Found 451 Articles for Electron

Conductance and Conductivity – Definition, Unit, Formula and Examples

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Nov-2022 05:53:07

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In this article, we shall discuss electrical conductance and conductivity, its definition, formula, unit of measurement, and the solved numerical examples. What is Electrical Conductance? The measure of how easily the electric charge (or electrons or electric current) can flow through a material is called the conductance or electrical conductance of that material. Therefore, electrical conductance defines the capability of a substance to conduct electricity. In order to understand the concept of electrical conductance, we have to recall the electrical resistance of materials. Electrical resistance is defined as the measure of difficulty that a material offers in the flow of ... Read More

Basic Electrical Engineering – Formulas and Equations

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Nov-2022 05:47:12

7K+ Views

The branch of engineering that deals with the study of design and implementation of various electrical devices and systems used in our everyday life as well as generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power is popularly known as Electrical Engineering. Electrical engineering primarily convers the study of electric circuits, power systems, electrical machines, power electronics, control system, and many more. Electrical engineering uses formulae and mathematical equations to explain and prove the truth of concepts. These formulae and equations are very useful in understanding the behavior of electrical systems and helps to perform the different calculations in practice. This article ... Read More

Power in AC Circuit – Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Nov-2022 05:47:38

13K+ Views

In electrical and electronic circuits, the power is one of the most significant quantities used to analyze the circuits for practical applications. The electrical power defined as the time rate of expanding or absorbing energy in a circuit, i.e., $$\mathrm{Power, P=\frac{Energy \;expanded\; or\; absorbed (𝑊)}{Time(𝑡)}}.....(1)$$ This article is meant for explaining power relations in AC circuits. Where, an AC circuit is one which is excited from a source alternating voltage. Instantaneous Power in an AC Circuit The value of electric power in an AC circuit measured at a certain instant of time is known as instantaneous power. It is generally ... Read More

Difference between Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 01-Jun-2022 13:44:28

7K+ Views

Electrical engineering deals with the study of how to generate, transmit and utilize the electrical energy. Electronics engineering, on the other hand, deals with the study of how to control and switch the flow of electrical energy in a circuit. Go through this article to find out the other major differences between electrical and electronics engineering.What is Electrical Engineering?Electrical engineering is the branch of engineering which deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy.Electrical engineering is also concerned with study and design of electrical machines. The field of electrical engineering provides solutions for problems in various fields ... Read More

What are various systems of power transmission?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:30:49

2K+ Views

Various Systems of Power TransmissionFor the transmission of electrical power from the generating stations to the substations for distribution, there are various types of power transmission systems are adopted. However, for the transmission of electric power, three-phase three wire transmission system is universally adopted.The different possible systems for electric power transmission are discussed below.DC Transmission SystemWhen the electrical power is transmitted using direct current or voltage, then the transmission system is called the DC transmission system. The transmission system can be further classified into following three types −DC Two-Wire SystemDC Two-Wire with Mid-Point EarthedDC Three-Wire SystemSingle Phase AC SystemWhen the ... Read More

Sinking Fund Method of Depreciation

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:23:42

8K+ Views

Depreciation of Power Station EquipmentThe reduction in the value of the equipment and other property of the power station every year is known as depreciation. Therefore, a suitable amount, called depreciation charge, must be set aside annually so that by the time the life span of the power plant is over, the collected amount equals to the cost of the replacement of the power plant.Sinking Fund Method of DepreciationIn the sinking fund method of depreciation, a fixed depreciation charge is made every year and the interest is compounded on it annually. The constant depreciation charge is such that the sum ... Read More

What are different Units of Energy?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:16:49

1K+ Views

Units of EnergyThe capability of an object to do work is called its energy. In electrical engineering, the most important forms of energy are electrical energy, mechanical energy and thermal energy. Different units of measurement are used for the various forms of energy. Although, the units of electrical, mechanical and thermal energies are interchangeable.The units of various forms of energy are described as follows −Mechanical EnergyThe mechanical energy is defined as the product of force and distance, i.e., $$\mathrm{\mathrm{Mechanical \:energy\:=\:Force\: in \:Newton\:\times \:distance\: in \:meters}}$$Therefore, the SI unit of mechanical energy is Newton-meter (Nm) or Joules (J).The mechanical energy of ... Read More

Advantages and Limitations of High Transmission Voltage

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Feb-2022 07:51:20

8K+ Views

Advantages of High Transmission VoltageElectric power is transmitted at very high voltages due to some technical and economic reasons which are described as follows −1. Reduces the Volume of Conductor MaterialConsider the electric power being transmitting through the three-phase three-wire transmission system.Let, P = Power transmitted (in Watts)V = Line voltage (in Volts)$\mathrm{cos}\:\phi$ = Load power factorR = Resistance per conductor (in ohms)$\mathit{\rho}$ = Resistivity of conductor materiall = length of transmission line (in meters)a = cross sectional area of conductorTherefore, the load current is given by, $$\mathrm{\mathit{I}\:=\:\frac{\mathit{P}}{\sqrt{3}\mathit{V}\mathrm{cos\:\phi }}}$$And the resistance per conductor is$$\mathrm{\mathit{R}\:=\:\rho \:\frac{\mathit{l}}{\mathit{a}}}$$Thus, the total power loss in ... Read More

What is Power Factor and Power Triangle?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 14-Feb-2022 07:15:22

3K+ Views

Power FactorThe cosine of angle between voltage and current in an AC circuit is called the power factor of the circuit. In other words, the power factor is defined as the ratio of active power to the apparent power in the circuit, i.e., $$\mathrm{\mathrm{Power\: factor, }\:\mathrm{cos}\:\phi \:=\:\frac{\mathrm{Active\: power\: (in\: Watts)}}{\mathrm{Apparent\: power \:(in\: VA)}}}$$Where, $\phi$ is the power factor angle.In an AC circuit, there may be a phase difference ($\phi$) between voltage and current. The term cos $\phi$ is called the power factor of the circuit.When the given circuit is inductive, then the current lags behind the voltage and the power ... Read More

Connected Load, Average Load, and Maximum Demand Load

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 14-Feb-2022 06:48:46

14K+ Views

Connected LoadThe connected load is defined as the sum of continuous ratings of all the equipment connected to the electrical power station.An electric power station supplies the power to thousands of consumers. Each consumer has certain equipment in his premises. The sum of the continuous ratings of all the equipment in the consumer’s premises is the connected load of the consumer. The sum of the connected loads of all the consumers is called the connected load to the power station.Average LoadThe average load on a power station is defined as the average of loads occurring on the power station in ... Read More

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