Found 6702 Articles for Database

What are the services of Standard Reporting?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:25:59


Standard reporting provides the ability to create production style fixed-format reports that have limited user interaction, a broad audience, and regular execution schedules. The application templates are essentially a casual kind of standard report.At the formal end of the spectrum, large standard reporting systems tend to surface when the ERP system cannot handle the workload of operational transactions and reporting. Full-scale standard reporting is a big job that involves its own set of requirements and services. In this case, there should be a standard reporting project solely responsible for managing this effort.There is the various requirement for standard reporting tools ... Read More

What are the services of Query Management?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:24:45


Query management services are the set of possibilities that handle the exchange between the query production, the implementation of the query on the database, and the return of the result set to the desktop. These services have a full impact on customer cooperation with the database.There are various services of Query management which are as follows −Content simplification − These techniques try to safeguard the user from the complexities of the data and the query language before some definite queries are formulated. This includes limiting the user’s view to subsets of the tables and columns, predefined join rules (including columns, ... Read More

What are the services of Job Control?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:22:21


There are various services of Job Control which are as follows −Job definition − The first step in creating an operations process is to have some way to define a series of steps as a job and to specify some relationship among jobs. This is where the structure of the data warehouse is written.In some cases, if a load of a given table declines, it will impact your capacity to load tables based on it. For example, if the customer table is not properly updated, loading sales facts for new customers that did not make it into the customer table ... Read More

What are the services of data transformation?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:21:05


In data transformation, the data are transformed or linked into forms applicable for mining. Data transformation can contains the following −Smoothing − It can work to remove noise from the data. Such techniques include binning, regression, and clustering.Aggregation − In aggregation, where summary or aggregation operations are applied to the data.Generalization − In Generalization, where low-level or “primitive” (raw) data are restored by larger-level concepts through the need of concept hierarchies.There are various services of data transformation which are as follows −Integration − Integration includes generating surrogate keys, mapping keys from one scheme to another, and mapping programs into complete ... Read More

What are the requirement of data staging?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:19:26


There are various requirements of data staging which are as follows −Productivity support − Any system it is decide to implement needs to support basic development environment capabilities such as code library management check-in/check-out, version control, and production and development system constructs. Initially, and for smaller projects, these can be implemented through a standards document, a process description, and a set of standard directories.Usability − The data staging system also must be as usable as possible, given the underlying complexity of the task. In the last few years, this has translated into a graphical user interface. A good interface can ... Read More

What are the criteria for selecting the data sources?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:17:17


There are various criteria for selecting the data sources which are as follows −Data accessibility − If two possible feeds exist for the data, one is stored in binary files maintained by a set of programs written before the youngest project team member was born and the other is from a system that reads the binary documents and supports more processing, then the decision is obvious.Data accuracy − As data is passed from system to system, many modifications are made. Sometimes data elements from other systems are added, and sometimes existing elements are processed to create new elements and other ... Read More

What are the tools of dimensional modelling project?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:15:59


There are various tools to facilitate the project are as follows −Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix − The matrix produced by the design team in their internal meetings can be cleaned up and used as a presentation support for meetings with several designers, authority, and end-users. The matrix is very useful as a high-level introduction to the design. It provides each audience a look of what the eventual function of the data warehouse will develop into.Fact Table Diagram − After preparing Bus Architecture the matrix, it can prepare a logical diagram of each completed fact table. The fact table not ... Read More

What is the method for designing an Individual Fact Table?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:14:47


There are the following methods for designing an Individual Fact Table which is as follows −Choosing the Data Mart − It can be choosing the data mart in the simplest method is the same as choosing the legacy source of information. Typical data marts involve purchase orders, shipments, retail sales, payments, or user connections. These can be an instance of single-source data marts.In some cases, it can define a data mart that should contain multiple-legacy sources. The instance of a multiple-source data mart is user profitability, where legacy sources that define revenue should be combined with legacy sources that represent ... Read More

What is Dimensional Modeling?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:06:21

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Dimensional modeling is a logical design method that follows to present the data in a standard structure that is perceptive and enables high-performance access. It is genetically dimensional and observes to a discipline that needs the relational model with several restrictions.Each dimensional model is composed of one table with a multipart key, known as the fact table, and a group of smaller tables known as dimension tables. Each dimension table has an individual element primary key that correlates to one of the elements of the multipart key in the fact table. This distinctive star-like structure is known as star join. ... Read More

What are the approaches of the Business Dimensional Lifecycle?

Updated on 09-Feb-2022 13:01:12


There are various approaches of Business Dimensional Lifecycle which are as follows −Project planning − Project planning addresses the description and scoping of the data warehouse project, such as readiness evaluation and business justification. These are the tasks because of the high visibility and costs related to data warehouse projects.Project planning targets resource and skill-level staffing requirements, coupled with project task assignments, continuation, and sequencing. The resulting integrated project plan recognizes all tasks related to the Business Dimensional Lifecycle and the parties included. It can deliver as the foundation for the ongoing administration of the data warehouse project. Project planning ... Read More
