Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

8 Ways to Make an Impactful Digital Marketing Strategy

Vedasree Gandham
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 16:01:56


Marketing has evolved significantly in recent years, and what worked even just a few years ago may be completely irrelevant today. If you want to continue to realize success, remain competitive, and deliver more value, you must be willing to adapt to change as it occurs. To have a successful marketing plan, you need strategic thinking, alignment between departments, willingness to test new approaches and close monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) which will tell you how to be more proficient and achieve better outcomes. That being said, here are 8 ways to make an impactful digital marketing strategy. ... Read More

Digital Marketing Trends 2023?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:17:28


The last two years saw a pandemic, tensions in the geopolitical landscape, and an economic slowdown in some of the major countries. All these factors fuelled significant changes in the way companies market their products and services. Digital marketing has become more important than ever. In order to gain a competitive advantage and get going, companies need to embrace changes and tune their digital marketing strategies to them. Popular Digital Marketing Trends This article aims to explain the top trends in the digital marketing world this year that every marketer should know. User-generated Content Persuades the Most In 2023, ... Read More

Free Digital Marketing Courses You Didn't Know Existed

Mrudula DD
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:11:23


In today's age of technology, the demand for digital marketers is at an all-time high. Therefore, there has never been a better moment to sharpen your skills. So, why not take a step ahead to level up your digital marketing skills in the upcoming year? Are you putting yourself off because of the cost of these courses? Don’t worry. There are many high-quality, free courses available in digital marketing that address a variety of topics. Ranging from social media to content marketing, there's no doubt that these courses can provide you with in-depth knowledge of digital marketing. If you're ... Read More

Difference between Webinar and Webcast

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:03:06


Several generations earlier, printed advertisements and Television broadcasts were present for marketing your product. Those days, however, are long since gone, and marketing has made significant progress since then. There are currently a thousand various kinds of media you may use as promotional techniques to reach a broad audience. Video content is one such medium that has become increasingly popular rapidly over the years. Businesses are increasingly using webcasts and webinars, the two primary types of video material used for marketing, in their marketing strategies. Everything has been transformed by the new and more sophisticated digital world; technology has given ... Read More

Difference between Growth Marketing and Growth Hacking

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:02:41


As businesses have developed over time, several strategies for staying afloat, attracting customers, and closing deals have emerged. While there is no end to this procedure, certain approaches may be fruitful for some businesses while falling flat in others. This is because there is considerable variation among products, business models, ecosystems, and government regulations. Despite their regular usage, the terms "growth marketing" and "growth hacking" are often interchanged when discussing company practices. However, as will be shown in the next article, these two powerful tools really represent quite different worldviews and strategies for resolving issues. What is Growth Marketing? ... Read More

Difference between Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:58:50


The goal of each business should be to become the market leader in its field. Sales and marketing are crucial because firms have a hard time bringing in new consumers and holding on to the ones they already have. You may be familiar with the terms "growth hacking" and "digital marketing" if you have experience in marketing. But what do these expressions really mean? When employed for marketing purposes, these two strategies employ the same logic of experimentation, innovation, and analytics to achieve success. Aside from a shared concern for their companies' growth, these two entities couldn't be more different. ... Read More

Difference between an Absolute URL and a Relative URL

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Dec-2022 12:03:04

18K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn the difference between an absolute URL and a relative URL. What is a URL? A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address that indicates the location of a specific file or resource on the World Wide Web (WWW). A URL specifies the site of a target saved on a local or networked computer. A file, directory, HTML page, image, application, and more can all be the target. The organization of your website’s URL and internal links is crucial to how well it works. This is crucial to ensuring that your website can be successfully ... Read More

Top 5 Myths of Digital Transformation

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 06-Dec-2022 07:53:07


In the last few years, it has become clear that digital transformation is not just about IT. It’s about how we interact with employees, customers, and partners; how we work together as an organization; and even how we think about our business. It’s a way of thinking that goes beyond what you do during your lunch hour or at the water cooler. The challenge for any organization is how to approach this transformative change. We may have seen great examples of organizations embracing the concept of digital transformation, but there are still many misconceptions about what this means for all ... Read More

Difference between Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 12:24:43

1K+ Views

Marketing's potential to grow a business or a brand into something bigger is nothing short of magical. Marketing is the process of creating demand for a good or service. Selling, developing new items, advertising, and disseminating those products are all components of marketing. It enlightens, piques curiosity, drives sales, aids in business growth, and improves credibility. Developing a marketing strategy is essential for any business, but it's crucial to pick the right one. Occasionally, a business will find success with a certain kind of advertising while another will find that the same method is less than ideal. In addition to ... Read More

Difference between Affiliate Marketing and Lead Generation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 12:21:32


Businesses are always on the lookout for methods to increase their revenue. Companies are moving away from tried−and−true methods of advertising and running their business in favor of more innovative techniques because of the explosive growth of the digital sector. For instance, businesses without a website risk being left out of a wide range of prospects. Having a web presence is important, but it's not enough on its own, which is why businesses are turning to digital marketing methods. Content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and pay−per−click advertising are all examples of digital marketing specializations. In this ... Read More
