Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How to bind jQuery events within dynamic content returned via Ajax?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 07:49:44


To bind jQuery events within dynamic content, use event delegation. You can try to run the following code to learn how to bind jQuery events within dynamic content returned via Ajax:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){     $(".loadingAjax").on("click", function() {     event.preventDefault();     var url = $(this).attr("href"),         appendedContainer = $(".append");     $.ajax({     url: url,     type : 'get',     complete : function( qXHR, textStatus ) {         if (textStatus === 'success') {             var data = qXHR.responseText             appendedContainer.hide();             appendedContainer.append("Hi");             appendedContainer.fadeIn();         }       }     }); }); $(document).on("click", '.link', function(event) {     alert("Link clicked!"); }); });         a.test { font-weight: bold; }         body { font-family: sans-serif;}     Click to load Ajax

How to handle when checkbox 'checked state' changed event in jQuery?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 12:48:52

2K+ Views

To handle the checkbox checked state, use the change event. It will check whether the checkox is checked or not.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to handle when checkbox checked state changed event in jQuery −Live Demo   jQuery Checkbox state     b {     color: red;   }       Check/ Uncheck this checkbox   $( "input" ).change(function() {   var $input = $( this );   $( "p" ).html(     ".attr( \"checked\" ): " + $input.attr( "checked" ) + "" +     ".prop( \"checked\" ): " + $input.prop( "checked" ) + "" +     ".is( \":checked\" ): " + $ ":checked" ) + "" ); }).change();  

Can I wrap a JavaScript event in a jQuery event?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 12:47:50


Yes, you can wrap a JavaScript event in a jQuery event. For wrapping, use the event object. You can try to run the following code to wrap a JavaScript event in a jQuery event −ExampleLive Demo $(document).ready(function(){      $('').click(function(event){         event.preventDefault();      });      function test(event){         $.Event(event).preventDefault();      } });     a.test {       font-weight: bold;     }     body {       font-family:sans-serif;     } Tutorials     QA

How to disable copy content function using jQuery?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 12:46:49

2K+ Views

To disable cut, copy and paste of a content in jQuery, use the jQuery bind() function.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to disable copy paste of content using jQuery −Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){   $('#mytext').bind("cut copy paste",function(e) {      e.preventDefault();   }); }); Copy, cut and paste function doesn't work here.

How to disable right click using jQuery?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 07:35:10

3K+ Views

To disable right click on a page, use the jQuery bind() method.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to disable right click:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $(document).bind("contextmenu",function(e){       return false;    }); }); Right click is disabled on this page.

How to pass a jQuery event as a parameter in a method?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 07:36:38

3K+ Views

To pass a jQuery event as a parameter in a method, use the bind() method.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to apss a jQuery event as a parameter:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $("#btn1").bind("click", { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }, myFunction);    function myFunction (event)    {      $("#myid").text(;    } });

How does jQuery Datepicker onchange event work?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 07:39:51

13K+ Views

To work with jQuery Datepicker onchange(), use the datepicker onSelect event. This will show which date we added currently and changed to.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work jQuery Datepicker onchange:Live Demo           $( function() {       $(".date").datepicker({     onSelect: function(dateText) {       display("Selected date: " + dateText + ", Current Selected Value= " + this.value);       $(this).change();     }   }).on("change", function() {     display("Change event");   });   function display(msg) {     $("").html(msg).appendTo(document.body);   }   });       Date:

Where to find a list of all jQuery events?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 07:57:32


Events are actions that can be detected by your Web Application. When these events are triggered you can then use a custom function to do pretty much whatever you want with the event. These custom functions call Event Handlers.ExampleLet us see an example of bind() jQuery event. Using the jQuery Event Model, we can establish event handlers on DOM elements with the bind() method as follows:Live Demo           jQuery bind()                              $(document).ready(function() {             $('div').bind('click', ... Read More

How to handle HTML5 media events using jQuery?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 07:44:05


To handle HTML5 media events using jQuery, use the click() method.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to handle HTML5 media events such as playing a song:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){     var x = $(".myPlayer").length; // Count total audio players     var z = 0; // Start at first audio player     $("#play-bt").click(function(){        $(".myPlayer")[z].play();        $(".message").text("Music started");     })     $("#stop-bt").click(function(){        $(".myPlayer")[z].pause();        $(".myPlayer")[z].currentTime = 0;        $(".message").text("Music Stopped");     }) });   Play music Stop music

How does jQuery event namespace works?

Alex Onsman
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 12:44:34


The event.namespace property is used to return the custom namespace when the event was triggered.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how event namespace works and how to create and remove namespace −Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){     $("p").on("custom.myNamespace",function(event){         alert(event.namespace);     });     $("p").click(function(event){         $(this).trigger("custom.myNamespace");     });       $("button").click(function(){         $("p").off("custom.myNamespace");     }); });   Click me Click above to generate an alert box. Click the below button to remove namespace, which won’t generate an alert box. Click this button to remove namespace.
