Found 8894 Articles for Front End Technology

How to apply the hover effect over the button using SASS?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:55:04

6K+ Views

We can apply the hover effect over the button using SASS with the help of the :hover CSS selector.SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet and is a CSS pre-processor, which implies one can generate CSS from its respective SASS code. Using SASS instead of just writing CSS comes with its own set of advantages, like more readable code and easy-to-learn code syntax, and one can leverage these to style the HTML elements, more easily and efficiently, in a web application. In this article, we will give styling to a button element with the help of SASS. First, we will write ... Read More

How to apply custom color to glyphicon icon embed within a link styled with Bootstrap?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:53:56


We can use glyphicons in a bootstrap project by simply giving a glyphicon-specific class to a “span” tag in HTML. Glyphicons are basically font icons that can be used anywhere in your web application, for example, in buttons, forms, inputs, texts, etc. They are provided by Bootstrap and usually consist of symbols, fonts, or graphic icons. Syntax Here, the “glyphicon” class is a Bootstrap class that allows us to use glyphicon icons in the web application, and “icon_name” refers to the particular glyphicon icon that we want to embed and use in the application. Approach 1: Using CSS ... Read More

How to apply CSS style using jQuery?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:51:25

6K+ Views

We can use jquery’s .css() method to apply CSS style on the given webpage. jQuery is a javascript library that helps us manipulate the DOM easily and efficiently using its various helper methods and properties. It allows us to add interactivity to the DOM as well as add and change the CSS styles of the DOM elements. Syntax $(selector).css(property, value) OR $(selector).css({ property: value, property: value, … }) JQuery css() method accepts either an argument of type object, with key as the CSS property name and value as the desired property value to be set to, or ... Read More

How to apply CSS style to the different elements having the same class name in HTML?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:47:42

3K+ Views

HTML classes are global attributes that are used by HTML tags to specify a list of classes that are case-sensitive in nature. These classes are then used by CSS, to apply styling to that particular tag that has the class, and by Javascript, to manipulate the HTML element’s behavior, interactivity, or styles. Approach 1; Using the dot(.) selector In this approach, we will simply use the dot (.) selector to select multiple elements having the same class names, and apply the same set of styles to them using CSS. Example In this example, we will select a “p” tag and ... Read More

How to use filters in AngularJS?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:43:05


First, we look into what filters in angularjs and then how to use them. Filters are used to format the value of an expression to display on the UI to the user without changing the original format. Filters will be added to an expression using the pipe | operator. Like, {{expression | filterName}} Angularjs provides some built-in filters to format the data. Like, as currency, uppercase, lowercase, number, orderBy, limitTo, json, filter, and date. Now, we look into how to use them in our code using angularjs. AngularJS Currency Filter This filter is used to format the data into ... Read More

How to use directives in angular 8?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:32:00


Directives in Angular 8, are classes that can add new behavior to the elements in the template. Directives are used to manipulate the DOM. We can change the behavior and appearance of the DOM elements using directives. Simply we can use the HTML using directives. Using directives, we can achieve reusability, readability and maintainability. Directives will give the high-level of reusability throughout the application. This will help in large application like same functionality required by many places. There are 3 types of directives − Component directives Attribute directives Structural directives We can also create custom directives based on ... Read More

How to use an Anagular 8 Service?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:28:01


In Angular, services are singleton objects which normally get instantiated only once for the entire angular application. Every service contains several methods and that includes some functionality to do. It is a mechanism to share functionality or responsibility within one or more than components. We know, using angular we can create nested-based components. Once our applications are nested, we may need to use the same functionality. Instead of writing same code in multiple components. We can write one place and we can share data with different components. The best way to use service to handle this. In first versions of ... Read More

How to transfer data from parent to child component using Angular 8?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:25:24

12K+ Views

In Angular 8, to transfer data from the parent component to the child component, we use the @Input decorator. The @Input decorator is one of the property decorators in angular. Now, Let’s look into the steps of how the @Input decorator works from the parent component to the child component. Prerequisites First, we need some prerequisites before proceeding. Like Minimal knowledge on angular. Any IDE like WebStorm, Intellij or Visual studio/code installed. Angular CLI must be installed. Nodejs must be installed. Steps Here, I explained steps to transfer data from the parent to child component. First create ... Read More

How to transfer data from child to parent component in Angular 8?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:23:02

8K+ Views

In this, we will learn how to get the data from the child component to the parent component. In angular 8, using @Output decorator and EventEmitter we can transfer the data from the child component to the parent component. Here, takes an example like in the child component we have an input field and button. Whenever the user clicks on the button parent components get to know about the input value from the child component. Let’s see how to do that. Prerequisites Knowledge on angular. Install node and CLI. Create a project. Create child and parent components using NPM ... Read More

How to inject a service into the component in Angular 8?

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 18:18:48

4K+ Views

In Angular, services are singleton objects which normally get instantiated only once for the entire angular application. Every service contains several methods and that includes some functionality to do. It is a mechanism to share functionality or responsibility within one or more than components. We know, using Angular we can create nested-based component. Once our applications are nested, we may need to use the same functionality. Instead of writing same code in multiple components. We can write one place and we can share data with different components. The best way to use service to handle this. In first versions of ... Read More
