Found 6702 Articles for Database

How to connect hibernate with MySQL Database?

Updated on 26-Aug-2022 11:28:09

7K+ Views

In this article, we will see how we can connect to MySQL database using an ORM (object relational mapping) framework like hibernate. First of all, we need to add maven dependency for hibernate in our pom.xml file − org.hibernate hibernate-core 5.6.2.Final Now, let us define an entity class that will be mapped to a database table using hibernate. @Entity @Table( name = " Employee") public class Employee { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) Long id; @Column(name = ... Read More

How does Hibernate Second Level Cache Works?

Updated on 26-Aug-2022 11:24:31

2K+ Views

Caching helps to reduce database network call, for executing queries. First level cache is linked with a session. It is implemented implicitly. First level cache exist only till the session object is there. Once session object is terminated/closed, there will be no cache objects. Second level cache works across multiple sessions objects. It is linked with a session factory. Second level cache objects are available to all the session in a single session factory. These cache objects are terminated when that particular session factory is closed. Implementing second level caching We need to add the following dependencies in order to ... Read More

What is Bucketing in Hive?

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 12:30:31

3K+ Views

Bucketing is a method in Hive which is used for organizing the data. It is a concept of separating data into ranges known as buckets. Bucketing in hives comes helpful when the use of partitioning becomes hard. A user can determine the range of a specific bucket by the hash value. Partitioned tables can be bucketed to separate the data further to perform queries more efficiently. Every bucket is stored as a file within the table or the partition’s directories on HDFS. The records having a similar value within a column are always stored in the same bucket. Bucketing can ... Read More

RDD Shared Variables In Spark

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 12:29:12


The full name of the RDD is a distributed database. Spark performance is based on this ambiguous set, enabling it to consistently cope with major data processing conditions, including MapReduce, streaming, SQL, machine learning, graphs, etc. Spark supports many programming languages, including Scala, Python, and R. RDD also supports the maintenance of material in these languages. How to create RDD Spark supports RDDS architecture in many areas, including local file systems, HDFS file systems, memory, and HBase. For the local file system, we can create RDD through the following way − val distFile = sc.textFile("file:///user/root/rddData.txt") By default, Spark takes ... Read More

Sqoop Integration with Hadoop Ecosystem

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 12:27:12


Data was previously stored in relational data management systems when Hadoop and big data concepts were not available. After introducing Big Data concepts, it was essential to store the data more concisely and efficiently. However all data stored in the related data management system needs to be transferred to the Hadoop archive. With Sqoop, we can transfer this amount of personal data. Sqoop transfers data from a related database management system to a Hadoop server. Thus, it facilitates the transfer of large volumes of data from one source to another. Here are the basic features of Sqoop − Sqoop ... Read More

What are the different data types in Apache Pig?

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 12:18:09

4K+ Views

Apache Hadoop is a data file system, but to perform data processing, we need an SQL, such as a language that can change data or make complex data conversions according to our requirements. Apache PIG can achieve this data manipulation. An advanced writing language like SQL is used with Hadoop to create the Pig. Pig Data types work with formal and informal data and are translated into a Map Reduce number processed in the Hadoop collection. We must know about Pig Data Types before understanding operators in Pig. Any data uploaded to a pig has a specific structure and schema ... Read More

Difference between Anonymity and Confidentiality

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Dec-2022 07:20:58


Humans go through different stages in their personal and professional lives during which they undergo situations or experiences after which privacy and information security becomes a vital requirement for them. For example, a person approaching someone from the medical profession would much appreciate his medical data remain protected from others so that he/she doesn’t face discrimination at home or work. Similarly, a company tasked with conducting surveys and running research activities is obliged to maintain strong anonymity and confidentiality measures in regard to their survey pool. In some sectors-- such as medicine, religion, and politics, to mention a ... Read More

Difference between Sync and Backup

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 07:15:14


The act of copying data from one area to another, typically from one hard drive to another, is what we normally call as "backing up." This can be done manually or automatically. Synchronization is the process of ensuring that two different sites have the same collection of files by manually or automatically copying or deleting them as required. Syncing is a faster option, but it comes with a risk. Read through this article to find out more about Sync and Backup and how they are different from each other. What is Sync? Synchronization (sync) is the process of ensuring that ... Read More

Difference between IoT and Big Data

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 14:34:37

2K+ Views

Both the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data are currently the trending topics that are frequently discussed in the context of the information technology industry. It is practically impossible to discuss one of these topics without also bringing up the other. Both are the wave of the future when it comes to data, and by data, we mean enormous amounts of data. We are now living in a digital age in which new things are constantly being linked to the Internet in an effort to make people's lives easier.Read through this article to get an overview of IoT and ... Read More

Difference between Hierarchical Database and Relational Database

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 14:22:13

3K+ Views

The storing and processing of data in database management systems is one of the most significant functions that business organisations perform with their data. Users of a database management system can access their data in the way they like, because the system hides the storage details. Users are provided an abstraction of the data through the usage of database models.When it comes to building databases, the two most popular types of database models are hierarchical and relational.What is a Hierarchical Database?IBM's first attempt at developing a data model in traditional database systems, which took place in 1968, resulted in the ... Read More
