of the element. The button autofocus property is used to specify whether a button on the HTML document should get the focus or not when the page loads.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the button autofocus property −buttonObject.autofocus = true|falseHere, the true|false specifies if the given input button should get the focus on not when the page loads.True − Input button gets focusFalse − Input button doesn’t get focus.ExampleLet us see an example for the HTML DOM button autofocus property − BUTTON Click the below button to know ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderImageOutset Property

Updated on 06-Aug-2019 14:09:13


The HTML DOM borderImageOutset property is used for setting or returning the value by which background image area extends the element border box. By using values for top, left, right and bottom we can specify how much the background image will extend from respective border of the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the borderImageOutset property − = "length|number|initial|inherit"The property values are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionLengthFor defining how far the image will extend from the border box. The default value is set to 0 i.e. it doesn’t extend beyond border box.NumberFor defining a number value that is multiple of the ... Read More

HTML DOM Bold object

Updated on 06-Aug-2019 14:06:12


The HTML DOM bold object is associated with the html (bold) tag. The tag is used to make the text inside the tag bold .Using the bold object we can access the HTML tag.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Creating a bold object −var x = document.createElement("B");ExampleLet us see an example for the HTML DOM Bold object − Click the below button to create a element with some text CREATE    function createBold() {       var x = document.createElement("B");       var t = document.createTextNode("SAMPLE BOLD TEXT");     ... Read More

HTML DOM Body property

Updated on 20-Feb-2021 06:15:52


The HTML DOM body property associated with HTML element is used to set or return property values of the element. It returns the element. It can be used to change content inside the element. This property can overwrite child elements content present inside the element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the body property −document.body = New_ContentHere, New_Content is the new content for the element.ExampleLet us see an example for the HTML DOM Body property −Live Demo Sample HEADING Click the below button to overwrite child content Overwrite Content A sample paragraph   ... Read More

HTML DOM Body object

Updated on 06-Aug-2019 14:17:32


The HTML DOM Body object is associated with the HTML element. The attributes and their values set inside the body tag stay throughout the HTML document unless they are overridden by any of its child node.The body object can be used to access and manipulate these properties and their values.PropertiesFollowing are the properties for HTML DOM Body object −Note − The properties below are not supported in HTML5 .Use CSS instead −PropertyDesciptionaLinkTo set or return the active link color in a document.backgroundTo set or return the background image for the documentbgColorTo set or return the background color of the ... Read More

HTML DOM blur() Method

Updated on 20-Feb-2021 06:17:39


The HTML DOM blur() method is used to remove the keyboard focus from a specific element. Using blur we can add blur or remove blur to any HTML element. The blur() method can help in better navigation around the webpage as we can specifically focus on an element based on the user input.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for blur() method −Object.blur()ExampleLet us see an example of the blur() method −Live Demo    a{       text-decoration:none;       font-size:20px;    }    a:focus, a:active {       color: red;       text-decoration:underline;     ... Read More

HTML DOM blockquote object

Updated on 20-Feb-2021 06:19:06


The HTML DOM blockquote basically represent the HTML element . The element does not add any quotation marks unlike the tag. We can create and access properties with the help of the blockquote object.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Creating the blockquote object −var x = document.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");ExampleLet us see an example of the blockquote object −Live Demo Click on the below button to create a blockquote object CREATE    function createBloc() {       var x = document.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");       var t = document.createTextNode("This is a random block quote.This is some sample text."); ... Read More

HTML DOM blockquote cite Property

Updated on 06-Aug-2019 14:39:29


The HTML DOM blockquote cite property is associated with the HTML element. This property is used to set or return the cite attribute of the quote. The cite property is useful for screen readers and not so much for normal user as it doesn’t have any visual effect on the web page. The cite property is used to set the source url of the quote.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Setting the cite property −blockquoteObject.cite = URLHere, URL specifies the quotation location.ExampleLet us see an example for the blockquote cite property − Quote Here is a quote: ... Read More

HTML DOM Bdo object

Updated on 20-Feb-2021 06:20:37


The HTML DOM Bdo object is associated with the element in HTML. The bdo stands for Bi-Directional Override. It is used for creating and accessing a bdo object. It has only one property “dir”. The text direction by default is left to right but can be overridden with the element. The bdo object represents the element.propertiesFollowing is the bdo object property −PropertyDescriptiondirSets or returns the value of the dir attribute of a elementSyntaxFollowing is the syntax for −Creating a bdo object −var a = document.createElement("BDO");Accessing a bdo object −var a = document.getElementById("demoBdo");ExampleLet us see an example ... Read More
