Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

Private, Public & Protected Access Modifiers in TypeScript

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:57:59


Access modifiers are essential because they allow us to enforce encapsulation and define the boundaries of class member accessibility. With access modifiers, we can restrict access to certain members, ensuring they are only accessible within the class itself. We can also make members public, allowing them to be accessed from anywhere in our codebase. Furthermore, protected members enable access within the class and its derived classes. In this tutorial, we will explore the private, public, and protected access modifiers in TypeScript. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to apply access modifiers to class members in TypeScript − class ClassName ... Read More

Is it possible to generate TypeScript declaration files from JS library?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:54:04


If you have ever worked with JavaScript libraries in your TypeScript projects, you may have encountered situations where you needed type information for those libraries. TypeScript declaration files, denoted with the .d.ts extension, provide type information for JavaScript code, enabling better static type checking and editor support in TypeScript projects. In this tutorial, we will explore different scenarios and methods for generating TypeScript declaration files from JavaScript libraries. We'll cover scenarios such as generating declaration files for existing JavaScript libraries, generating declaration files for your own JavaScript code, and leveraging tools like dts-gen and tsc to generate declaration files automatically. ... Read More

How do I view the HTML source in Google Chrome?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 11:07:57

3K+ Views

Observe these procedures to view the HTML source on Google Chrome: Select 'View Page Source' from the context menu after performing a right-click on the website. To open the HTML source code in a new tab instead, click Ctrl+U on Windows/Linux or Command+Option+U on Mac. This makes the underlying code for the page's components, text, and scripts visible. Understanding a site's structure, performing debugging, and making focused modifications can all be facilitated by examining the HTML source. Methods Used Right-Click Keyboard Shortcut Developer Tools Right-Click Method Simply right-click anywhere on the webpage to view the HTML source using ... Read More

How do I put background images to frames in HTML?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 11:05:44

1K+ Views

To put background pictures in frames in HTML, you'll use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). By applying CSS properties to the outline components, you'll set a foundation for each outline. The CSS property "background-image" is used to indicate the URL of the picture you need to use as the foundation. You'll also alter other background-related properties such as background-size, background-repeat, and background-position to control how the picture shows up inside the outline. By including these CSS properties in the fitting outline components, you'll be able to successfully apply foundation pictures to outlines in your HTML report, upgrading the visual introduction and ... Read More

How do I open HTML documents saved in the .html or .htm extension in Google Chrome?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 11:04:24

1K+ Views

Opening HTML files with Google Chrome that have the.html or.htm extension is simple. After finding the file in the file explorer and right-clicking it, select Google Chrome as your "Open with" option. Dragging the file into a Chrome window that is open is an additional option. This makes it simpler for academics to interact with the HTML information. Methods Used Using File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) Dragging and Dropping Using Chrome's "Open File" Option Using a Web Server Using File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) To find the HTML file's storage location, File Explorer or Finder. ... Read More

How do I link a C++ program with an HTML page?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 11:03:14

4K+ Views

WebAssembly (Wasm), a parallel guidance design that empowers superior execution dialects like C++ to execute in internet browsers, is utilized to connect a C++ application with a HTML page. Engineers can make online applications with C++ usefulness because of WebAssembly, which empowers consistent coordination of C++ code with HTML and JavaScript. Here is a bit by bit instructional exercise for using WebAssembly to interface a C++ program with a HTML page. Install the Required Tools Before you begin, you should set up the accompanying equipment − If you don't already have a C++ compiler, consider installing GCC (GNU Compiler ... Read More

How do I include a header and footer file on every HTML page?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 12:16:18

5K+ Views

You should make isolated HTML records for the header and footer segments in order to incorporate them on each HTML page. This strategy is habitually alluded to as "code reusability" or "modularization" within the context of web improvement. It'll be less complex to manage and overhaul your site on the off chance that you keep up a uniform appearance and usefulness across all of the pages. Utilizing server-side incorporating (SSI) or other templating techniques, you'll moment the header and footer records into the most HTML records to incorporate them on each page. This guarantees that any changes you make to ... Read More

How do I export my HTML page as a PDF using JavaScript?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:59:21

10K+ Views

An HTML page can be converted into a PDF file using JavaScript tools like jsPDF or html2pdf.js. These libraries make it easier to generate PDF files directly from web page HTML text. Users will have the choice to download or save the finished PDF when the HTML elements and their corresponding styles have been captured and converted to PDF format. One may easily enable this functionality and provide the convenience of printable, offline content representation by inserting necessary JavaScript code into the web application. This functionality is useful for producing reports, producing printable versions of web material, and giving consumers ... Read More

How do I develop a webpage using HTML and CSS?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:58:00


Web pages available on the internet are built with the help of HTML and made to match the aesthetics with the help of CSS. HTML offers websites a skeleton for their content. Content here could include images, urls and links whereas CSS is responsible for the visuals of a web page. But saying it and practicing it to make a real time web page are two different things. HTML, the standard markup language, uses a hierarchical structure meaning it lets tags mark the content, even in nested form and then structurally puts it together. With the introduction of its new ... Read More

How do I connect an HTML web page to a database?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:54:18

7K+ Views

HTML, Hypertext markup language and databases are often used for different domains, but for the purpose of this article, we'll try to connect them. Before we get started with the methods and how we can connect them, it's necessary to understand what this can help us achieve. HTML or hypertext markup language is known for building frameworks of a web page whereas Databases are known for storing data, along with retrieval and manipulation of the stored information. By connecting both of them we'll be able to store HTML web pages more efficiently. Now that we know this, let's look ... Read More
