Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

How to make twitter bots in less than five minutes

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 18-Oct-2019 11:33:25


Did you anytime notice about automatically answering questions posted on Twitter and you desire to make one for yourself? you can do it. We find, Twitter bots not only answering the questions, but it also shares its source. You can copy as well make your own little assistant.Twitter Bots DesignThe Twitter bots are designed for the purpose of Tweeting, retweeting and sharing varied Tweets. That’s not all, Twitter bots can not only follow a specific Twitter user, but it also can correct spelling mistakes depending upon the program specification.Google ScriptsIn the past, python program codes were used, but in recent ... Read More

How to delete useless images in your whatsapp automatically

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 06-Jul-2020 13:37:01

2K+ Views

Probably WhatsApp is the most memory-consuming instant messenger today. As if Good Morning messages with hot cup of coffee and a croissant or some chirping bird were insufficient, the enthusiasts are creating and sending messages for greeting “Good Afternoon” and “Good Night” too. These images and other media files start accumulating in chunks especially if you have a setting of Auto Download. These useless images eat up large space of our mobile devices leave very little space for their smart use. At times they also slow down the device performance. At some point of time it becomes very annoying.The simplest ... Read More

How to send private messages from twitter to a browser

Samual Sam
Updated on 13-May-2022 07:39:19


How many of us have once tried our hands on Twitter, but left it as soon as we joined just because we found it too confusing, with all that @s and # tags for everything. Like all that re-tweets and following you or you are following someone it feels so confusing. But now we have a solution for it.So, the good news is twitter has recently introduced a new feature which allows you to send private group messages to a browser near you. It is a simple as writing a tweet, hitting send and going on and on till your ... Read More

How do search engines like Google work?

Jaya P
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Can you imagine your life without Google?? In the present world of digitization, people are completely dependent on search engines for every small information. It is very interesting to know how can Google give so much information on so many websites in a blink of an eye? How does it work?Google has its most powerful tool: its search engine. Google uses a special algorithm to generate search results. It uses automated programs called Spiders or Crawlers. With the help of indexed keywords, and its unique algorithm google displays the search results.Google has the trademarked algorithm called Page Rank, which assigns ... Read More

Is buying home appliances from home shop channels worth it?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Teleshopping or Home shopping is one of the ways of shopping while sitting in the comfort of your house. The marketer showcases his product live (not exactly) the consumer watches it on his television screen. If a product interest a viewer, he calls on the given Toll-free number and gets the product delivered at home.Pros and ConsThe answer to this question is very much similar to answering whether ”Fire is beneficial or harmful?” Certainly, the answer is neither always Yes and nor it's always No. Below is a list of advantages, which make us realize that the home-shopping funda is ... Read More

What is the height of marketing?

Joshi Malvika
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


This is absolutely true that marketers are crossing all borders to not only sell their products but also to have an upper hand over their competitors. You look around and observe that their eyes are everywhere and they won’t even hesitate to have a sneak peek into your bedroom if they get a chance. Recently, I was scrolling down my social media account and came across this exceptional way of marketing and thought of sharing with you. Just have a look at these side-splitting advertising efforts.

What are the top digital marketing certification exams?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Digital Marketing is the present day career on a boom. It is a way of advertising that provides many ways of online platforms for your product or service, unlike the traditional ways of advertising.To get established yourself as a digital marketing expert, it is always better to get certified. Google AdWords Certification and HubSpot Inbound Certification are the ones which are available for free. You can even try applying them again if you fail to succeed in your initial attempts.Preparing for the HubSpot Inbound Certification enables you to optimize your website and content, helps in making customers as brand promoters ... Read More

Why do marketers stress on particular colors to promote their products?

Pinki Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It has now been scientifically proven that colors leave a powerful influence on our psychology and play a crucial role in affecting our decisions. This fact has been cleverly harnessed by marketers at present because 93 per cent of buyers get affected by the visual appearance and 83 percent accepted that it was only the color of a particular product that made them buy it.Blue is usually considered a manly color. It denotes peace, tranquillity, water, sky, reliability, etc. It offers a sense of security, control appetite and boosts productivity. Brands that want to promote trust in their products use ... Read More

What are unethical digital marketing techniques?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Marketing is a concept which is related to beliefs. With marketing, a consumer is made to believe that a certain product or service delivers the results mentioned. Whether it is digital or traditional, marketing is a tool to sell your product or service by gaining trust. But with the increasing attention towards digital marketing, there are many unethical practices prevailing. Recently, social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have made their rules more stringent so as to avoid unethical practices in the digital marketing field.What Are They Like?It is unethical to do false marketing by conveying the false messages into ... Read More

What are Google Algorithms and what importance do they have in digital marketing?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 10:42:14


Google keeps making changes to its algorithms at regular intervals to improve different aspects of user experience on its search engine. These algorithm changes are referred to as 'Updates' by Google and users all over the world are always anxious about these updates. Of course, they come like a bolt from the blue because Google doesn't want to allow unethical users to find a way out too easily.The ImpactIn most cases, it is the digital marketing companies that feel the impact of these periodic updates from Google but it's also true that if these updates hadn't come, the search industry ... Read More
