Found 6702 Articles for Database

Automated Database Design Tools

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 16:02:49


Introduction Automated database design tools can be a useful resource for developers and data professionals looking to streamline the database design process. These tools can help create efficient and effective databases, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using automated database design tools, discuss some popular options, and provide examples of how these tools can be used in real-world scenarios. Benefits of Automated Database Design Tools There are several benefits to using automated database design tools, including − Efficiency − Automated database design tools can help save time by ... Read More

Audit Trail in DBMS

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 16:00:43

3K+ Views

Introduction An audit trail, also known as a transaction log, is a record of all changes made to a database in a DBMS (database management system). It is used to track and monitor database activity, identify and troubleshoot issues, and ensure data integrity and security. In this article, we will explore the purpose and benefits of audit trails in DBMS, how they work, and provide real-life and SQL code examples of their implementation and use. What is an audit trail in DBMS? An audit trail is a chronological record of all database transactions, including insertions, updates, and deletions. It captures ... Read More

Difference between Interlingua Approach and Transfer Approach?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:35:10


In natural language processing, the interlingua and transfer techniques are employed to facilitate language translation and other language-related activities. These techniques are valuable because they enable automatic text translation from one language to another, which may be beneficial in a number of scenarios such as international communication or the processing of vast volumes of multilingual text data. In this post, we will examine and contrast the Interlingua Approach with the Transfer Approach. What is the Interlingua Approach? The interlingua approach is a method for translating text from one language to another in natural language processing. Its foundation is the idea ... Read More

Top Splunk Interview Questions

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:57:06


With the help of Splunk, businesses may employ on-premises data centers, public clouds, apps, services, and third-party technologies to extract insightful information from data. As a Splunk Administration Analyst, there are several possibilities to advance in some of the top businesses worldwide. Some of the most significant Splunk admin interview questions and responses are provided here to assist you in choosing your career path. Define Splunk Splunk is basically a piece of software that is used for finding, displaying, and keeping track of massive data that is produced by machines. It keeps track of many log file kinds and saves ... Read More

Difference between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 15:54:55


The world we now inhabit is not perfect. The news is constantly filled with stories of natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis that wipe away entire towns and put a halt to human economic activity when they pass through our globe. Natural disasters have a devastating impact on business operations across the world, in addition to disrupting the lives of ordinary people. The need for organizations and service providers to prepare for the likelihood of disruptions to their operations and the services offered by technology has consequently increased dramatically. Having a number of different contingency plans available might ... Read More

How to restart a NoSQL Database service like MongoDB?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 08:57:14


If we're going to use a NoSQL DB for our app, then we want something fast and easy to use. We learn that "NoSQL" doesn't necessarily imply "no maintenance". We think about using managed hosting services like MongoDB's Atlas or Amazon's DynamoDB, but we choose to host it ourselves, whether on our premises or in our own cloud instance. We evaluate several NoSQL options including Redis and Cassandra and pick MongoDB. We may be able to get it installed by installing it from our Linux distribution, using Mongo’s repositories, or using a snap. But if something goes wrong, we might ... Read More

Difference between GDPR and Privacy Shield

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 06:37:25


Online information is vulnerable to third parties' abuse, such as identity theft, fraud, and phishing schemes. The internet has provided countless new avenues for commerce and communication, but it has also made it simpler for identity thieves to target their victims. Thus, it is important to protect the sensitive data that many businesses, nonprofits, and governments have on file, such as loyalty program information, customer data, data collection, transaction details, and employee information. Several rules and regulations, like the General Data Protection Regulation and the Privacy Shield, have been adopted in various regions of the world to ensure this is ... Read More

Difference between Centralized Data Storage and Distributed Data Storage

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2022 11:48:26

2K+ Views

The capacity to retain data is rapidly emerging as one of the most crucial features of contemporary business, government, and even personal life. Most successful companies have data storage systems that are properly organized, secure, and easy to access when necessary. Accounting records, policy documents, and human resources information, to mention a few examples, must be kept in a safe system that provides security against data loss and theft and has a reliable recovery method in place. Saving space and money through effective data storage is preferable to maintaining data in files or on a computer. Centralized data storage ... Read More

Knowledge based agents in AI

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:35:51

5K+ Views

Knowledge-based agents represent searchable knowledge that can be reasoned. These agents maintain an internal state of knowledge, take decisions regarding it, update the data, and perform actions on this data based on the decision. Basically, they are intelligent and respond to stimuli like how humans react to different situations. Examples − Based on the user's question (that behaves as the external stimuli), they provide an answer from their knowledge base (the data warehouse where they store basic knowledge) that provides a satisfactory answer to the user’s question. Knowledge Base Features It has the below-mentioned features − Knowledge base (KB) It is ... Read More

How to customize the Result of JPA Queries with Aggregation Functions?

Updated on 26-Aug-2022 11:34:40

2K+ Views

Most of the time when we use JPA queries, the result obtained is mapped to an object/particular data type. But When we use aggregate function in queries, handling the result sometimes require us to customize our JPA query. Let’s understand this with help of an example (Department, Employee) − @Entity public class Dept { @Id private Long id; private String name; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "dep") private List emp; //Getters //Setters } A department can have one or more ... Read More
