Found 17 Articles for Email Marketing

Strategies for Effective Email Marketing in a Crowded Inbox

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 10-Nov-2023 14:11:31


Introduction Email continues to be a potent marketing tool in the modern digital age. However, it has been harder and harder to get recipients to pay attention as inboxes are overrun with promotional communications. Businesses must use strong tactics that stand out from the competition and engage their target audience if they want their email marketing efforts to be successful. In order to assist businesses to increase their exposure, engagement, and conversion rates through email marketing, this article covers practical and human-centered tactics for optimizing email marketing in a packed inbox. Understanding the Crowded Inbox Challenge The typical person ... Read More

Act-On Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 20-Jun-2023 14:04:45


What is Act-On? Act-on is an online marketing tool which can be used for marketing automation. The tool comes with a lot of marketing features which include innovative tools, educational assets, and support services. The platform was launched in 2008 and consists of tools like email marketing, lead management, integrations with other applications, analytics, reporting, and many more. Cost of Act-On Act-On has two pricing plans. The Professional plan starts at $900 while the Enterprise plan depends on your requirements. Why Act-On alternatives? There are a few disadvantages with the tool and some of them are mentioned below − ... Read More

Difference between E-mail marketing and Affiliate marketing

Updated on 17-May-2023 12:00:07


E-mail marketing and affiliate marketing are two well-known advanced marketing strategies that can offer assistance to businesses reach and lock in their target gathering of people, incrementing brand mindfulness, and driving deals. While both of these strategies can be successful, they have different approaches and objectives. In this article, we'll investigate the contrasts between e-mail marketing and affiliate marketing, the benefits and disadvantages of each methodology, and how to select the correct approach for your trade according to the market. E-mail Marketing Email marketing is a computerized marketing procedure that includes sending special messages, pamphlets, or other sorts of substance ... Read More

Email Marketing Automation: How to Streamline Your Email Campaigns and Improve Results with Automation Tools?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-May-2023 15:44:29


If you are looking for ways to market your business online, you will find various marketing tools and channels available. Out of the many that can enable your brand to reach a large target audience, email marketing has emerged as a powerful tool. Why is Email Marketing a Powerful Online Tool? It is not without reason that even in the current times' email marketing is considered effective by experts. Latest studies in the field reveal that as much as 40 % of the main B2B marketers opine that email newsletters are critical for content marketing success. It is also ... Read More

The Impact of Email Marketing on Your Brand

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:36:58


A strong online presence can help a business generate sales. There are many ways to do this, such as using PPC ads and sending out promotional emails. Email marketing is a proven method that can help boost sales. Despite the evolution of email marketing, it’s still very popular among consumers. According to a study, 60% of consumers prefer receiving and sending emails as they are their preferred channel for receiving updates and promotions from businesses. It’s also more effective than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to acquiring customers. Today, there are over 1, 500 companies that are dedicated to ... Read More

10 Tips for Optimizing Your Ecommerce Email Marketing

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 13:30:38


Despite the evolution of various forms of marketing, email marketing has remained a popular tool for digital marketers. It is still very effective at converting leads into customers and can generate a high ROI. Unfortunately, when it is used inefficiently, it can waste a lot of resources and time. One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to email marketing is the quality of leads and the execution of your campaigns. According to estimates, over two billion people will shop online in 2021. This is expected to continue growing, and many e-commerce businesses are looking ... Read More

10 Powerful Email Marketing Tips to Help Your Business

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 13:23:37


Small and large businesses can benefit from email marketing as it is a cost-effective method to connect with their customers. According to statistics, many companies generate around $40 for every dollar they spend on marketing. If you're not seeing the type of ROI that you're looking for, please read on to learn more about how to implement email marketing. One of the most important factors that businesses consider when it comes to using email is that it is very easy to grow their business from anywhere. Despite the rise of social media, many people still use email. One of the ... Read More

Top 5 Email Marketing Techniques to Fuel Your Overall Inbound Strategy

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 10:11:34


Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to interact with their customers, enhance engagement, and drive sales. Email marketing has become a crucial component of any effective inbound marketing plan with the rise of digital communication. Businesses may personalize the experience for their audience and establish a long-lasting relationship with them by creating appealing email content and utilizing efficient email marketing strategies. Due to the large number of companies utilizing email marketing as a component of their inbound strategy, it's crucial to stand out from the competition and ensure that your emails are interesting and helpful to your readers. ... Read More

How Much Does Email Marketing Cost?

Priyanka Mangane
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 12:29:25


Today every business is using email marketing irrespective of their niche. The cost of email marketing does have some ups and downs in the process. Read on to know more about the same! It does not matter how big or small your business is and how advanced tools and technologies you are using; you need marketing to grow and survive in the world. Due to modern technology and audiences, many business processes have also changed. And marketing is among them. You can't survive in the modern world with traditional marketing, and to make your grip over a digital audience, you ... Read More

How is Email Marketing More Effective and Superior to Other Digital Marketing Mediums?

Anshita Singh
Updated on 27-Mar-2023 15:31:27


Email is one of the oldest kinds of digital communication, but it's also one of the best digital marketing tactics available. Yes, there are more modern ways to interact with your audience and clients, such as live chat and social media. However, with a user base of more than 4.5 billion, email is the king of marketing channels. Additionally, email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of approx $36 for every dollar invested, making it deserving of a spot in every marketer's toolkit. Social networking, SEO, and affiliate marketing are still beaten out by email marketing as the ... Read More
