Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Overview and Types

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:29:01


Digital Marketing is everywhere. Companies have started employing intense digital marketing campaigns to reach target audiences. From social media handles to websites, digital marketing has revolutionized the way products and services are marketed and promoted in the era of the internet. This article will discuss the scope and types of digital marketing in detail. What Is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing uses digital tools and mediums such as social media, emails, websites, search engines, and mobile applications to communicate about a product or service, conduct branding, influence customer behavior, and maintain successful customer relationship management. Digital marketing is quite similar ... Read More

What Are OKRs and How to Implement Them for A Digital Marketing Agency?

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:31:03


Digital marketing agencies are always on the hunt for delivering better results to their clients through innovative techniques and methods. Hence it becomes highly important for them to set goals and objectives. Setting goals will help agencies measure and track them. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is an approach pioneered by the tech giants like Google. This approach enables digital marketing agencies and other companies to set objectives and break down the measurables for those objectives into accomplishable key results. This article will provide an overview of the implementation of such OKRs for improving the performance of digital marketing agencies. ... Read More

Top 7 Techniques to Build Personal Branding Through Blogging

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:35:16


Branding is an important tool in marketing that helps in the promotion of products and services offered. Personal branding is a distinctive technique that focuses on promoting oneself. It might involve promoting one’s values, expertise in a particular field or reputation in general. Personal branding can create or break an individual's image. The right techniques are crucial in building trust and credibility with others. This article focuses on bringing to you the top techniques that might help achieve personal branding through blogging. What Is Personal Branding? Personal branding is a conscious effort made towards creating and promoting the public ... Read More

Ten Ways a Chatbot Can Help Digital Marketing Campaigns

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:37:47


Chatbots are becoming ubiquitous all over. Digital Marketing is overriding most traditional forms of marketing with its automation and other significant features. A vast number of adoption of chatbots and their increasing efficiency to answer business-related queries are the significant factors that are encouraging more and more companies to invest in chatbot services. Chatbots fulfill one of the significant key focus areas of marketing i.e., customer interaction. Engaging customers effectively is a proven way to push them further in the sales funnel. This article will showcase the most popular ways in which a chatbot can help in digital marketing campaigns. ... Read More

Reasons Why Businesses Need Digital Marketing in 2023

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:40:39


Disruption is an important tool if used properly since it helps businesses evolve with time and technology. Over the past few years, the face of marketing has changed drastically and almost every company has its own set of digital marketing campaigns. It would be foolish to not implement digital marketing. Because digital marketing offers unparalleled advantages and makes it more efficient than conventional marketing techniques at a cheaper rate. Now businesses cannot strive without digital technologies. Digital marketing can help businesses achieve success by increasing their online visibility, targeting specific audiences, improving customer engagement, providing data-driven insights, and ... Read More

10 Ways to Unplug: For People in A Digital Marketing Career

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:43:59


Digital marketing as lucrative as a career it sounds is equally straining in terms of mental peace and calmness. Because digital marketers are expected to be informed of all the trends, hashtags, social media news, events, and happenings they have to stay on their laptops or mobile phones most of the time. And quite frequently this consumption of information happens after work hours leading to an increased strain on their mental as well as physical health. Therefore, it seems quite hard to actually unplug particularly when one is in the digital marketing field. But it is achievable and ... Read More

10 Steps to Grow Your Business Using Digital Marketing

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:50:31


If you are a business owner looking forward to growing your business by leveraging the features of digital marketing this article is for you. Digital marketing is an effective way to reach more target audiences, reduce costs for the company, and personalize ad campaigns. Digital marketing can cater to businesses at any stage of development.  Even if you are a new company or you are a well-established company that is aiming to improve sales and generate more leads, digital marketing has solutions for everything. While the steps mentioned in this article might not be applicable as it is to ... Read More

10 Effective Ways to Use YouTube in Digital Marketing

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:51:45


Digital marketing is adding lots and lots of value to large companies and small-time businesses. This is made possible by the leverage that social media has given to digital marketing. Social media marketing is a whole area in itself and has helped improve the chances of marketing places, people, products, and even more. Amongst all the other social media platforms, YouTube has got to have a special mention. Because YouTube is the best and topmost platform for both content craving public and content creators. It helps engage millions of users in an effective manner and YouTube has a solid model ... Read More

How to Become a Digital Marketing Executive?

Priyanka Mangane
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:54:52


Technology is growing at unmatched speed, and every sector is influenced by it. Jobs are also influenced by technology, and that's why the digital sector is producing the highest number of jobs. When it comes to digital or technological jobs, Digital marketing jobs dominate. Digital marketing jobs always top the charts of trending jobs every year. Now there are many jobs in the digital marketing domain based on experience level and area of specialization.  Today we will discuss one of the most popular, highly demanding, and high-paying digital marketing jobs: digital marketing executive. It is a high-level job requiring ... Read More

How Successful is Digital Marketing, and What Makes It Successful

Priyanka Mangane
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:57:02


The importance of marketing is not hidden from anyone. As everything changes with time, the method of marketing has also changed. Today everything has gone digital, so we need digital marketing to target a digital audience. Digital marketing is not a concept; it is completely based on the traditional marketing concept. The only difference is it is done via digital tools and on digital platforms. Simply put, digital marketing is used for marketing on digital platforms and making digital audiences your customers.  Today, every business uses digital marketing, regardless of its size, industry, and financial status. Ultimately if you ... Read More
