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What are the methods for generating frequent itemsets?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:30:47

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Apriori is the algorithms to have strongly addressed the combinatorial burst of frequent itemset generation. It implements this by using the Apriori principle to shorten the exponential search area. Despite its important performance enhancement, the algorithm acquires considerable I/O overhead because it needed making various passes over the transaction recordset.The act of the Apriori algorithm can degrade essentially for dense data sets because of the enhancing width of transactions. Several methods have been produced to overcome these drawbacks and enhance the effectiveness of the Apriori, algorithm.The following is a high-level description of these methods which are as follows −Traversal of ... Read More

What are Maximal Frequent Itemsets?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:28:28

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A maximal frequent itemset is represented as a frequent itemset for which none of its direct supersets are frequent. The itemsets in the lattice are broken into two groups such as those that are frequent and those that are infrequent. A frequent itemset border, which is defined by a dashed line.Each item set situated above the border is frequent, while those located under the border (the shaded nodes) are infrequent. Between the itemsets residing near the border, {a, d}, {a, c, e}, and {b, c, d, e} are treated to be maximal frequent itemsets because their direct supersets are infrequent.An ... Read More

What is the complexity of the Apriori Algorithm?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:21:18

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The computational complexity of the Apriori algorithm can be influenced by the following factors which are as follows −Support Threshold − Lowering the support threshold results in higher itemsets being stated as frequent. This has an unfavorable effect on the computational complexity of the algorithm because higher candidate itemsets should be produced and counted.The maximum size of frequent itemsets also influences to improve with lower support thresholds. As the maximum size of the frequent itemsets improves, the algorithm will be required to create more passes over the data set.Number of Items (Dimensionality) − As the number of several items increases, ... Read More

What is Support Counting?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:17:48

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Support counting is the procedure of deciding the frequency of appearance for each candidate itemset that survives the candidate pruning step of the apriori-gen function.One method for doing this is to compare each transaction against each candidate itemset and to refresh the support counts of candidates included in the transaction. This method is computationally costly, particularly when the multiple transactions and candidate itemsets are high.A second approach is to enumerate the itemsets included in each transaction and need them to refresh the support counts of their specific candidate itemsets. Consider a transaction t that includes five items, {I, 2, 3, ... Read More

Why use Support and Confidence in data mining?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:14:15

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Support is a substantial measure because a rule that has very low support can appear easily by chance. A low support rule is also feasible to be tedious from a business viewpoint because it cannot be profitable to enhance items that users seldom purchase together.An association rule is an implication description of the form X→Y where X and Y are disjoint itemsets, i.e., $\mathrm{X\cap\:Y=\phi}$. The durability of an association rule can be computed in terms of its support and confidence. Support decides how to provide a rule that is accessible to a given data set, while confidence decides how frequently ... Read More

What are Sampling-Based Approaches?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:12:32


Sampling is a broadly used method for handling the class imbalance problem. The concept of sampling is to change the distribution of examples so that the rare class is well defined in the training set. There are various techniques for sampling such as undersampling, oversampling, and a hybrid of both approaches. For example, consider a data set that includes 100 positive examples and 1000 negative examples.In the method of undersampling, a random sample of 100 negative examples is selected to form the training set ahead with all the positive examples. One issue with this method is that some of the ... Read More

What are Random Forests?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:08:44


Random forest is a class of ensemble approaches particularly designed for decision tree classifiers. It integrates the predictions made by several decision trees, where each tree is created based on the values of a separate set of random vectors.The random vectors are produced from a constant probability distribution, unlike the adaptive methods used in AdaBoost, where the probability distribution is diverse to target instances that are difficult to classify.Bagging needs decision trees is a definite case of random forests, where randomness is inserted into the model-building procedure by randomly selecting N samples, with restoration, from the initial training set. Bagging ... Read More

What are the methods for constructing an Ensemble Classifier?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:07:01


The concept is to build multiple classifiers from the initial data and then aggregate their predictions when describing unknown examples. The ensemble of classifiers can be constructed in several methods which are as follows −By manipulating the training set − In this method, multiple training sets are generated by resampling the initial data as per some sampling distribution. The sampling distribution decides how likely it is that instances will be chosen for training, and it can change from one trial to another. A classifier is constructed from each training set using a specific learning algorithm. Bagging and boosting are instances ... Read More

What are the characteristics of SVM?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:05:23

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A classification approach that has received considerable scrutiny is the support vector machine (SVM). This approach has its roots in statistical learning theory and has displayed promising empirical outcomes in several practical applications, from handwritten digit identification to text classification.SVM also operates with high-dimensional data and prevents the curse of dimensionality issues. There is the second element of this approach is that it defines the decision boundary using a subset of the training instances, called the support vectors.SVM can be prepared to explicitly view this type of hyperplane in linearly separable data. It can achieve by displaying how the SVM ... Read More

What are the characteristics of ANN?

Updated on 11-Feb-2022 13:00:02

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An artificial neural network is a system placed on the functions of biological neural networks. It is a simulation of a biological neural system. The feature of artificial neural networks is that there are several structures, which required several approaches of algorithms, but regardless of being a complex system, a neural network is easy.These networks are between the specific signal-processing sciences in the director’s toolbox. The space is hugely interdisciplinary, but this technique will restrict the view to the engineering viewpoint.The input/output training data are essential in neural network technology because they send the essential record to “find” the optimal ... Read More
