Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

Various Promotional Pricing Strategies Are in the Market

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:40:45


Pricing is the only P in the four Ps of marketing that brings in revenue for the company. Pricing also plays a vital role at the time of the purchase of the goods. It is a driving factor that determines whether the product will be purchased by the consumer or not. In developing price-sensitive countries like India, Pakistan, China, and others, the pricing of the product plays an important role in purchase decision-making. Pricing, in simple terms, means how much currency the customer has to forgo to obtain ownership of the product or experience the service delivered by the brand. ... Read More

The Concept of Pure-click Companies

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:39:40

1K+ Views

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, today is taking over the stage. E-commerce basically refers to the online or digital market space where the sellers can list and sell their products and the buyers can negotiate, compare the products from different brands, and make their final choice. E-commerce is the digital marketplace for companies. E-commerce is the digitalization of the physical distribution channel of the 4 Ps of marketing. E-commerce has a lot to offer both customers and sellers. When we are talking about businesses in E-commerce, we can see that there could be two types of businesses. Pure-click e-commerce ... Read More

The Concept of Brick-and-click E-commerce

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:38:35


Electronic commerce, or E-commerce, is taking over the stage in today’s business era. E-commerce, in simple terms, is the digital marketplace for companies and buyers. It is the place where buyers and sellers can interact with each other, negotiate the buying agreement, compare different brands and products, and then make the final purchase decision. It is replacing the traditional physical distribution channels for the company. E-commerce as a digital marketplace reduces costs for the company, provides more customer reach, and provides an easier way to conduct business operations. E-commerce companies can be of the following two types − ... Read More

How Do I Adapt the Marketing Program to Different Countries?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:37:43


Today, brands across the world are crossing international boundaries. They are exploring new regions and making tremendous profits. Some brands have become so localized that the majority of the population believes them to be of the country’s origin. One such great example that we can find in India is Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL). HUL is known for selling fast-moving consumer goods like soap, shampoo, biscuits, and others. HUL has such a great distribution channel that today it is present in every nook and cranny of India. What makes the brand so successful in a foreign market is its ability to ... Read More

How Can Companies Segment Their Customers Based on Demographics?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:36:51


Companies need to understand and segment their customers before deciding on the product that they want to manufacture, the price that they want to charge the customers, the marketing campaigns that they want to run, or the channel through which they want to distribute their goods and services. Understanding the customer is the key to the successful implementation of other business activities. Companies can understand their customers by asking them questions, collecting their data, or just simply observing them. There are different segmentations that a company can do to understand and read its customers. The main types of segmentation are ... Read More

How Can Companies Design Products for International Markets?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:36:02


Brands are now crossing international borders. Globalization and the era of the Internet have brought in a lot of acceptance, opportunities, and playing fields for brands. Consumers are accepting foreign brands and want to consume them as well. Since this is the current market scenario, brands now have to fight hard as well. Earlier, the competition was between neighboring brands, but now all the brands in the world are selling similar and identical products to customers. Hence, it has become crucial for brands to connect with their customers and provide the customers with something more than the product itself. This ... Read More

Getting into the Heads of Consumers - Consumer Behavior Marketing

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:34:45


In today’s fast-paced competitive world, it is crucial for businesses to get into the heads of their consumers. Brands need to know what the consumer is thinking consciously and subconsciously to design better products, determine the price of the product, develop marketing strategies, and decide the channel of their product distribution. In short, every business-related decision is taken by keeping the customer in mind. This consumer insight will not only help the company sell better but will also help the company get a competitive edge over its competitors. When companies collect information from customers, it can generally be done in ... Read More

Excellent Marketing Initiatives by Starbucks

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:32:41


Companies now understand that in this fast-paced, competitive world, the only thing that will sell is what is visible to the customers. You might have an excellent product, available to the customer at their nearest store on the e-commerce platforms, at a price that is lower than what the market has to offer but still not have sales in your pocket. For consumers to purchase the product, they have to know about the product, and to let people know about the product, companies will have to advertise their products. It is not only about advertising the products for the customers ... Read More

Excellent Marketing Initiatives by Google to Earn Revenue

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:31:56


It is important for companies to understand the marketing channels they are using. Digital marketing is all about using the digital channels available on the internet. It is a mixture of website marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and others. All these platforms are available on Google’s browsing website. Google was founded by two Ph.D. students from Stanford, namely Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was founded in 1988. The core objective of finding an application like Google is to provide customers with unlimited data. Hence, you can also find the pun between the words Googol and Google. ... Read More

Why Website Speed is Crucial for Digital Marketing Success?

Anshita Singh
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 15:29:33


These days, paid marketing, content, social media, and design are the main topics covered in most guides to success in digital marketing for e-commerce enterprises. Website performance, or more particularly, website speed, is yet another critical element that is frequently disregarded or taken for granted. The success of online shopping depends on the speed of the website. It immediately affects your conversion rates, repeat business, and search engine rankings. A quick load time for your website is even more crucial as a competitive advantage in light of recent changes to Google Search ranking. Why is website speed important? ... Read More
