Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

Explain Built-in Events in Backbone.js

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:27:27


There are various events that are present in Backbone.js and these events are called built-in Events. As the name suggests programmers and users already define built-in events and can directly use them. Also as per the requirements, a user can create his/her own event which doesn’t comes under the built-in Events. A remarkable quality that an event provides a user is that it adds the event listeners to the related selector, custom selectors, el. Also if none of the selection is provided then both the related selector and el event listeners are attached. Backbone.js Introduction Backbone.js is a toolkit or ... Read More

Explain all Console Object in HTML

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:24:52


A console is an object in the JavaScript programming language that is used for the purpose of debugging or logging results. It is a tool or web tool which may be used by developers to debug their code. With the help of the console, information can be displayed about the code that could be values of the variables, any result of a particular expression, or the return value of a function call. Moreover, it can be used to display errors and warnings. The console is available in every scope since it is a global variable. In the browser window, it ... Read More

How to change the element id using jQuery?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:19:19

6K+ Views

jQuery is one of the JavaScript libraries which is fast, small, and feature-rich. It is used to perform event handling, animation, etc. It is a combination of versatility and extensibility. jQuery is used to simplify the AJAX call and DOM manipulation. Using jQuery, we can make a webpage interactive by responding to a mouse click event. jQuery includes the features like Events, Effects, animations, Ajax, JSON parsing, Cross-browser support, and extensibility. It distributes as a single JavaScript file which defines all of its interfaces like DOM, Events, and the Ajax functions. jQuery consists of two functions, one function is static ... Read More

How to change the href value of <a> tag after clicking on button using JavaScript?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:17:17

8K+ Views

The href attribute specifies the link’s destination, which can be a URL or an anchor point within the same document. Changing the attribute value of href which allows us to dynamically update the destination of the link, which can be useful in a variety of situations. Generally, the tag is used to create a hyperlink in HTML. stands for anchor tag, and it is used to link the other web pages or to specify the exact locations within the same page. On the other side, the href attribute is used to specify the link’s destination, which can be ... Read More

How to change the font-weight of a text using JavaScript?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:12:46


Using JavaScript is one of the most famous ways to change the font-weight of any text on your webpage. We can build interactive applications using JavaScript with HTML elements. Font weight refers to the boldness or thinness of the characters. In this article, we will see how we can change the font-weight of a text using JavaScript. Using the Style fontWeight Property Let us see how can we change the font weight of a single element, such as a paragraph or a heading. To do this, we will use the ‘style.fontWeight’ property of the element. This property is an object ... Read More

How to change cursor to waiting state in JavaScript/jQuery?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:09:46


We can use onmouseover, onmouseout events to set or change the cursor into the state of waiting. In JavaScript, we have different types of mouse events which performs the different functionalities on mouse. Let us see some of the mouse events. onmousedown − These event is occurred when a mouse button is pressed over an HTML element onmouseenter − It occurs when a pointer is moved out of an element onmousemove − These event is occurred when the pointer is moving over an HTML element onmouseout − It occurs when the pointer leaves the element onmouseover − When the ... Read More

How to change font style using drop-down list in JavaScript?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:03:11

5K+ Views

We can use the style fontFamily property to change font style using drop-down list in JavaScript. To make the font change effective using the drop-down list, we can use onchange event when an option is selected in the drop down list. Before we move further, let us know in detail about the drop-down list. A drop-down list is a switchable menu which enables the user to select the one item from a various option. These options can be defined using the HTML code, which are connected to a function. These functions are triggered and starts operating whenever you click or ... Read More

How to change Input box borders after filling the box using JavaScript?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:01:21

2K+ Views

The style.border property is used to change the element’s border, and it returns the three border-bottom properties, i.e., border-color, border-style, and border-width of the element. It is one of the HTML Style Object properties. We use onchange event to make changes effective after filling the box. The onchange is one of the JavaScript attribute and it occurs when the value of an HTML element is changed. It also works with the radio buttons and checkboxes, when the checked state is changed. The onchange event can also work with the HTML element. The onchange event is quite similar to the ... Read More

How to change the background color after clicking the button in JavaScript?

Gungi Mahesh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:55:27

16K+ Views

The style.backgroundColor property is used to change the element color, and it returns the string value, which represents the color of the background. Transparent is the default value of these color property. Here we use the onclick event to make changes effective after clicking the button. As we know, the onclick event occurs only when a user clicks the elements and it is a purely JavaScript attribute. Whenever you click on the onclick event it does some actions like displaying a message or redirects the user another page. The onclick event must be used very less in the website, because ... Read More

Features of Underscore.js

Shubham Vora
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:48:09


Underscore.js is a lightweight library and compatible with all major browsers, as well as Node.js. It can be useful when working on projects involving a lot of data manipulation, as it provides several powerful tools for working with arrays and objects in JavaScript. Underscore.JS is a popular utility library; many other JavaScript libraries and frameworks like Backbone.js, AngularJS, and React.js use it as a dependency. Before we talk about its features, you can go to the official website of Underscore.js ( and download the minified version (underscore-min.js) of the library. We will set the path of this version in the ... Read More
