Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How to use SVG with :before or :after pseudo element?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:59:50

3K+ Views

The :before and :after pseudo elements are used to add the content just before the start of an HTML element and just at the end of the same or any other element. These pseudo selectors help to add content or any other effect without using the un-necessary elements in the HTML DOM. You can add content or any color and CSS effects on the element using these selectors. The :before selector as the name suggests will add the content before the element and the :after element will add the content after the element. You can add any image, color, background ... Read More

How to use simple API using AJAX?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:54:04


AJAX or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a set of existing technologies like: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX helps us to fetch the data from any local database or any API without interfering with the existing page. It will fetch the data without reloading the page and without any interruptions. Process of sending the AJAX request to any server. Step 1 − In the first step, we will instantiate a XHR object using the XMLHttpRequest() as shown below − const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Step 2 − In the next step, we will open the ... Read More

How to use font-feature-settings property in CSS?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:49:25


The font-feature-settings property is used to control the advance typographic features in open type fonts. The advance typographic features like swashes, small caps and the ligatures can be controlled using the font-feature settings property of CSS. The font-feature-settings property is used by passing two different values as listed below − The first value is the property is used to define the open tyoe feature tags like: "smcp" (small caps), "swsh" (swash). It also has some global values like: "inherit", "initial", and "unset". The second value that is passed to this property will almost be in the form of binary ... Read More

How to use font-variant-settings property in CSS?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:46:59


CSS is a way of styling the web pages according to the consumer needs and the design you want. It provides a lot of properties to style our components or pages. The font-variant-settings is also one of those properties that is provided by CSS to style our web pages. The font-variant-settings property provides users a good and healthy low-level control over the fonts with different characteristics and properties. Using font-variant-settings property in CSS The font-variant-settings property can be used in three different ways by giving different types of values to it. The different ways of using this property are explained ... Read More

How to use font awesome icon as a cursor?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:40:04


In general, we see the design of cursor on any web page as an arrow by default or we can change the type of cursor to a particular type using cursor property of the CSS and assign it any kind of cursor of our choice such as pointer, grab, zoom in, zoom out etc. But, did you know? That we can change the type of cursor to any other type then the ones provided by the CSS. It is possible, as we can use any image to assign the design style to a cursor and can use any font-awesome icon ... Read More

How to Sort Numeric Array using JavaScript?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:36:28


In this article, we are going to learn about the methods of sorting a numerical array in JavaScript. Sorting of an array means to arrange the elements of an array in a particular order i.e. they can be in ascending or the increasing order and they can be arranged in descending or the decreasing order. There are two ways in which we can sort a numeric array in a particular order in JavaScript − By traversing array with the help of loops By using the sort() method available in JavaScript Let us discuss both of the above methods ... Read More

How to sort HTML elements by data-attribute?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:31:52


In this article, we are going to learn about the ways of sorting the child elements of an element in the HTML document with the help of data attribute. The are many data attribute available in HTML to use. We can sort the elements by using any of those data attributes. In this article, we will sort the elements with the help of two different data attributes, where one will sort the elements according to the length of the value given to it and another will sort according to the numerical values. The data attributes are listed below − ... Read More

How to sort element by numerical value of data attribute using JavaScript?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:20:51


Generally, we sort arrays, objects and some other data types using some method of JavaScript. But, in this article, we are going to sort the child elements of an element whose values are in unsorted order using the data attribute of those child elements. In this article, we are going to learn about the two different ways or methods of sorting the child elements according to the value of their data attribute given to them. The methods we use to sort are listed below − By selecting the value of data attribute using the getAttribute() method. By selecting the ... Read More

How to sort an array on multiple columns using JavaScript?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 17:01:57


A array with multiple columns is an array that contains multiple elements at single index or position OR we can say that it is an array of arrays that contains multiple arrays at each index of it and we have to sort that array according to the elements of those contained arrays. In this article, we are going to learn about the method of sorting an array of arrays with the help of sort() method. We will use the comparator function to compare the elements of inner arrays with each other and sort them accordingly. Let us see how we ... Read More

How to sort an array of object by two fields in JavaScript?

Updated on 20-Nov-2023 16:57:50


An array of objects is an array that contains all the elements in the form of JavaScript objects. Here, we are said to use an array of objects with two fields that means, have to use objects with two elements as elements of the array. In this article, we are going to learn about the method of sorting the array of objects by two fields in JavaScript. We can simply use the sort() method of JavaScript to sort the elements of an array and give it a cmp or the comparator function to define the order in which we want ... Read More

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