Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

What Are Inbound and Outbound Marketing in Digital Marketing?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:36:43


Inbound and Outbound marketing are two core strategies that companies use to generate leads and sales. Inbound marketing focuses on using organic tactics, such as writing blog posts, creating content offers (eBooks, whitepapers), optimizing websites for search engines, and leveraging social media to attract potential customers – whereas outbound marketing uses more traditional methods of promotion like radio ads, television commercials, and direct mail campaigns. Understanding the differences between inbound and outbound is critical for businesses looking to build a successful strategy for generating leads. While both types of marketing have their own advantages and disadvantages, choosing which one ... Read More

Is There a Comparison Between Digital Marketing and E-commerce?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:45:33


The pandemic has given us the push we needed to embrace digital infrastructure. E- commerce and digital marketing are essential components of any digital business. There is a world of difference between digital marketing and e-commerce, and though they are interlinked, it might confuse some. In simple terms, digital marketing refers to the promotion factor of the 4 Ps, and e-commerce refers to the place factor of the 4 Ps. In this article, we will learn about digital marketing and e-commerce, as well as the differences between the two. The Difference Between Digital Marketing and E-commerce Digital marketing helps ... Read More

Is Social Media Marketing Different from Digital Marketing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:42:33


Going digital is no longer an option but a default action. Companies today are moving towards digital marketing because it seems like a more cost- efficient form of marketing and has a wider consumer base. With data and technology in the picture, companies can devise digital marketing activities that are going to have the highest conversion rate. Digital marketing has the power to customize advertisements for every consumer. For example, companies have the ability to showcase different advertisements to consumers in the same neighborhood watching the same show at the same time. These ads are based on the interests, ... Read More

Is Social Media Marketing Better for B2C Businesses or B2B Businesses?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:41:30


Companies today are moving towards digital infrastructure and, hence, the future is digital. We have all four Ps of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) in our digital infrastructure. Promotional activities carried out by businesses in the digital world are known as "digital marketing activities." A very prominent part of digital marketing is known as social media marketing. This branch of marketing is growing by leaps and bounds because more than 4.7 billion people in the world today are on social media platforms. In this article, we will be diving deep into the concepts of social media platforms, B2B businesses, ... Read More

Is Personal Marketing More Effective Than Digital Marketing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:39:50


The only thing that sells is what is visible to customers. Marketing is a very essential part of the business because today's consumers are spoiled with choices. All the markets have turned into the red ocean, and hence the company has to aggressively market its product to ensure sales. Marketing can be broadly divided into two types − The traditional form of marketing − Here, the company uses ads in newspapers, radio slots, television ads, articles in magazines, personal selling, and others. Digital Marketing − Here the company uses digital media to ensure sales. The various forms of digital ... Read More

Is It Important for a Digital Marketer to Have Knowledge of Html, CSS, and JavaScript?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:39:04


The market is saturated with digital marketers today. Everyone knows how to use the basic features to advertise your content on digital platforms. What is going to set you apart from other digital marketers is your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are some of the technical coding languages. This knowledge will not only help you by providing you with the basics of website creation but will also help you in customizing the messages, so you will not have to run to the IT department for every little thing. In this article, we will be understanding ... Read More

How Will Your Experience in Digital Marketing Help Our Business?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:37:54


You can read 100 articles and spend thousands of dollars and still get no results or minimal results in digital marketing. Digital marketing is art as well as science. Digital marketers use algorithms and techniques to make their content rank, but at the same time, the creativity of the content matters as well. For success, firms need to strike a combination of both, and for that, firms should appoint digital marketers. Digital marketers, through their experience, tips, and tricks, will deliver you worthy results (website traffic, sales, more followers, more engagement on channels, and others) with minimal cost. In this ... Read More

How Will AI Redefine Digital Marketing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:36:59


Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the whole working scenario of business. In simple terms, AI means adding human intelligence to machines to do repeated human business tasks. For example, if a company is presented with a large amount of data, it requires someone to analyze the data to make sense of it, and then the business can use that sense to develop products or services or promote its products. In simple terms, businesses understand consumers and use that understanding to develop products that will be preferred by the consumers. Now every time that data changes, someone has to analyze it. ... Read More

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:35:26


Affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing. There is a lot of buzz about affiliate marketing because the creator economy, today, is growing by leaps and bounds. To increase sales, and brand recognition, and create a bond between the consumer and the brand, companies are shifting from mass advertising techniques to niche marketing strategies. Affiliate marketing is the process in which the affiliate marketer recommends a product, service, or brand to the consumer, who, after being impressed with the product demonstrated, decides to purchase it. The consumer uses a particular link or passcode to avail themselves of the ... Read More

How to Do Keyword Analysis? What Keywords Would You Pick?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:33:33


Google has billions of web pages and millions of competitors for every product, service, article, or search item. Basically, it is flooded with information. Now every company that enters the digital market would want their website to rank the highest when entering the search keywords but google generally only has 10 website links on its first web page. Most consumers would not even go to the second or third search page on Google. Hence it becomes very critical for companies to develop high-quality and digitally ranking content. When coming to the content part of a website keywords play the most ... Read More
