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File Upload using Angular

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 17:03:54

3K+ Views

This guide aims to show how to implement file uploading using Angular. File uploads are a crucial component for many websites, allowing users to transfer files from their devices to the server. Whether it be for storing user-generated content, sharing files with others, or downloading files from the server, file uploads play a significant role. Steps for File Uploading with Angular Configuring the File Upload Before diving into the actual file upload implementation, we must first set up the necessary file upload configuration. This involves specifying the server-side script URL that will handle the upload, as well as any additional ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Sorting a Linked List of 0s, 1s, And 2s

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:47:44


In this tutorial, we will learn the JavaScript program for sorting a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s. Sorting algorithms are essential for any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. Sorting a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s is a common problem that developers encounter in coding interviews and real-world applications. So, let's dive in and explore how to sort a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s using JavaScript programming. What is sorting? Sorting is the process of arranging elements in a specific order, either ascending or descending. It is a fundamental operation in computer science ... Read More

JavaScript program for Sort the given matrix

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:45:51


Sorting a given matrix using JavaScript is a fundamental operation in programming. Sorting is the process of arranging the elements of a collection or matrix in a particular order. It is essential to make searching and other operations more efficient. In this article, we will discuss how to sort a given matrix using the JavaScript programming language. Example Given a n x n matrix in a specific order known as the "strict order". In the strict order, each row of the matrix must be sorted in ascending order, and for any row i where 1 matrix[i + 1][j]) ... Read More

JavaScript program for Size of the Subarray with Maximum Sum

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:44:08


JavaScript program for the Size of the Subarray with Maximum Sum is a common problem in the field of programming, especially in web development. The problem statement involves finding the contiguous subarray within a given one-dimensional array of integers which has the largest sum. This is also known as the maximum subarray problem. Solving this problem can be extremely useful in a variety of applications, such as financial analysis, stock market prediction, and signal processing. In this article, we will see the algorithm and the implementation of the size of the subarray with maximum sum using JavaScript. We will begin ... Read More

JavaScript program for Shortest Un-Ordered SubarrayJavaScript program for Shortest Un-Ordered Subarray

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:41:46


The problem statement requires finding the shortest un-ordered subarray in an array of integers. In other words, we need to identify the smallest subarray in which the elements are not sorted in ascending or descending order. This problem can be solved through various approaches, but in this article, we will discuss a simple and efficient solution using JavaScript. So first we will start by defining what an un-ordered Subarray is, then understand the problem statement in detail and then proceed to explain the step-by-step solution using examples and code snippets. By the end of this article, you will have ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Searching an Element in a Linked List

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:38:56


A linked list is a linear data structure where each element, also known as a node, contains a data value and a reference to the next node in the list. One common operation on a linked list is searching for a specific element. This involves traversing the list and comparing each node's data value to the target element until a match is found. Here is an example of a linked list that we will be working with throughout this article − 10 -> 20 -> 30 -> 40 -> null In this linked list, each node contains a value, and ... Read More

Explain about IIFEs in JavaScript

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:44:45


In the world of JavaScript, there are various techniques and patterns that developers use to write efficient, maintainable code. One such powerful programming technique is the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). In this article, we'll dive into IIFEs, their benefits, and how to implement them using different approaches. We'll also explore some practical examples to help you understand their applications in real-world scenarios. Algorithm The algorithm for implementing IIFEs in JavaScript can be summarized as follows − Create a function expression. Wrap the function expression in parentheses. Add an additional set of parentheses immediately after the function expression to ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Search an element in a sorted and rotated array

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:29:15


When an array is sorted in ascending order and then rotated by some pivot point, it becomes challenging to search for an element using traditional search algorithms. As a developer, you need to find an efficient solution to this problem. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing a JavaScript program to search for an element in a sorted and rotated array. We will explain the underlying logic and provide you with a step-by-step approach to implementing this program. Problem Statement Before we begin, let's understand the problem statement. We have a sorted array that has ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Rotate the matrix right by K times

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:31:17


The term "perform right rotation on a matrix" refers to shifting each column in the matrix to the right. This operation is repeated "k" times when specified. In other words, it's a right shift of the matrix that occurs "k" times. This program can be implemented using various programming languages but a simple yet effective approach is to consider JavaScript for rotating the matrix right by k times. How to rotate the matrix right by K times? It is straightforward to carry out a right rotation on a matrix by k times, which involves shifting each column of the matrix ... Read More

JavaScript program for Minimum move to end operations to make all strings equal

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:29:27


There are many problems that require a certain level of expertise and creativity to solve. One such problem is determining the minimum number of moves required to make all strings equal. In this article, we will explore how to solve this problem using JavaScript programming. First, let's define the problem. Problem Statement Given an array of strings, we need to find the minimum number of moves required to make all strings equal. In a move, we can move the first character of a string to the end of the same string. Example Consider the following array of strings ["abcd", "cdab", ... Read More
