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How can I restore multiple databases or all databases dumped by mysqldump?

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 10:43:22

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Suppose if we have dumped multiple databases or all the databases and now want to restore it then we can do it with the following example −C:\mysql\bin>mysql -u root < tutorials_query1.sqlWith the help of above query, we are restoring the dumped multiple databases named ‘tutorials’ and ‘query1’, which are dumped in the file named ‘tutorials_query1.sql’. In this case, we do not need to write the name of the database.Similarly, with the help of the following query, we can restore all the databases dumped by mysqldump −C:\mysql\bin>mysql -u root < alldatabases.sqlWith the help of above query, we are restoring all the ... Read More

How MySQL LOCATE() function is different from its synonym functions i.e. POSITION() and INSTR() functions?

Rama Giri
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


As all of these functions are used to return the position of a substring within a string but LOCATE() function is a bit different from POSITION() and INSTR() function. In both POSITION() AND INSTR() functions, we cannot manage the starting position of search with the help of argument as position argument in LOCATE() function. All of these functions are having a difference in syntax also.

How can I restore a database dumped by mysqldump?

Giri Raju
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:37:34


Suppose if we have dumped the whole database and now want to restore it then we can do it with the following example −C:\mysql\bin>mysql -u root query < tutorials.sqlWith the help of above query, we are restoring the dumped database named ‘tutorials’, in the file tutorials.sql, into other database named ‘query’. It means that the tables of database ‘tutorials’ would be restored in a database named ‘query’.

How can we take a backup of all the databases by using mysqldump client program?

Nitya Raut
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:38:46


By using mysql dump client program we can take the backup of all the databases into a file having the extension ‘.sql’. It can be understood with the help of the following example −ExampleIn this example, with the help of mysql dump client program, we are taking the backup all the databases in a file named ‘alldatabases.sql’. The following command will do this −C:\mysql\bin>mysqldump -u root --all-databases > alldatabases.sqlThe above command will create a file named alldatabases.sql which has the dump information of all the databases.

How can I use MySQL OCTET_LENGTH() function to count the number of characters stored in a data column?

Chandu yadav
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:39:43


We need to pass the column name as the argument of OCTET_LENGTH() function to count the number of characters stored in a data column. It displays the number of characters when referenced in SELECT clause. It can also be used as comparison value to decide whether or not the row should returned by using it in WHERE clause. The contents of ‘Student’ table are used to demonstrate it −mysql> Select Name, OCTET_LENGTH(Name)As 'Str_Length' from Student; +---------+------------+ | Name    | Str_Length | +---------+------------+ | Gaurav  | 6          | | Aarav   | 5       ... Read More

What are the similarities and differences between MySQL ORD() and ASCII() functions?

Monica Mona
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:41:57


MySQL ORD() function returns the code for the leftmost character if that character is a multi-byte i.e. sequence of one or more bytes, with the help of the following formula(1st bytecode) + (2nd bytecode * 256) + (3rd bytecode * 256^2)On the other hand, ASCII() function returns the ASCII value of the leftmost character of a given string.The difference between them lies on the point that whether the leftmost character is a multi-byte character or not. If it is not a multi-byte character then both ORD() and ASCII() functions return similar results. Following example will demonstrate it.mysql> Select ORD('Tutorialspoint'); +-----------------------+ ... Read More

How can we take a backup of a particular table from a database by using mysqldump client program?

Jennifer Nicholas
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:42:55


By using mysql dump client program we can take the backup of a particular table from the databases into a file having the extension ‘.sql’. It can be understood with the help of the following example −ExampleIn this example, with the help of mysql dump client program, we are taking the backup of a table named ‘student_info’ from ‘query’ database in a file named ‘student_info.sql’. The following command will do this:C:\mysql\bin>mysqldump -u root query student_info > student_info.sqlThe above command will create a file named student_info.sql which has the dump information of a file named ‘student_info’ from database named ‘query’.Read More

How can I restore a file created by mysqldump?

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 10:39:45


Suppose if we want to restore a file that has been created by mysqldump then we can restore in an existing database or in a new database after creating it. Then with the help of SOURCE statement, we can restore it. We can illustrate it by an example:ExampleIn this example, we are restoring the table named student_info.sql which has been dumped. It was basically in the database name ‘query’. Now we will restore it into a database named ‘tutorials’.mysql> Use Tutorials; Database changed mysql> SOURCE student_info.sql; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected ... Read More

In MySQL, how can we check whether a string of a specified pattern is not present within another string?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:45:36


We can check whether a string of specified pattern is not present within another string by using NOT LIKE operator along with wildcard characters.SyntaxNOT LIKE specific_patternSpecific_pattern is the pattern of string we do not want to find out within another string.ExampleSuppose we have a table named ‘student’ having names of the students and we want to get the details of all those students which are not having a pattern of string ‘av’ within their names. It can be done with the help of following MySQL query:mysql> Select * from Student WHERE name NOT LIKE '%av%'; +------+---------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | Id   ... Read More

What are the different wildcard characters which can be used with NOT LIKE operator?

Jai Janardhan
Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:48:02


As we know that NOT LIKE operator is used along with WILDCARD characters for not getting the string having specified string. Basically, WILDCARD is the characters that help search data matching complex criteria. Followings are the types of wildcard which can be used in conjunction with NOT LIKE operator:% - The PercentageThe ‘%’ wildcard is used to specify a pattern of 0, 1 or more characters. A basic syntax for using % wildcard with NOT LIKE operator is as follows:Select Statement…Where column_name NOT LIKE ‘X%’Here X is any specified starting pattern such as the single character of more and % matches ... Read More
